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<br /> �`�� D��� ���O�D �O❑ ��n
<br />—�,.�_� _ ., _ ---- -:-_ __ ._ —
<br /> '�t7--K7,�PP'&BARR"Lt�'T7't'0.,1"'rinting,Lithor�raphinqandG'aunttjSu�ti�s:Oma#a.— '�_ ° . _ _, _-__ �__._.�_�. __. �_i ._. _._�_ ..,�_ ___ ---
<br /> Fx0✓� I hereby certify that this instrument wus entered on �Y'umerical
<br /> Index and filed for r•ecord this________�c�'_____.____._day of.,�.8��8�1�2Br____._._
<br /> , �9. D., 1913------ , at- -- �1�2�--- --------o'cZock,-----�.�_.M.
<br />, ----- ---�_illiam__�cile_ffEl --ar�d-���rlfe--__-- Warranty
<br /> �n Deed.
<br /> -
<br /> ------------- ---- - -��----- ---- -
<br /> - ��--
<br /> Re�sister of eeds,
<br /> --- --- -------------A_r__ar_ew__J�s s en•- - - ------
<br />;, By-------- - ---- -- ----- -- - - ----- -- - -----------------------
<br /> De ut
<br /> .---------------- ------- ------- - - -- - -- - - --- - ----- p �'
<br /> ��.o� ��� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�ct� :
<br /> ����---- - -?�'e,_. _�4'_illia�_uch��_f"el--anci._Ka�s__�^h_eft'sly._---n�_band---and__vd.if-�------------------------------� -- -- -
<br /> -- ---- -- - ----
<br /> all------------- -_ arzd �C'tcr.t� o ------------------T1212�aSkcx---------------- ----Grantor.--S----- in consideration
<br /> of the Count�9 ��------- -� ' � --------- ----- �
<br /> of the sum of_---------- F'ou�'t�eri__f�L1zT�;��'�� -�'.�.f�1r --11459�}---&'---Q4�1_'J_�-- -------- ---------------------------- -------
<br /> ------ - ---------- --------DOLL.EIRS,
<br /> in hand paid, do--------------__hereby GR�1.NT, B.FIRG./�I✓1�', SFI,.L, .F1J1rD COJV'VEY'itir�to----------_�21Ctr_f3_��t__��SS8Z1-------------------------------- ------------------
<br /> ------------------------- - - -------- --- - - ----- ------------------------ ----- ---- ----- -- ------ --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ----------------
<br /> of the County of--------I'I311-----------------_ ._----__and State of---,.�El�T_3S_k3.----------------------------_ _.-------.------,Grayttee--------, the followin�
<br /> deser•ibed premises, situated irz the Courzty of_.__ ________�Ic111____ ___________________________.__.__and State of dVebr�y&ka, to wit:
<br /> __Lqt_..Eigr�t__._.�8_)___in_.Eloc ic__Cne.____(1_). _o_f___�4_inaol�h_!s__,A�:__:�it_ion,.to_,_srand.__Is.l�r�_....�?e�rar_:��,..__as__.surveyed,.._
<br /> _.x�latta�_.ana_r.ec.orcled� -- -- - ----------------------------------------------- ....
<br /> -- --_-- -------- -------- - -- - - --- ---- ...- -- ----------- .----------------------------_---------------------------- --- --- ---- - -� �----�---- -------- -------- ---..___....---�-�--------------------------------------------
<br /> ----- ------- ---- - - - --------- -- - - ---- ------ - � -- ._.... --�--------------- ---- ------�--�---�- ------�------ ------.....--� -......... ----------�---- ------------ - -------------------------- -------._.._.
<br /> ------_-------------- ---------.....-- - - -�- ----- - - --- -----�- - - --- ----------�------------- ------- .__...._..........--- -- ._.._...---...-----� --- ---------- -------�--�---------- ------ ------- ---�-------
<br /> ---------- -- --------- --- - --- ---- -- - - -. ---------- - -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, heredita�nents, and appurtenances thereunto belorc�siri�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Irtterest,Dozver,
<br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Dema�zd whatsoe,��e,r of the said Gr•arctor,S____,a�ef-e�at�ae�-ef-�„�e�, of, in, or to the same, or an�part thereof.
<br /> �0 ���1Q AIl� t0 �OY� the above-describ�d prernises, with the appurtena�2ces, unto the said grarztee______._and to______�j_g__._______ h,eirs
<br /> ai2d assi�ns forever. .�4rtd.____���._._____hereb�covenant_.._.__zvith the said Grarztee_._____that______�`r_@____________________ hold__________said premises by�ood ar2d
<br /> er ect title• that________��e___________,__ha_ve_ ood ri ht and Zaw ul authorit to sell and corcve the same• that the are ree and elear o all lien.s
<br /> A f , � � f :� ✓ , y f f
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever________________________________._ _._______._._
<br /> -- - -- - -- - - - - .__ _ -- -- ---- - -- - ----- -- - ------------- -- - -- --- --- --------- --------------------------- ------ -------------------------------------- --
<br /> .Rnd____._______.._____________t'�_�______.__. _ ____________.____ _ coz�enant_______to warrant and defend, the said prerr2i,ses a�ainst the lawful claims of all person,s
<br /> whomsoever-- ------ - - _ _ _ -- -- --
<br /> ----------------------- --..-- -- -- -------- -- ---- - - ---- -- ---------- --- ------------ -------------- ----- -- ------------------------ -- --- ---------------- -
<br /> Dated the------------18t�---------------da� oj . _--- -�e�2t_s_IT:b�r_ --- - -.Fl. D.,191.$------•
<br /> w'IT.�v'ESS ----�'ill�am__��h�f_f_s-1-------------- ----------------- -
<br /> ---------- -- - ------L.�.Al.lan--------- ------------
<br /> ---Ka�.�__��h-ef�e1-------------------------- -------- ---- -
<br /> ST✓1TE OF NEBR.,QSK'.Fl,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ----------------------f��ll---------------County, On this--------------1���--------------daJ o�-------------����_��ilb�-�-------------------�. D., 19_��_ ._ , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a�N'otctry Public___________________________________within arzd for said Couratz�, personallz� came___________________________________.__.________________
<br /> ---------ia'i 11 i am__�^h�t_f e�.---1�d---K�#_�__S C h��f�-�r-----------•------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
<br /> to me personall� known to be the identical person_5___._____whose name_S---c��8---------------------_afJ"ixed to the above
<br /> ���AL� instrument as�rantor_�_.___, and____._t_h�_y______________________severally acknowled�ed the same to be__�h�1T________voluntar�y
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein ex�ressed.
<br /> INW'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af)cxed my of}icial seal at._______________________
<br /> rr3nd___IS_13nC3�____in__sa_is:l__v_p_Lttl.ty�_____________orz the date last above written.
<br /> -------- - -----L_.�'_.Allan----------------------------------------------
<br /> �l�'otar�Public.
<br /> . . . f�
<br /> ,My commassaon expares--------- - -- - - - -- -- - --------- _ --��-���--��----------- -.19-�-�------•
<br />