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<br /> � _ D��C� C���OC�D �oo �0�
<br />°-.; �G;,�O-KLOP�k BA1�7'LEfiR'CO..Printin9�Lithapraphtinp and L'aunty�cppliesf Omah<z�_., __._._._.:_._ .:__,_;_. ..._:. . . �.,,__ _ ��_� — ..._ ^ _.� _-�------ - — _- .- __
<br /> FRO.M I hereb� certifz� that this irastrument was entered on �N'umerical
<br /> In,dex an,d filed for record this______________5__________._daz�of__S��Jt_6231�@x.____.:_
<br />' ----- - ------ --------- ---- --- --- - - -- -- - -- - - ,
<br /> E�,�.a___C_urrY---unmarx.i�a- ----- Warranty �. �., z9--��----, pt--- _ _---- -------- - _ -- 3------o�cao�k----�?_._�vt.
<br /> TO ' Deed. � �
<br /> .
<br /> ------- ___----
<br /> -�c1.����1.G_L.-- -- - - ----- --------
<br /> Re�iste,r of e,eds,
<br /> I -------- ---- ----- --- R�ymQnd__F_ern - - ----- -- _
<br /> ��---- - -- - -- - ------_- ------------- - ---- -
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> ��.o� ��� �er� �p �C�je�e �re�e�t� :
<br /> ���t--- - ---Ella_�urr_Y -( unmarrisd�-- --- ---- - ----- - ----------- - ----------------- ----------- ------------------------ --------- --- ---
<br /> c ____________Grantor________, in corasideTatioiz
<br /> of the Coui2tJ °�---- - -H�1.� - - - --urid St�rte ��f-- - Nebr_a..----� - -- -- ---------- - -- -- - - -
<br />' of the sum of_----------�I18--�_011,�---Arid--Q'�hBT---�423S1C18rA��mA ------------------------------------------------------------DOLL.f1'RS,
<br />��' in hand paid, do--eg-----------T�ei•ebz� GI�.F1.N°T, B.FIRG�II.N', SELL, J1ND CO✓li'VEY'tcnto-----R�4�'ill_Q�C�.__�'_8T?�,---------------------------------------- ------•-------------
<br />' --------- ------ --- - ----------- --- - - - --- ---- ------------------- -- ------ ---- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ---------------------- ------
<br /> I' o the Count o - ---------�±8.11 - - --._and.State o --- - - -- - -N@�JTAEk�- -- - ----- --- - -- -
<br /> f y f f _________._,Graiztee______, the followirt�
<br />�'i deseribed premises, situated in the Countz� of_____.___________._. Hal�. ._and State of Nebreb�ka, to wit:
<br /> -- -------------------- ---------
<br /> I�' -----....__I,o�__C�e---�1-�---a_f_.B1Q�-k- -�en --��.Q}- �n -P�.�er. -and...B�rr-'-s---Acld���Qn---�Q---�h_�_..�.�..�.y_.a.f...G�.arzd...�.sland,- -----
<br /> --� ----Ne_br.as_ka,.-- as.. pla.t�e.d--and- r-e^ardsd.- --- ---- - ----------- -- --- --------- -------- --- --...................------�----------------------------------- �---------�----�
<br /> -----------------
<br /> ----------- ------- -- - � ------ ----�-�---- -- ---------- ----� -...._
<br /> ----- - - --------------------...-- - -�---------- ---------------�--------�----�---------------------------
<br /> II
<br /> --- --. _--�------------------- ------ --�. ................ ....�-- --------------------�--------------------------�--.......--------------------------------
<br /> ------�----------�-�------------ ---- --- - --- ---- -- -- - ---
<br /> ----__.
<br />� -- ----------------...- - - - -- - - - - - - ----- --- - - - __ _ ------- - - ------ - --- - -- - ------- -- - -- --------- -�---------------------------�-----------------------------------------�--
<br /> To�ether with all the tenem,ents, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belorz�in�, and all the Estate,Ri,�ht, Title,Interest,Dozver�,
<br /> II
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoer�er of the said Grantor________,�-eat�ke�ef-�leew�e, of, irc, or to the same, or arcz�part thereof.
<br /> �0 �A�1C �IY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances,unto the said�rantee________and to_____._Y1�.8_________ heirs
<br /> I, and assi�ns forever. �nd____..I_________hereby covenant.___.___with the said Grantee._______that________..__I____________________ hold__________._said premises by�ood and
<br /> I, perfect title; that_______________�________________haY6___�ood ri�ht and lawful a,uthority to sell and convey the same; that they are free an,d clear of all lien,s
<br /> I and incumbrances whatsoever-------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
<br />' ---------------------------------------------- ------ -- - --------------- -- -------- ---- - - -- ----- ----- - -- ------- ---------------- ---- ------------ ----- - -------- ---------- ----
<br /> ----- ---- - -- -- - - - _ --- -- - ------ ---- - __--- --------- -- --- - - ----- ----- --- ----------------- -------------------- ----------------------- ------------
<br /> ,flnd_______________,____I___ __.__ ____________ _____ ____________ _ covenant_._..___to warrant arcd defend the said premises a�ain,st the lawful claim-s of all persons
<br /> whomsoever--------- - -- - --_ _ _ ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- --- - ----------------- ---
<br /> -------------------------- - - ----- - ---- -- ------- ----- - . -- ---- - ---- - --- - ---- -- - - -- -- --- ----------------------------------------- -- ----------------------------
<br /> Dated the---- -----�----------------------------day of S_�p�_@2Tlh�r -- --- - ---.g. D.,191�------•
<br /> WzT�v'ESS ----A�l�s---Ella__Curry_-----------------------------------------
<br /> C .T.Flower -------------------------------------------------------- ---
<br /> ST�Fl TE OF .NEBR.gSK�,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> --------------------xE��.�_-----_County, � On this--------------��h_--------------_daJ �f--------58_����bET---- -------------------.1. D., 19_1$_ _ , before me,
<br /> the uradersi�rced, a Notccry Public.--------_---_-__-____--__---_---within afzd for said County, persor�allz� came_--_---------.----_--------..---_---------_--------_--_-___--_-_----
<br /> --------- - -- - Ell_a__�tax�y------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - -------------
<br /> --- -------- - -- --- ------------------------- -- ----- -- -- --- -- --- ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identieal person____._._____whose name_____________�f�_______________afJixed to the above �
<br /> �SE�+� instrument as�rantor________, and.___,____f3�1,Q_________________-se�eer��cj acknowled�ed the same to be_.h8_r_____________volunta�y '
<br /> aet and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN GVITNESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af)ixed my ofjacial seal at___.____________________
<br /> rr_�.rl�,_Is1�21S�_iT1..SaiC�__�01121ty_�____on the date Zast above writterc.
<br /> -------- -------------------�--T-.Elawer------------------
<br /> dl�'otarz�Public.
<br /> ,Mz� commission expires------ --------- ------- -- - - -- --- AL1�-•--- �7th- -----=-19-19-----•
<br />