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<br /> __ _ . __� __ __. _ _ _ _ __ _
<br /> a6��0—SLOPf'�&BAR�'L�1"T�CD.,YrinGinp,Lithoyraphing a�ul C'duniy Supplies;brna7ui. � -�_ � ��
<br /> FRO✓VI I hereby certify that this irzstrument was entered on ✓Y'u,merical
<br /> _ __-- Index arcd filed for record this-----_----��-------------day of._A.L'�U��-----------------
<br /> .�1. D., rs. �.3---; at- - - _ .��,3_Q_--- -----o'elock----A,._✓�Yl.
<br /> -----Th�--}to_s-s---Inve-�t-r�e-nt--�"o-.--- - _- - Warranty .
<br /> 7,� Deed. ,
<br /> --- - - --- - - -- --- . --------------------- ------- ----
<br /> Re�ister of eed,s
<br /> -------- ----�1Ti_'�0�---��--Gy_'�u�1_��� -- - -- ---- --- -
<br /> B�------ --------- -- -- - --- --------------- ----- -
<br /> ------ -- - - ------ -- ---- ---- -- - ---- - --- Deputy.
<br /> �:�obn ��� �enc �p ��je�e �re�e�.t� :
<br /> ����---------T'r.e---��ss__�nv_�U t:i�en�_--�-o-=,--- a--uo_r��_or_a�_i�ns
<br /> ----------- ----------------------------- ---- --------------------�--------------------- --- -
<br /> " �' _-__-__--_---__-_-----(�rantor-__-------, in considercction
<br /> of the County of---------'-_ca11------ crn,d Sta-t,e of---------°--8_bSr"iS�3-------------------------------�-
<br /> of the sum of_-----._.Eiu�--hur�;��e-c�-t�.�e�ty- ��aa �--51���iO------------------ -- --- -- - ------------ ------- ---------- ------ - --- ----------DOLL�RS,
<br /> iri hand paid, do__�.5---------herebr� GR✓1NT, B.RRG.9I.h'', SF,LL, �ND COJV'VF,Y'u,nto----�r'�Q21--�f�_y_S_�har----------------------------------------------------------
<br /> �, .
<br /> of the Count�J o�---------�a�k-t�-Oxl-_. -----and b`tate o�- -- - ._��_YI,Yl,.�_S�1_'�1 -- -- ------- --- --- --------- --- ---- ---- ----,Grantee--------, the followin�
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of___ _���1Z______ _ ._ ___________arzd State of.Nebre�ka, to wit:
<br /> -- -------------- -- --
<br /> --...Lc�t...1,uY,_ber .�l�ven-- (11-)--ir�---F�1_oc��� .iTUr,:r�.�r--�ev.e.�..._.�-'7-)..--�.�---r}�.���..�.-�-x�----P_�.a^.s....a.n---t;,��..�.i:��._.Qf__.�r.and--Is_l.and
<br /> -- --�c_�Ur�.in� --to--t.:.;�__..xe��xaea -��.a_t._ ��a.�.re�.�f-•--.._...-- - - -- - --...............................-.. � - -- - �------ -------------------------- ----------- ----�-------- - ---------
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<br /> --.__..._---------- --- ----- --- ---- - - ----- -- ------ -------------- --------------------------------- ----�- --....... ---... - ------�----....... �----------------- - -----------�---------------------------------------------
<br /> -------------- ---- ..._.. -------------- ---------- ---- - -- ---------- -- -- � - - -------- ---...---_.- --..__...__...-�-----� --------------------�-�---�--------------- ------ ----- -----------------------------�--------�-----------
<br /> -- .....-- - - -- ---- ----------- - -- - ------------. ._ . _ . ---------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenanees thereunto belon�in�, and all the, Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,I�r+e,w;
<br /> �ee�,}�.Claim and Dema�zd whatsoever of the said. Grantor____.___,��e�eitlae�.e�t,k,aw�, of, in, or to the same, or arcz�part thereof.
<br /> �D �d�lE AIY� t0 �OIb tlze above-described premises, with,the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee___.____and to_________hj.�---------- heirs
<br /> �aid The ��os� Invest:l:ent C�.
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .,4nd_t_�l�_�_____lzereby covenant8_____with the said Grantee_.___._that______�.'t.________________________ hold_&________said premises b��ood and
<br /> perfect title; that_______..1'�_______________._ha__9.___sood ri�%ht and Zawful authorit;y to sell and eonvey the same; that thez�are free and elear of all lien.-s
<br /> and ineumbrances whatsoever-------------------------------------------------- -- ------ -----------
<br /> ---�------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------
<br /> Inv�s�ment Co .
<br /> .f1�2d__�Y1.6__Sr^,�1;�__.�i'xi�---i USS- -- ------------------ �ovenant�_...__to zvarrarLt and defend the said premises a��i»st the lawful claim,s of all perso»,s
<br /> whomsoever------ �n _� itnesa ;'�: �re_o�---=:�r,�--s�.�.s�---�;r��---�a��----�r��r��_�:;.zc�n�.__.��a-=,-----has---�-a.usc��_�iss_e _-r�_r_e��n�t�---t�o-----
<br />� _b�__s i�ned---�?�- i��s_ �_.�:��_�_ia�nt__�r�- i_ts_-��-�o_r_�.�_e__:.�a1__at��^h�d__h_er�tQ---t1�1�----------------------- ------------------------
<br />' _ ,_,.�
<br />', ;'_ _ _------------��-�1----------- --da�J �l�- -4Tilzls� --- -- - ---------- --- -./1. D.,19--�-��-----•
<br />' W'ITNESS -------�'h_�__i��u-s--Is�ue�L::en�---'�-o-•,
<br /> '„p,r, -�Y---------F'r��l__�__Ash_t�n---- -----�?r_c;si�nt-------
<br /> ----- ----- - -T.J_.I�_��s�n---------------------------------- -- - ^ _
<br /> �seal�
<br /> �t t e�t---------�-,-1�.-Pto��----------------- -- ��'-��r-etay y -- -- -
<br /> ST.gTE OF NEBR,f1SK'�,
<br /> ss.
<br /> ------------------------iL311-------------Couraty, On this.----------"---�-�-----------------da�J of---•---`•?LiTI�---------------------------------------.1. D., 191�-- - , befoTe me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public._______________________._________within an-d for said County,personally eame_____�rg�:�_-`�'_�_�Av��t-p-T�----�'.1�'S-�;x�?'��--_
<br /> ------n-f_--T�e_-�:z�ss- -Inu�s_tr�ex�.�---�"�-•,----------------- -------------------------------------- ----------------------- ---- ---------- --------------
<br /> ---- ----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- ----- -------------------------------- -----------------------------------
<br /> P�eui:.��r�t �f said Corn�any an3 the •
<br /> to me personally knowrc to be th� identical person_____.____whose name____�.�______________________________.afj'ixed to the above
<br /> in trumerat as�rantor________, arcd____________________._ s�X�taeknowled�ed the same to be___Y,1�___________voluntary
<br /> aaet an2d dee U or the rur ose there n �e es�sed� �h� '�ld Trie i GS� Investment �a.�
<br /> ���:AL) �f A P 7�
<br /> INW'IT.N'ESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my rzame arcd af�"'ixed my ofy'ieial seal at______________.___.______
<br /> __j�a??_�__IS y�r_�___aj��r���:�_________.___on the date last above written.
<br /> -------------- ---------------1_�,I_.-`r`�ctY1�3T1--------------------------
<br /> .Notarz�Public.
<br /> .My commission expires------ - ----------------- -- - --- ----- - ---F'�a%- --l�-�r- -------191c_------•
<br />