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. <br /> •.,:�" �� .. <br /> M _.. DC�D C�C��O�D �oo ��� <br /> _ _ __ __ _ _ <br />_=_ _�...�_ _ : _ . _ ��_ _ � _____4 ___ __ _ ___ ___ .___ -_ _ _ _ <br /> �oa�U KLOFP k B`rt'RfiLETT L`O.�Printin9,7.ilitonr¢�hi�egdii�Laundv';SuPPliest DmaTia. " __ . ___. __— ._ <br />��_--�_� �._:,__ .._. �._�_ _,,,, __ _ , ._._.,..__ _ ._ _, . __,�_ _�,.�.� _..;,._ ,_�,_ _ _. -- --_____-�_.��._. __.___ _ -----------:° <br /> _ �—� _ . _.. <br /> FROJ6T I hereby certify that this instrurnent was entered ora Numerical <br /> Index a.nd filed for record this--------$--------------day of_----��.�QbBx---------- ' <br /> ---- ---- �'Ts�Ylk_��rt.�. s_� 1_�_ - --- - �1. D., 19-1,�2----, at--- ___ _ 9_.3Q _- - ------o'ctocic------AM. <br /> n,----- ng �Warranty <br /> rp ' Deed. ; _ -, <br /> � ---�----�����- <br /> -- ------ -- - - -- - ----------- - <br /> Re�ister Deeds, <br /> ------- --------- E_v__a_�arran• -- - -- - - <br /> ��----- - -- _ -- --- - --- ------------ <br /> De <br /> ----- ----------- - ----- ----- - - -- -- - - - - --_ --- puty. <br /> �.�o� �.YY �er� �p ��je�e �re�e�t� : <br /> ����----- - ---�r-- Fr�'�k__3ar_t-ox� �- single--man- --- - - -- - ----------- - ---- ----------- -----------------------------------�--------------- --- - ---- <br />' of the County of-----------H31_1-------------------._arzcl, b'tccte of----------------------------�?e'QraS_ka----------- --------------Grantor-----------, in consideratiorz <br /> '� _____DOLL�RS, <br />',, of the sum of_------ - F1V�---hL�!drQS� - - - ---- ------------ ------------------------------ - - - ------------------------�--------- - <br /> ------- ---- - ---- <br />�, in hand paid, do--------------�a,erebz� GRd4NT, B,l1RG.l�I�h'', SEI,L, dIND COJV'VEY'unto .�_Y_3__�13Tr8ri-------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> of the CountJ of----i�SQ111'Cr1B----- --------- ----and State of_-------------------__I11�.T10-18----------------------------- ----. -------------,Grantee--------, the followin� <br /> described premises situated an the C,ounty of____ _xs'�1�.._ _._____ . ___.____.________.__________.______.____and tate of ebrt�ka to wit: <br /> ' '�dacCo�l and'Leflang's Second <br /> --------...Lot_.s.....N4_._T�-�----��Q�---�leven---�11)-- �.nd Tw�lve --(12)-----i.n_.Flo.c-k---"--E"----in.���.Adc�i�.i.on---t.o....To.p,n --flf---- ------ <br /> _.. ..____..��'.o_od_ River ..T?e�ras�a,__ac_�.or_:�ing___to___th.�__.plat____of__�aid.._Af1;� <br /> - -- -of'f-l�e--af --the..�.ount-y-C-1-�r-k o.f_..saia._�:a1.1..Co.unt y�--- - --- - --- ------- -�-- ------------�---------�--- --------- <br /> ------....--._. _--- ------- --- -- -- ------ --- -- -__.............. .--------�-----�---�----------------------------.....-.--....---._..._... ---- ----- --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -- ------�---- ---- -- - -- - -- -- -- - -- - ----- - - ---- ---- -- -- � --- -_.......- ..__._..._------------- -----------�--�-�-----�---...---....----------- -------- -----�--_....------ _ ---...----------- -------------------� � <br /> ----._. �- ---- -------- ----- --- ---.....---- --�- ------ --- - ._...--------------------------.....--------------- ------------.....-- - ---- -- ----- -------.._---- - --- - -- ..... ------------------------......--------------------- <br /> ----------- ------------�--------------- -------------------- ---- ------ - ---- -- ----�- - ----- ---------- --- -----�- .....__....-- -----...........---�--------------- ----� --------- -- - ------.... ----....- --------------------- ----- <br /> ------------------------------ -- ---- -- ---------.__ . _ .. .._----------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belo�2�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dozver°, <br />, Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoez�er of the said Grantor__.____,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br />, � �CD ���1C dIY� t0 �OY� the above-described prem.ises,with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee_______and to._____h�T_______.___ h,eirs <br /> and assi�nsforever. .flnd___�__.________._hereby covenant______with the said Grai2tee.._____that,____I___ri�W__________________h,old__________said prerrzises by�ood and <br />'i perfeet title; that.._________�_______.__..__hcti?'�__�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and eonve� the same; that they are free and eleccr of all lien,s <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- <br /> ---- -- --- - - _ . - - - ---- - -- --� -- --- - ---- ---- -- - - - - ------------- ----------------- --- ------- ---------- --------------------------------- <br /> ..Rnd___.._____.___.____________.__I_._______________ _. -_._ _.________ covenant_______to wart�ant and defend th,e said premi,ses a�uinst the lawful claim,s of all person,s <br /> whomsoever- ------ - - -- - - __ _ - - - --- -_------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ----------- ---------------- ----- - - --- ---------- <br /> Dated the-----------��--���---------- -- --------------da�J �t�- Al��-11 -- ---- - - - -�1. D., 19Q�------• <br /> W'ITNESS ----�rank__aa�_�_Qn---------------------- -- -------------------- <br /> R .J .C lar k ----------------------------------------------------------- --- -------------------- <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR�SK�, <br /> 1-1a1 �SS. r, N <br /> ------------•----------1-------------County, Ora this-------------�-��-------------------da�J �f--------���-�-�------------------------------------�. D., 19__Q�_ ._ , before me, <br /> �ommissioned <br /> the urzdersi�ned, a✓l�'ota�y Public-----�uly_-�----__--_-_-------withir�and for said County,personally came_--------_--_.--_-----_--_-__---._ ---___-_--_-_--_--_-_-_--_ <br /> ------- -�'rank__�ar-t�n�-- a--s-z��-��---n�ar�------------- -------------------------------------- ----------------------------- -------------- ------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical persor�_______.____whose name________hg_________________.________a fj'ixed to the above <br /> �SEAL) instrument as�rantor___.____, and_____?16________________ _______severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be_______�11�___�___voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> INW'IT✓1�'ESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�"'ixed my ofj'icial seal at_________________________ <br /> ____ii'_O_4_C�__�_].v�x�_._.Z�Q_�_______________ ________________orz the date last above written. <br /> ------------- -----------�eo-�---7�' .�i i 11 e r--------------------- <br /> Notarz�Public. <br /> .Mz� eommission expires----------------------------------------T1ove�iber------lOth---------19-1Q-----• <br />