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.�, - <br /> z� �� <br /> D D _ ° 0 ° D L�O❑. �Oo <br /> DC�C�D C���Oa� <br />___ _ _x�. _ _ _�:�_ _ __ ___ __�v ____�. _____ __ _ -_ _ _ <br /> .,u�,U-KLOPP cC B�IRTLEfiT G'Q.,Printinp,Lithagr¢pleinp andCounty.'9zcpplies,•(TmaTca:" _ ... :._ _ _ . _�__,.__.. __:__ ,�. �___ __ --- --- _ <br /> F��� I hereby certify tlzat this in-strumerzt was entered on ,Numericat <br /> __ Iridex an,d filed for record this________� of.____�8.�'�_6IlLl��:r____ <br /> .9. D., 191�-------, at-- ---__�_..�� _ ._ - - ----o'elock -A. --�YI. <br /> ---------------------Ql ivs__ b�_.Psrnar�rs---�ridopr-------- Warranty <br /> T� Deed. ( �/ � � <br /> ----- - - ---\`>/1�%'r°���------ -�%r�iyy ---- - <br /> Re�ister of )ee,ds, <br /> -- - --.__�thur--�.-Ilex�ar�----- - -- - --- - <br /> B�------ -- ---- - - -- - - - ----- ---- ------------- ------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> ��o� �XY �e� �� ��je�e ��e�e�ct�: <br /> KL���------ - - -J- Q.�.IY�'-�._._D6S�3r��-- R-�:'1C�03'r'- -_..__ ----�--- -------------- ----- ------------------------------ --------------- -�-- ------------ <br /> of the Count�J ��------ -H&11 - - -- -- -cr.nd .SYtc�,t� of---- - -----N6�_&���------- ---- -- -- ----- --- - ------------GTarctor-- -----., in consideratiorz, <br /> of the sum of--------- -���_'�_�_PTl HL�i��i.z'@�-$�- 00/100---- ----------- ------ --- -- ------- -- - -- - ---- - ---- ---------------- --- --- -------.DOLLJIRS, <br /> in hand paid, do-----_--------hereby GR.g.N"T, B�RG✓lIN', SFLL, d4.ND CO��VF�Z�nto----Arthur---�'-,-Demar-y---------------------------------------------------- <br /> � �J }� - - ----and State o --- -- -T1EbI'��_�ia.------------- ------- ---,GrarLtee--------, the � <br /> o the Count o -- -------_ _-N2�11 - � - ---- --- - - --- - - followin <br /> described premises, situated in the Countz� of_____ ______________H�1_1__ _.._____.______._ .___._____and State of Nebrs&ka, to wi,t: <br /> _.___.___._.Lot.s__.Cne__(1)___and__Two___.(�.)_,_____and_Frac_t_ional__Lot_s__Three____(3_)____and._.Ten.._(10),,__Fract_ional__.Flock_ <br /> -- _-----_S-ix----(6-�-_.of_..Lambert!�----Adciit.ion-_to_.rrand---Is_land,._._Nebra:;ka,....and..Frac_tional.._Lot-_ThrEe----(3-)------_-------, <br /> --.------_._�,n_£�_ac-�---�l�.ven---(.11-)----Q-f-_J Qhn_..�:Q.i.�-1-�--'--�---���iit_ian---to---r rand---�.a.l_�r�d.,----.Nebxa�k_�,_..--a-s---�_ur_vs.�s-c�------------ <br /> ------ -------plat_t_ed_ .ard--rec or.des�• ------------.._.._ ---------------------------- - -------------------- - --- - - --�-- -- ----- ----------------------._..------- --- ------------------------------------------ <br /> �-- ------- --�- - ----- ------ _ -- ---- - ------ - - --- ----- - � - -- -------- --�-- ------- -------------------- ----------------------�-�--...... �----- ------------ --- ----------.._..-------------��----------------------------- <br /> --- - - ---- - ---- -------- ---- - - ----- ----- -------- ----� ----�----- ----------------------------------------------��-�---- ------------.__._...--------� - ---- - ------ -----------------------------�------------------------ <br />' ----�--------------- -- ----------�-.----�---..._... --- �-- -- -- -- - ----..-- --- ------- -----..........-----�---------------.._......---------_._..-------- ---------�--------�---------�-- -------- -----------�--�-----��-------------- <br /> -------------- --------------- - - -- - - ------ -- -- - -- ---- - --- -- - -- --- - -- -- -- ----- --- - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurteraances thereurcto belora�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Ir�terest,l��wer•, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoe,r�er of the said. Grantor______,a�£�-ee#rh,er�e�-t�ecrrz, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �A ���le AIY� t0 �0��) the above-described premises, with the appurte,nances, unto the said�rai2tee_______.and to_______$j.B_______ ___ heirs <br />, and assi�ns forever. �nd._____I_________hereby covenant..___.with the said Grantee_.______that___._________________I_______.___ hold._______.__.said premises by�ood arccl <br /> perfect title; that_________Z_________ _haY_@___sood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and convey the same; that they are free ar�d clear of all lier�s <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever----------------- ---- ----- - --- --------------------- -------------- - -- <br /> I -- ------ ---- - --- ----_ - -- - - ------- ---- -- -- -------- - <br /> .gnd::__________________I_.____________________ _-_-_---_--- __ _ covenarct._______to warrant and defend the said premises a�airzst the lawful claims of all person,s <br /> whomsoever--- ----- --- --- - - - -_.. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- - <br /> Dated the--�'��1------- ------------------ --daJ ��- - --- -1�tl�lifl� - - - ---- ---- ---�1. D.,191�------. <br /> W'IT�'ESS ----Q�lY�---�''�1�62L��----------- --- ---------------------------- <br /> -- ----- -=r-.Al.lan------------------------------ - - ------ <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------- ------- - - <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR,gSK�l, <br /> �ss. <br /> --------------------------Ha11-------------County, Or� this-----------��h---------------da�J ��---------------Au$US�--------------------------�1. D., 19_1�v- .. , before me, <br /> the undersi�sned, a Notary Public_______________________.____.____.__within and for said County, personally came_______________________.________________.______________.___ <br /> --------------- - - 41 iY_e--M�D�IJ�3�`1-r----�---5��_��S?Y1- -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ------ <br /> -- - --- ---- -------- --- -------------------- -- - -- - - -- ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__________whose name______.__________�.fi_____.__.___.___af)ixed to the above <br /> �SEAL� iazstrument as�rantor________, and______________Shf,�____________-��d�r acknowled�ed the same to be____hB.T__________voluntar�y <br /> act arad deed for the purpose therein ex,nr�essed. <br /> I✓1�'W7TNESSWHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and afJixed my of}icial seal at.________________________ <br /> GTAriC1___j,��d--�,�-_ga,j.�,--���,��---------_-----ore the date last above written. <br /> L.�.Allan <br /> -- - ----- ------------------------ - ----- <br /> Notarz�Public. <br /> .My eommissiorc expires-----Sep�j 24�---1�_l�------------ ------------ ----- -------�-----------• <br />