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� . <br /> �� � � D D <br /> � D��D G��C�oC�D �oo �o� <br />� --.._:-=ati:r+tk�-KL9PP-�$A�$'L1:TT-CO.,I'rFradisap,LdthosrsPke�+9�Cm�dyl'sug��tties;-(lmrtkte: ___. __ _. _ __ _—__ _.__ __..- ---� -____ _ -- __�.—_-- <br /> Fx�`M I h.ereby certifz� that this instrument was entered oiz Numericad <br /> ----------- -- ----------- --- - - ---- - <br /> ---------------------- Index arad filed for r•ecord this-------------11-------day of-�6j.�t 2��er-------- <br /> n �1. D., 19.13-----, at---- _- - - 11 - --------o'clock __A�__,M. <br /> ------- -.�eor�e �t.I�icElhEn,y_ --_ _ . �Warranty <br /> ,-- <br /> TO Deed. <br /> ���!1� ��� <br /> --- ------ -- -- - --- - - ------- --------------- ------- - - <br /> � Re�ister o eeds, <br /> ---- --- -------Jos_e�hi�_�__��cElheny--- -- -------------- <br /> B�--------- ------- -- -- --- -- -- ----- . <br /> ---------1)eputz�,--- <br /> �.r�o� ��� �e� �p �C�je�e �re�e�t� : <br /> �,��t---------I,-- reorge R_.��c_Elheny - �- a single man) <br /> . -- ------- ----- ---------- ---- --- ------ •--- -- ------- ------ --------- -- --_ <br />� of the Courct� of--------�':�11-------------------- _crri,cl �Stcrt� <�f-----------��_�_k2r�lS��- -----.---------------------------------Granto�°--fl---_, in consideratiorz <br /> of the sum of_------- .._(iri�- ------ -------- - - -- -- - ------ - - -------- -------------------- ---- -- ----- - ----- - ----- -------------DOLL�IR�, � <br /> ---------------------- <br /> in hand paid, do------------------Tt,erebz� GR.FI✓Y'T, B✓1RG✓1IJV', SEI.L, �1.ND CO.NVEY'urato---�_4_�fl�h1216__MCElh81�y---------------------------- ------------------ . <br />' ------------ - -- ----------- <br />, of the Courct�J o�---------- --- �s'�11- - --- -and State of---------- - - ----N6�rAtika- ---- - -- -- - - -----,Grantee-- -----, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the Courat� of__.. ______H3_ll_ _____ _____.____._.____and �State of.N'ebre6�ka, to wit: <br />'' Fractional_ Lots,__I�'umber__:S.ix___�6)_._and___Seven____(7_)____in_.Cedar. .Park_Addit_ion__to._ the..C.it_y__ of,__�rand.__.__________.,.__ <br /> Is.7.and�-----�,'.e.��ka,-----be-ir�g---a- �ub�IIa-vi�i.�,n---a����.t--.half---o-f.--t-Y�e---�.QU�.h---Eas.t--------- <br />' �,u�rt_e�.__o�--th�- �a.uth---�_�s.�.__Quarter__.Qf---c�c.�_ion---N.umbs-r----S-�.xt_e�n.__�1.�.)--To�r.ns_hip---x�U.m��r--El�ven---(-1-1}---------. <br /> Range_..rlumb�r---�!Ii�ne -���1 -�I.est r --2�.__��...lQt-�----�.7ce---&h.9� --Ox�...t.�8--�.�.�:.c��'�Ed--pla.t----��'}e_�_e.Q.f-•-------------------------------------- <br /> ------------- -- -- - ---------- -- - ---- --- -- ------ - ----- - ...-- --------------- -----�------------------------ ---�� -- ----------- -------------�-------_._- - - - -------------�--------.....- ---------�---------- <br /> ------------- ---........_...---�- -- �- --- ------ -- -- -- - _-- - --- -- -- -- - .._..-- -------...---....._..�.-------..--... --- ---- -------------- ---------- ---------------�--� -----�- -- ......---------� -----��---� -------.- <br /> . .. ---- - --- - -- ----- - - -- --- -- - --- - - - -- -------.._--�---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the te�aements, her�ed�tainents, and appurterzances thereunto belon�ir��, and all the Estate,Ri,�ht, Title,Interest,Doro�r, <br /> Curtesy,Claim arcd Demaizd whatsoei�er of the said Grantor._______,and of either of thesn, of, in, or to the same, or arcy part thereof. <br /> �D ���1C �Il� t0 �OY� the above-described prern,ises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rar�tee________and to_____h6T__ __ yzeirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. �nd._____�__________herebz�covenarcL______with the said Grarctee_______that._______._____S__________________ hold.__.______said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that_________________I________.__.ha___V_��ood risht und Zawful authorit�� to sell and convey the same; that thez� are free and clear of all l.iens <br /> and �ncumbrances whatsoeUer__________�xcept__subj_ect_._to___one__mortgage_._i_r_____the___sum__of___�800_,_00___in___f�vor__of__________________ ' <br /> ----Rudolf_�e ibErt--•--------- ---- --------- ------ - --- --- - - --- - -- - ---. ------- ----- -- - - ------ --------------- --------- ------------ <br /> - -- - _- ---- -- --- - -- - - -- --- ---- -- - ------- --------- - ----- ------- - ------------ ---- - ----- - ------------ ------- ----------- -------- - <br /> J1nd______ _.___________._____________I___________ ___.___ ___._____. covenan,t__._.___to warrant an,d defend the said premises a�airesL the lawful claim,s of aZZ persons <br /> whomsoever------�R_�E�'�--�� A�OY@ S'��'�.@S�-•--------------------------------------•--------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------------------- --------------------- -- <br />' Dated the---- -------�_Q�h-- -------- - -daJ of- - -F_8_brU.3TY--------- -- - -./I. D.,19��-----• <br />,, w'zT,N�ss ----r��r�$_..R:�cElhenY - --- ------- ------- --- <br /> Jame s E.D 311 --------------------�----- ----------------- <br /> ST.1TE OF JV'EBR�SK'�, , <br /> �ss. <br /> ---------------------FTa11----------------count�, � On this-----------�Q�- -------da�J ��---------�'_��1.�11c��'Y--------------------------✓1. D., 19-�.2- - , before me, <br /> the urLdersigned, a,Notarz�Publie____________________________________withir�and for said Couratz�, personall�eame______________._________ <br />.. '-----'-— -- - ------- r e 4"1Z_�S�"'�.a�GF'+�.h.@2��-'-----"'--' ---""-'-'--'•'---"--"----'------------ ----"--'-----'-"---'----'------'----- --"---------- <br /> --- ------------------- -- -- -------------- -------- -- -- 1---8.--�.11l�l.@ _A2aT1--�------------- ------- ------------------------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical persor�____._.____whose name_.________iS_________________________a fJixed to the above <br /> (SEAL) instrument as �Srarztor.____._, and___________he__.______________ __,,everally aeknowled�ed the same to be_____ll�.£�_________.voluntary <br /> act arzd deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IJV'W7T,NESSWHEREOF,I havehereunto subscribed my name and af)ixed my of�icial seal at_______________________ <br /> ----------rr3rid--IS-1,1T1t�----1�ISbr3S]�8-----on the date last above writterc. <br /> J.E.I�i.11 <br /> -- --------------------------- ----------------------------------------- <br /> ✓Y'otarz�Public. <br /> .My commission expires--------------------------------------------J1_1_7.?r.__16th-----------------19_13------• <br />�_ � _ <br />