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� �� <br /> _ D��U ���O�D ��❑ �lln <br />_ �: .. . _-- __. ._ _ _ _ � _� __ - - - -_ <br /> .,G,�U�-KLDFP&BA7��ZE�'T CD.,Print�ng;I.ithogr¢phting and Cau�ty Supp�ies;t7niaTia: __ .,. ._ _._ _ . ,. _:� _� -- - - - - _—_ <br /> FRO�l I hereb� ce,rtifz� that th�is irzstrument was entered on dV'umerieal �� � <br /> Index a.rzd f'cled for record this_________�6____._______day of._�_2�2t_��1,�@�_______ <br /> .fl. D.� Z9---13--- � CGt. - - Fi_a 15- -.. _ --- -------O�CZOCT(1---P-�----.M. <br /> ----------------Latixa__B�_.FQr_s�he----- ------ -- ------ Warranty <br /> TO Deed. �/ / �-Jv <br /> �t�C ",r.1�L fif P ' <br /> - -- - - - <br /> __ _______________________L_ ______________'______._ <br /> Re�is r of Deecls, <br /> --------- ------ ---E.E.Forsythe - - -- - <br /> B✓------- - --- - - ------ - - ------------------------ <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.r�o� �Y� �e�. �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t� : <br /> I .- L�ur-�--M_,FQrs_y�he_ -. - _._ ------ -- - - ------------- ------- ------------- ---------------------------------------------- - - - --- <br /> ���--- - - -- - > > <br /> ( wife of E.L.Forsythe) <br /> o the Count o ----P_Qtt11N3t_tOTi1�B_ -_ca�r-cl State o I4Ih��--------.----------------------------------------------__Grantor--------, inconsideration <br /> f ZJ f f - -- ----- <br />' of the sum o�---------Cne Do.11ar___�nct__o_ther_ _ya�u��l� y_ansiz�e�_a�_iQn---- ---- -- --- -_--- -----------�---- -- --- ----- ---------DOLL.�RS, <br />'' ir� harzd paid, do ---- --lr,er�eby GR.,4✓1''T, B✓1R(s.,17.N', S.EL_L, �1JV'D CONVEY'i�nto---- -- - - -- ----- ----------------------- -------------------- ------•------------ <br /> II ------------ --- --- --E,E_,_For.s-y_��-�- -- ---�---hua_bar�d--of_L�ux_a_��_,_�'�r�X�h-a----)--------------------------------- -- ---- -- --------------- <br /> of the County of_--P_�t_�_3�f1_a�'�Qi:11�____--------arc�?State of----------__�Q�ftB---------- ---------------------------------_____---------------,Grantee-------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the County of______ __Ha��,__ _____ ___________________________________�nd State of JV'ebre�ka, to wi-t: <br /> -------.Lot...Nurul�_Qx._.Thr..�e----�3�-._�3J.oc-k--Numl�ex--Qne--�uz���ed-_-Th.��_...��.7,.3..)�_Q.a�._Ac�d�..�_i_Qn._.t.o---r xans�----------- <br /> Island�.....N�'orask-� -as--s_urveyec� --plat_t.ed--an� -recordeci-�---- -�----�� - ---� - - -- - ------- ---------------------------------------- - ------- -�- --- --- <br /> -- --- ---- ---- - ----- - -- -- ---- --- - -- --- - ----------- --- --------- - - - --- - --- --._... - - - - ------- ------ -------- ------------�----- ----- ----............._._------- --------- ....--- <br /> -----------....__ <br /> ...-�-------.. �---- - -� ---- ---- --- ------- --- -- - ------- - ------------------- -----�-------...__.--- ----------------------------------------- --- -- - - -- -- ------- ...--- ------ ----- <br />�'' ----------------------- ---- ---- - - - ------ - -- -- --- - - -- - --- __- - - - - ---... --- -- - ---- -- --- - - - - ---------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the terzements, hereditaments, ar�d ccppurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Doz�:�er•, <br /> I', Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of th,e said Grantor_______,and of eith,er of them, of, irL, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br />', �Q �A�1C AIY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said�Srantee_______.and to___.______h 16_._.__ heirs <br /> I arcd assi�ns forever. �nd__I.__________hereb�covenar�t_.._____with the said Grantee____.that_______________�_________________ hold___________said premises by�ood artd <br /> perfect title; that___.__I______________________ha__Y$�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever--------------__---_-_------___--------------------------_--__ - <br /> ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- <br /> �nd:____._-_________________ __I.____________________-___ .--- _ -_ covenc�nt_._.___to warrant and defend th,e said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all person,s <br /> whomsoever-------- -- - .. ----- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ----- ------- ----------- -------------------------- __ <br /> ---------------------- - ----- -- - - -- ---- - ---- ---- - --- -- ------------ ..__. -- --- -- --- - ------- ---------------- --- ------- ----------- --------------- --- -- -- <br /> Dated the---TwBIlt_}t_Th_�rd------------daz� of---------------�'B��Ll��y--------------.fl. D.,19�.�------• <br /> W7T.NESS ----Laura_M.Forsy_the------------------------- - <br /> --- -- - ----- - ---T1_,J_,_Buzz�----------------------------- - ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- <br /> ------ - -----F-._�!_._�h�xes�.�t.�_in---- - ----- ------- - <br /> ST.gTE OF .:.�.p-�':''`, <br /> �ss. „ <br /> --�Q��avsr_at_t�m3�----------cow. ,;�, Ort this------�-------------------------------daaJ of_----------�dBrG.h----------------------------------�. D., 19_12- - , before me, <br /> the understi�ned, a db'otary Publie---_-_---_-__----_-----_-.---_------within and for said County, personall9 came,----------_--__--_---_-_____----- _----___-_-__-------_------ <br /> ---------- ------ - -- ---- - -Laur_�__M_,_�'ors-y_the----- ------------------------------------------ ------------------- ------ -------- <br /> --- ------ ------- ---- - - ---------------------- - ---- ( ��if e--o f---E.E.Fo rsyt h e--�--------------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person____.__.___whose name___,____________1.g______________a fJixed to the above <br /> ts�'�'� instrumer�t as �rantor___.____, arcd_____._�________she severally aeknowled�ed the same to be____.r @r___._____voluntary <br /> aet arcd deed for the purpose thereirz expressed. <br /> I�Y'W7T.N'ESSWHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name ar�d af�"'ixed my of�"Lcial seal at______________________ <br /> � on the date last above written. <br /> ------�ounc_i 1__B luf f s,-----Io�a-----_-_------ <br /> F.M.Ehrenstein <br /> ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Notarz�Public. <br /> .Mz� commission expires----------- ---- -- --------------------- ------- 7�4�1-��--------------�9------•-----• <br />