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� - - <br /> ���'�;1 <br /> �..... � D�C�D C���O�D �loo �0� <br /> __ ��_ �: _ _ __ <br /> b u-1YLOP7j&BA7��'LL`TT CU.,Print�np�I,ilTaographing��d Coun3y�2tppiaesl�7rnain . _. ,.. .,.. _._ _,- _ _ _ _ � _ _ _ _� <br /> -.e�— _ - - -_ __ _„_. _,_ � : _ _--_. � _. -,,.. ...�_- __ __Y.__._ . _____...� __ .---°-- <br />_ . . _ _ . ... :-: _ _ _ —_. . __--. �--v_ _.�____�=._�._._. ---- <br /> FK��� I hereby certify that this irzstrurn,ent was entered on Numerical <br /> Index,an.d filed for record this________8___________.__dar�of__QC�O1Jer___._______ <br />' .fl. D., 19-1',2---, cct--- - - - - -°._��,?- - --------o'clock---A„_.M. <br /> ----- --------�Tnil---Z,._T_halsrlT--_r.ingl�---- ___----- Warranty ;-� <br /> 7'� Deed. - <br /> - --- --- ------------- �- <br /> - --- - - -�- -�t�f Pivr------------------- <br /> ' Re�iste of Deeds, <br /> ---------- -------�Q s-�-ph--A_._�?���_�i;�s -- - ----- -- ----- <br /> B�- ---------- ---- ---- <br /> De <br /> ---- -- ---------------- -- -- -- -- -- - puty' <br /> �.�o� �YY �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�t� : <br /> ����------ - --I,- -�i?%il L_._The�e.�, . _" s�.���-�"- -- - ---- - ---------------- ------ ------------ ---- ----------------------�--------------- <br /> of tke Countr� of--------------:.��.-�-- -------- --_ccrr,<l Stcrfe ot'-----i1e p�'��-k-'``------------------ - -------------Grarzto�•---------, in consideratiorz , <br /> --- ---- -- - - <br /> of the sum o�-------Gna--Hu�dr-�d-T-i,-ent� -�'�v� - -- ------ --------------------- - --------------------- --------------------- - ------------------DOLL�1RS, <br /> in hand paid, do_�B__--------hereby GR.gNT, B�FIRC.�4I✓1'', SELL, .RND CONVEY'urato-----�Z45-el�h---A-.-�1�111��------------------------------------------- <br /> -------------------------- - -- --- ---- ------- -_ _ - --- - --- -------------------------- -- ---- --..------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- - -- <br /> of the Count�J��-------- �c111 ------ - - --- -und.State o�--------- -- -- -�I��x_SS�{s'�----------- -------- ----- -- ---------,Grarztee------, the followin� <br /> deseribed premises, situated irz the County of___.__________Hs�ll__ __ _______._________.__________________and State of Nebr�v�ka, to wit: <br /> ..............Lot.__.�1ur�ber___�ev�n_...('7_)__,Flo%k__Iv'umber.._Seven__�7_)____in_��a�C_oll___ana___Lef lan�.s___Aadit iqn___to_.W.g.o.d..River <br />� --- ...._�---a�.CUr.;�.inb�-�o- th-e-- G-�-��i^.i�l..'��at---t_he_�.eQ.�...., -- . �-------�-�--�. .................. . .--- ---- ---------------------------�--------------�--------- ---�-----� <br /> �----- -------�- - -------- -� ----- - - - --- ------- -...- �------ -------------------�------------------------�----�---- ------ .....---- __._......_-....----------------- ----------- -- -----------------�-------------...----------- <br /> I ----------------- ---_.------------------- - ------.___.- ----..,--------------------------.... <br />� ----� ... ................. .-------- - - ---- ---...- - - -- -....---....-------------------- --- --------------._...- --. --- ---------------- --------- <br /> ----- -- ---- ------------------------- -- -�----------..._._---------- <br />�I ................��-----�---------�----.... ----_.... ----.._.._ --- - - <br /> --- - ----._..-- �---- - ---- - - -�---- -...-----------_. - - ------- ------ -------------------� <br /> .................------- -�-��---.............---------�--- -------- <br /> ------------ ----------------- ------- ----------- -------- --- --- -- -- --- - . . ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and up�urtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,I)ou;ei•, <br /> j Curtesy,Claim and Demarid whatsoPVer of the said Grantor_______,�-�7v,�r-e�-#.l�e�a, of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br />� �D �d�1C AIY� t0 �OY� the above-deseribed pr•e�fzises, with t,he appurtenarzces, unto the said�rantee__..___and to____xl_�f3_____________ li,eirs <br /> II� and assi�ns forever. .�4nd_____I_.__.____h.ereby covenant_.__._with the said Grarztee_______.that.______.____I_____________.____ hold____._______said premises bz��ood and <br /> perfect title; that_______.____I_______________.haVE___�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free ar�d clear of all liens <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever------------------------=-- -------- --------------------------------------- <br /> ----------------------------------------------- ------ - -- - ---------- --- - --------- -- - - --- - ---- - - - - ----- - -------------------- ----------------- --------- --- ------- ----- - <br /> -- - - -- - ---- ---- -_ ---- -- --------- - - --- --- ------- -- - ---- ----- -- - -- ------------------ -_- - ----------------- - ---------------------------- <br /> ✓fnd�,____ _________._______l_____ ____.___.__ ________.___._.__ covenarct________to warrar�t and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of aZl persons <br /> whomsoever---------- - -- -- -_ - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------- -------------- ---- <br /> Dated the-------------��-O�h----------------------da�J �/�- ��--�Pt'----- - - ----- --- - -�1. D.,19_��------• <br /> TVIT.ItirESS ----FTf!_l.1---L_._Trl@ 1 @n--------- -------- --- ------------ <br /> ----------------- ------------------------- ------------------------------. <br /> ---------- - ----- - ------�.��Q!_i'�8.L1E3------------------ - -- . <br /> ST✓1TE OF NEBR✓ISK�, <br /> �ss. <br /> -------Hall---------------------County, On this-----------3-Q�h-------------da� �f---------��-�'='--�--�-----------------------------------.1. D., 19__�..�_._ , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a,Notary Publie----__-_--------------_-_---__--_-_withi,n and for said Countr�,Aersonallz� eame---------_----_--__-------_--__---_--_-_--_.--_-____--._.------_ <br /> ----------- ----- - - - ---F;mil---L_�Th�len------------------ ------------------------------------�-- --------------------------------------- --------------�----- <br /> -- ---------. ------- ---- -- ----------------------- -- ---- - ------ -- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ----- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical persorc___________whose name__________________h�_______________�fj"ixed to the above <br /> �S�AL} instrumerzt as�rantor_.____._, ar�d_________________h_�____,________�everally acknowled�ed the same to be_______h�_____.voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose thereijz expressed. <br /> IN W7TNESSWHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and afj`Exed my ofJicial seal at_______________________ <br /> 7VOQS1___R�._Y_�_�?____�.5�___s���_�_QL1.Slty�___________orc the date Zast above written. <br /> ---------------------�-._D�9__K__�n�--------------------------------- --- <br /> ✓1�'otarz�Public. <br /> .My commission expires------ -- - ---- --- - -- -- ------J-�?Zy---l9r----- -------19.1$-----• <br />