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��'� <br /> � D�C�D C�C��O�D �oo ��� <br /> _ � . �_ __ __ _ - - _ �- _ _ __ -- _ __ <br />� -- uba.U-KLOPP&BARTI.ETT CO.,Printinp,LilhograPtcing cc�z�l t'oecnt,y SupPties:�(3riza7ia. � � '� � � _ _� _ . � � -- <br /> FRO✓VI I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on ,Numerical <br /> Index and.�iled for record this-------�----------------daJ of----��tQb��---------- <br /> . .Fl. .I)., 19--1-3-----, at.---_ __4_._$Q__ - -- -------o'clock'-- -P__�_✓Yl. <br /> ------- Uly__�sess _S trran�__Ro.�-- &--�r��'e_----- Warranty <br /> TO Deed. �� J ��ry <br /> - ----------------- ����1���-�---------------------- -- --- -- - <br /> Re�ister Peeds, <br /> ________ _.______���1.1�__1�-r�+1c'��.�-1��_ ___.__._'_._ <br /> B�J------- ----- - -- -- __ ---- - -- --------------------- <br /> ; Deputz�. <br /> �.�oi� ��� �e� �p �C�je�e ��e�e�t�: <br /> � ---------------- _ -�--------------- - --- <br /> ���.�---�v_er--t�lys_s�s-s---S_.�ran�__.Fio e--�nd_ ;aat y-i-e- -P_..8o-e�----hus�;and---an.d--u��-z�a <br /> -------------------_craad <Strrte o ----.------------------Tu8-�1T1�k�------ --------------- ---- -Grantor--8-----, in cofzsideration <br /> of the County of_-__-H3I,1--- f <br /> Tti,o hundr ed F 1 f t e er and no�1 O O ----_-----------------------------------_---------._DOLL�IRS, <br /> of the sum of_----------�------- - ------ - --�--- - ---'- ------ - -- - --------------------------- ------ - --- ---------- <br /> in hand paid, do_-__---_-_-__her•eby GR.f1J�"T, B,FIRG.FIIN, SELL, �.Nn co.NV'E�z�nto-_-�illiam_.�G'_.?,�a1�I11�X1-------__-_--_-__-__-____,- <br /> - ---------------- <br /> -------------- ---------------- -- ---- ----- ----- - ----- -------------------------------- - - ------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- ---------------- ---- -- ----- <br />, of the Count�9 of----- ,-T�a.11 ----- -----a,nd State o�--- - i3_��T2�Ska - - -- ..-------- --- --- -- --- -__ -- - -----,Grant,ee--------, the followin� <br /> I described premises, situated in the County of_._ ,_�~;all_ __ ______.. _ __ccnd b`tate of Nebra�ka, to wi.t: : <br /> - - ----------------- -------- <br /> --..._.Lot.s_.fs�ux_..-(�4-,�---.and--�_i�..--�-6-)---.of--En�t.Er.-'--s--uubci_iy_i�.iQn---af...La��_.__�1_e_�r��.._..Cl�.�----az�.d---tw_�.�.ve....��,�..)....o�---------- <br /> -------�'_oad..L���n...�u.�.da..yis_iQn---�f---�art--a-f---�.o_ut-h---East----s�uart.��.....(�E--��----o�---No�t.k�_...�a�.�__.�uar.�_��-----�N�--��....ara__. <br /> ______�a,rt___of___lv'orth_,r.ast___quar_t_er___�r1E__ ,��_..o.f_S_outh___East.._guart_er„_(SE...��____af___sect_ion__twent_y___four___(24) in <br /> -----_.TII��n---t en---(-1Q�---��ox-th--Qf---Ra�g�---tw-e-lue-----(,7.2.-)---�f-es-t---o.f___the----s_iat�h._�r.ir_c-iral---mericiian-.--- <br /> �--.............----- - ---------�uba-B-�-t- '��- -t-h�--t�ax,e�- -subs_equ�n�--�Q--]..�.1..0..... ---� ----------._....__...... --� -._...__.___...........---�------- -------- ------------ -------- - <br /> -�---------_...... -- ---- ----- ---�---- ------- _ --------------------- --�----------�-----�-------------- -------------- --------.... -- -�--- ----.._........--------- -------- -- - ------------------------...---...------------.._.------ <br />; .------�----- --.. ....................... .. . ... ..-- -- - -------- ---�---- ---- ----- ...--- ----- ---- -�----------- ------ -...- � ----- ...--�-� --- --...._....-- ----------...._....-----�--- ------�- ------- ----- ------------- <br />; --------------- ---- ------------.�- - ---- - - - - - -- - - - --- - -- - - -_ .. . <br /> To�sether with all the tenements, heredita,mertts, arzd appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dozoer, <br />'� Curtesy,Claim an.d Demand whatsoever of the sccid Grantor____.__.,��e�T9,er-�nti, of, in,, or to the same, or czny part thereof. <br />�, �0 ��11Q dll� t0 �OY� the above-descri,bed prernises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee_._____and to_______h��_________ heirs <br /> and asSi�ns forever. .gnd_____Yk8_______hereby covencclzt______with the said Crantee_.____._that___________________��'_8_______ hold___________said prerr�ises br��ood and <br /> perfect title; that___________�t_8______._--_--__ha__YS_�ood ri�ht and Cawful authority to sell and convey the same; that thez� are free and elear of ald liens <br /> and incumbrarcces whatsoever------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---------------------------�----------------------- ------------------------------------------- --------------------------- <br /> �lnd__________:___�!:'_e_____.___ _______________________.__-_ covenant______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever--------- --_ - --_ -- --- -._ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -•------------ <br /> - - --------------------- --- -- ------------ -- - <br /> ----------------------- -- ---- --- -- ---- ---- --------- ---- --- - -- ------------ ------ - - ---- ------ ------- ------------------------------- ---- ---------- - - --- <br /> Dated the-------------�Yld----------------------daJ �/�- ----�a� -- ---- ---- - -- -.g. D.,1911------• <br /> W7TNESS __-�_���^'�'��.---Ul-Y-s-s-�-g-�---u_.rr ar_t---F3-�-e------------------------------ <br /> ------------- -----------� �L-=S-�ragu-�----as---Y-Q-'=-f-� ---- ~ ----bqat_t_ie�__P__.RIIS--------------------- -------�----------------- <br /> --------------- -------- D-�-D._C_Kar:-� - ------- -- __ - <br /> ST.qTE OF NEBR�SK�, <br /> ss. <br /> I�a 1--- � <br /> --------------------------- 1-------------------County, On this----------3Td--------_-----------daJ of---------------•-------,l�y_-------------------------.Fl. D., 19_��_:.. , before me, <br /> the uridersi�ned, a dY'otary Public.-__-_-_--__--_---_--_-_---------avithin and for said County, personally came-_-----_------_-_-_--_------_-_-__-_----,---_-_---------____---- <br /> ------t71y_s s E_s__s_-�-.�Ir ant_.Ro e---ard__�aat t_ie---P.�o e�----hus band__and__w if e-----_--------_-------_- <br /> --- ----------- -- --- --- - --------------- --- ------------------ --- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ <br /> to me personally known to be the identieal persorz_�_________whose names_--�-g_-_---_____-___-_-_.a fJ"ixed to the above <br /> (SEAL} instrument as�rantor_�____, and_______.__th�y__.__ severally acknowled�ed the same to be.__�_he_lr___.___voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W'ITNESSWHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and a�j"ixed my ofj`Leial seal at____________________________ <br /> �U 00 C�__.R�.Y��__i�___�_�1�__�OLtT?�y__ _______________orz the date last above writterc. <br /> --------- <br /> JV'otary Publie. ; <br /> .My commission expires------- ---- --- ------ ---- -- ---- --- Ja11y__•----19---- --- -19-12------• ' ' <br />