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1 <br /> c� �- � <br /> G� ��.� D D <br /> � DC�C�D ���O�D �o� �On <br /> _ _ _ _ .__ __ _ ___ _._i __�_ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ .__ __ _ - __ _ - <br />— ���iaiU-1�LOI���2��Il�TLEfiT CO.,F°rinttin.9�Lilhoqrr�phtinp uaetl CounEy Supplies;Omah<i. __ _�__._ __ — _ � <br /> FR�� I hereby certify that this instrume,n,t was entered ora Numerical <br /> Inr�ex and filed for reeord, this-----------22----_-----_daz�of_S_��?'�8�',��@�------_ <br /> �. D., 1�3-------, at- - _ _ -4 -__ -- -----o'clocic----P_.-.M. <br /> -------_H__cnr_is_t_ta-�i.-D�p-ue---&---h�s-e�a��i --- �Warranty - <br /> �� Deed. � . <br /> ------------��-�-�-'`-�� � � <br /> z� <br /> -- -- -----------�---- �, <br /> ------------------- -- <br /> Re i r o Dee,d,s, <br /> --------- -- --------I�'.i�e�s__E,S�_i�l�er�-- ---_ - - -- <br /> B�------ - - -- - - --- -------------- - ---- <br /> -----'-'----=--- - ------- - ---- -- --- -- --- -- - - -- --- - Deputy. <br /> ��:o�a ��� �er� �� ��je�e �re�er�r�: <br /> ����------ --Henr_i�t_�a__M_.Depue__and--�url--De-pus-h�r__.h�zs_��and--- -------------- -----------------------------�------------------- - --- - . <br /> i of the Countz� of-------------H-11'1----------------cr-ri,d Stu-te of---------------1�1_ebr�S_lia-------------.----------------------------------Gra�ato�°--5-------, in consideration <br /> Ii� of the sum of--------TW.Q hllrif�S'�d--aTld__riQ/00 - --- - ---- - ------------- ---------------- ------------------DOLL.gRS, <br /> an hand paid, do--------------_lzereby GR.FINT, B�RG�I.N', SFT,L, ✓1�N'D COJV'VFY'unto---------------��]�e�.6__E_�T?ielsen------------------------ ----------------- <br /> of the CountJ��- -- ---- �:�il l - - -----and State of----- - --- -- --- NEbraS_ka ------ ------ -_ - -- ------,Grantee--------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the County of____. _______________.. Ha11______________________..___________and State of Nebr�eka, to wi•t: <br /> ..........................Th-e---�a:�_--h�-1-f--c�.��__�Q-t----�ne----(1�---ana---th-e---e.ast---hal-f--of---lot--Tv�'o._,..��.}....ard.._the---�'outh_._e_ighteEn----(18) <br /> __________________________f�_e,�t._..of__.t_r�e___e2st__ha1_f_.o_f;__lot__three____(3)___al]._ _in___Block.__�eventEer _(_17)____ir__Pae_ker &_ F,arr' s... <br /> --- - - -- -- 2nd�-.a��dit ion-to --the__C_ity--o f...srand--Is_land,- I�lebra�ka_.._.._...-�---------------------------------- ------------------------- - -- ------ <br /> ---- ---... -- --------- -- -----�--- -- - ---- ------ ---- - -- __..-- ---- ---------- �-----,._-- ---�--......._....----........---�--��------....._.....-- --- - ---- ------ ------------------ ------ --------------�----------___....__ _. <br /> --._..._--- -..------- - --- - - - -- ----- - - - ------- - -------�------------------�--------- ----�------------------- - - ----------- -- -- ----------------- ---- - - -------------------------�----------------.........--- <br /> --__....-- - -----....-�- - - � --- - -- - -- - - ---- .._ ---- __.._ - ----- --- -------- -- ---- - ..-- ---- ------�---------�----..........--- .. - -- ------�-..........--- - .........- -------------------- - -------.. <br />, ------------------------- - - -- - -- - --- ---- --- - - - - - ----- -�- ------------------------------------------------------ <br /> To�sether with all the tenements, hered�taments, und appurterLances thereurcto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dozve.r, <br /> Curtesz�,Claim:and'Dem�znd whatsoe�3er of the said Grantor_____._,and of either of them, of, ira,or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �0 ���1C tT1Y� t0 �0�� the above-descr�ibed prernises, with the appurtenarzces, unto the said�rar�tee_______and to________h i�_________ heirs <br />', and assi�ras forever. .,4nd_.____{td�_____here�y covenant_____wct,h the said Grantee_.______that_____R'_S________________________ hold_._________said premises by�ood and <br />�'�i perfect title; that__.___:_.____Y;'S______________hc�e___�ood ri�ht and dawfut authority to sell ar�d convey the same; tha� they are free and clear of all lieres <br /> and incumbrances whatsoeve�---------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----------------------------------------------- ----- ---------------- - -- --- -- ----------- ---- ------- . ---- -- --- -- ---------- ---------------------- ---- -- ------- ----- - -- - - <br /> -- -- --- --- . - - .. - - -- - ----- -- -- - - ---------------- - - ---- ----------------- �---- ---- ------------------------------ -- ------- <br /> ,gnd._____:____________�'.�_________________________________ _ covenant________to warr�ant and deferad the said premises a�ain,st the lawful elaim,s of all person,s <br /> whomsoever------- ---- - - - - --- __.._. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- -- ---------------- - -------- - -- - ------------- - - <br /> -------------------- - -- -- -- --- - ---------- - ---- - - -- -------------- ------ - ---- ----- ---------------- - - ---------------------------------------- ----- <br /> Dated the-----lst--------------------------da�J �J�- --- --Att�LtSt ---- ------ ----- -�1, D.,191�------• <br /> T�V7TNESS ....H�Ylrlflt_�_c1-_�._DE}��18---------- --- -------- ---- <br /> ---- ------- -- ------- --'se_arge---C_av�rt�-�----------------- ---- <br /> ----��1�'�.--�B�L1S------------------------------- ---- -- - --- <br /> ST�FITE OF NEBR�ISK�1, <br /> ss. <br /> - - ------------xall----------County, Ora this----- -- ----------15 t--------da�J �f-----------At1�US t---------�--------------------�. D., 19__12___ , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a�Y'otary Public.--_---.._---_-_-_-_-------------_--_within arzd for said County, personally came---------_-__._---__---_-------__---_-_---_-------_---------_-__- <br /> ------------------.___h�e�r_iet_�e- ��,-De��ze---and---E�rl. D����__her---husband--------------------------- <br /> - - ------ -------- ------ - ------------------------- - ---- - - --------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical persorz_S..______whose nameF.__SY'S_________________________af)ixed to the above <br /> �cEAL) instrumer�t as�rantor_S.___, and________ �i.3y�'. ____.__________severally aeknowled�sed the same to be_____�h��____voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose thef•ein expressed. <br /> INW7T.NE'SSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af}"ixed my of�"'icial seal at_________________.______ <br /> a�aZl_�1__�_S_1��C1�_____�T_��r_�6k�1_,________________on the date last above written. <br /> ------ -------?e or ge__^owt on------------------------------- ---- <br /> .Notary Public. <br /> .My commission expires-------- ---- ----- -- - - - -- - --- bi2�y--10,---��1�---------?1iA[_-----------• <br />