<br /> :{.. DC�C�D C���O�D �oo �a�
<br />_—.'_ „ti,,;i3-=XL�PP"�&�SA�'1'EETT C,`O'.�Pri�ztin9,LiGhnpraPhingaric�Goxire2y"S'upptiest tTmahh.��•...:-" �-----". _ ___._._�_ �_�:�_,: __ ..-°_ - ._...-�.� __�._�� .._- --.--- — ___ ._-_ _-- -... -_-- .- . _- ._,_
<br />��_-- - -__..__ .� ._ ..._... . ... . . . :_,.._. .�..._,_.. , .. .__ . ..,..�. -�-- ---.:=,: —=_-- �---_-_ . �. .�. ... ._. _ ..... . . ... _
<br />.__-___...___ .........._. . ... .... .... . ... . ... ._ .. . . ... .. ._.. .. ...._�_.. . ._ ..�_.__. ___.._..:..,_— _._ _.._ .._
<br /> FRD✓� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered orz Numerical
<br /> Index and�i.led for�record this._______30_____._.__da�of__S6pt_ember____.__.
<br /> ./1. D., 1913------, at----_..__ -- -- 3 -------o'clock----P_._,M.
<br /> ----------------I,ydia--9.��s�---9--hus-band-- ------- Warranty �-
<br /> Deed. �
<br /> TO �
<br /> -- --- --- --- ---- --- - ---- ------------
<br /> ----� --- --- ----
<br /> Re�ister f Deeds,
<br /> ---- -- ----��.ax-1-�-�---�.��9ill�-- --- ------ ------
<br />' B�----------�------ ----- -- -- ---------------------------------------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> � �.�.o� �YY �er� �p �C�je�e ��e�e�t�:
<br />, ����---. . - -�y��,a_A.:VQae--an� _�amuel _R,Vo_s�,- _hus_b�nd__�nd_S�if�----------- ------ --------- --------------- ---- ---
<br /> I -------------------------- --------------- ------ ----- ---------- --- ------ - --- ------ ------ ----------- - -----------------------------------------------------------
<br /> of the County of--------------Hs'�1�---- urad Stcrtc; of--------------�I@�x�iS_k�-------------.---- ---- -.------Grantors_-------, in eonsideratiora
<br /> of the sum of---- ------Elght--�It121drEd-& ri0`1D0-------- --- ---------------- --------- ---------- ----------- ------ --- --------- ------- --- ---------._.DOLL.�RS,
<br /> in hand paid, do_.--_--_--------_h,ereby GR.f1.N"T, B✓1RG.,1LN, SELL, �1JV'D CONVEY'unto--__-___uhax_1_s�---�_._�!il�ls---------------_-----_----_--_-_ _---------_-_--_
<br /> --arcd�S'tate o ------- - N�k�7C38_kc1. ---- - - -- -------- - �- -
<br /> of the County of____._____________.Hr311__._._________ ._ f __________,Grafzt.ee_.______, the followin�
<br /> described premises, situated irL the Coz�nty of'_____ _.___._ _____ __LIa11.___.____ _____._____and State of Ne�ka, to wi.t:
<br /> ._.Lo:�_...NQ..,.__.S_7,xt e.�xj.----�li�)---.an�---th_�---s_fl�z�h--f._ift.�en---��.��--Q-f--Lo.t..._Nn_.FQU.rt.e.en.--(_l4-.�----in--Blo.c.k...�Io...__Elev�n.------
<br /> ---(11)---o f.._�_o lle�;e---Aa�ait_i_o_n---t-o-Yd est__Lawn--r-.an...addit_ion...tq...the...^-it.Y.---o-f._sran-�---I�landx-------------------------,-----------------.
<br /> ----- -------- -- ------ - --- -- -- - ----- ----- - --- ----�---- - ------- -.._....----- ------------------------ --------------------� -- - - - ----- --- ----------------- - - --- --- ---- --- ------ --------------------------�----------- -
<br /> ----------- -- .------ --- - - -- - - -- - - -... - - -- - �- --------- -------------------------- -------------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether zvith all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereurcto belorc�in�s, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�e�°,
<br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor____.___,ar�d of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or anz�pccrt thereof.
<br /> �CA �AYIC AI�C� t0 �OY� th-e aboz�e-described premises, with the appuTtenances, unto the said�rarztee_____.and to______h i$___.._____ h,eirs
<br /> and assi�r�s forever. J1nd____1�y_�_______hereby covenant_.__._with the said Grantee_._____that______._YY_6____________________ hold_____.______said prerriises by�ood and
<br />'' perfect title; that._________.._�8!@_________.ha�!e___600d risht and lawful authoritr� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lien,s
<br /> I', and incumbrances whatsoever---------------------_. --- -------------------_.---- -- --------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------=--
<br /> --------------------------
<br /> --------------------------------------------- -------�-- - ---- - ---- ._..--- - - ----
<br /> - -- - ---- - -- - -----
<br />' --- -- ------- - - ._ -- ------ - ----- - -- -- ---- ---- ------- ----- --- -- - - -- - ---------------------- - --- --------- - ----------------------------- -
<br /> I�'�� ,qnd_______:____________�8___._____________.._._. ____________.____ covenant_______.to warrarzt ar�d defend the said premises a�sainst the lawful claim,s of alZ person�s
<br />' whomsoever-- ------ -- - --- - - - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------•------
<br /> I ------------------------- - -- ---- ---- -_ - ------ - --- - - ------ -------- - -- --
<br /> I Dated the-----30th ---------- ----daJ �f--- - - -�ept_e711ber- -- - --.Fl. D.,19�.�-----•
<br /> tiv'zT.NESS ----Ly�ia---A.�Jose--------- - ------------- ------------------------
<br /> ----- ------- - ------ ----�u�t_a_v____S.ievers--------- -- - - - ----Sarnuel--R_._YQ.se----------------------------- ----
<br /> I ---- -.
<br /> --------- ----J_�H_._�ullin--- --- -- - ---- ---- --
<br /> ST�TE OF NEBR�SK'�,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ------------xall----------------Cour�ty, Or� this--------�_Q��1-----------------daJ of--------5_�_??�.�1��2eT-----------------------eR. D., 19_1�__. , before me,
<br /> �', ________within cznd for said Countz�, persorLally came_______.__________________________ _ '�
<br /> the undersi�ned, a d,�� ;�OUl��t�;__eTtiG�_ 8_______________
<br /> --------- ---- - __Ly_dia__A.y�s-e---�n3--fiamue_l__R_.Y�-�a--------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical persor�_�__...____whose name___8___�e____________________.___uf�'ixed to the above
<br /> instrument as�rantor_�____, and____.____��j��_._______._______severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be_.�h_Q_��'_______voluntary
<br /> (SEAL) act arcd deed for the purpose ther°ein exp�°essed.
<br /> IJV'W'IT.N'ESSW'HEREOF,Ihaveherezcnto subseribed my name and af�'ixed my of�ceial seal at______________.________
<br /> __________________rrlrid___I�1ari�l__. _ or� the date last above written.
<br /> ------- --- --J_a�.�1u11in----------------------------------------
<br /> �o ur t y Ju dg e ���c��•
<br /> .My commi.ssion expires------ - - - ----- -- -- -- ----- --- - -- -------------------------19------------•
<br />