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<br /> of the Countr� of---------�r1�.�.--- ------.--------afad aSYtate of------,-- ------------�T@bTaSk_ a-----------------------------------------Grantor-----------, in consideration ;
<br /> of the su�z o}'----- --Cn�--no�_1U-Q--ar:c� loue--ax�d a�fe_c_ti_ox�------ - - -- -- - - -- ----- �
<br /> /
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<br /> irz hartd paid, do-----------------Izereby GR.ELNT, B./1RC�.RI��, SELL, �1��''D CO��V'Y'F,Y'rcrzto------ --:'4iST�t_--:�"�.Blirg6-T--------------------------------- ----------------- !
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br /> ---------------- ------- _ --------- -- --- - ---- -- ----------------- --------- ------------------------- �
<br /> --- - - - -- ------ -------------------- - -- -- - ------------- --- -- '
<br /> of the County of--- ----------�r117.--_..-------------and State of------- ------ - N�'UY'88ka------- ------ - --------,Grarr,t,ee-------, the�ollourirt� �!
<br /> described premises, situated in the Coz�nty of___ _ ____ ____?Lgll -___ __________________.____________and State of JV'ebrs�ka, to urit: ;
<br /> i
<br /> --------�c�.._NQ-•--E_�.gh�..._(B)----and....�h-e--�I.es_�._oz�$_ :thisd-o-�--o-�--Lot...rio-.---seven----(7.).---pe_ing--�5_--f.e.e_t...along---the---- - _..
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<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> - ---- - --- -- - -- - --- - -- -- -- ----- - - - -- - - - - ------------------------- - -- ----- -- ------ -- ------------------------ ---- ---
<br /> To�ether with all the tenernercts, heredita�n.ents, and rep�iUrte,nanees tlLereacrzto belorz�in�s, and ccll the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest, noi���r, j
<br /> � Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoever of t,h,e saicl Crant,or�______,an,�z?of eit,h,Pi�of�th•em., of, ira, or to t,he�am-e, or a•ny part t.h-ere.of. ;
<br /> �o �abe an� to �oib the above-de,scribed premises, with the ap�urterzances, unto th-e said�rantee______and to______h°r_ __ _ heirs ;
<br /> and assi�ns forever. ./�nd_____YJ__8________.__hereb�covenarat__._ __with the said rrantee_____tlaat__________W8_______________ hold____________said premises by�ood.arzd �
<br /> i
<br /> � perfect title; that_________�`�'8____________ha__V8_�ood ri�ht an,d lazvful authorit,,y to sell and convez� the same; that they are free, and clear of all lien,s +
<br /> andineumbranees whatsoever----------- ------ -- --------------- ---- - --------- ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- - ;
<br /> i
<br /> --------- - ------ ------ - - ----- ------ - _ _ - - ------ -- --- - -- -- �
<br /> - - _ _ _ __ -- - - - -- - -- - ------ - - --- ----- I
<br /> �
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<br /> �
<br /> .Rnd__._ _._____ _____�'�e_.__.________________ _ _____________ . r+ovenant______to�varra�zt and defend t,h,e said prem,isPS a�ainst; t,h.e lazvfu,l claim,s of all �nersorr.s 1
<br /> whomsoever- --- - ---- -- --- -- -- ------ ----- - - j
<br /> i
<br /> ---------------------- -_ ----__-- _- -
<br /> - -- - - - --- -- - -- -- - - ----- - - -- - ----- -- - - - - --- ----------- --- - ---- ------ -------------- �
<br /> Dated the---------1� -- --- ------------ -day o/'- - �ti�U.B t- -- - ---.,4. 7�.,191�-----• �
<br /> WzT�v'ESS ----�`k ill iam._J_.BurgEr------ -------- - --- ---- - �
<br /> H.E.Fu nk --&�ar tha -A.Bar�E�----- ------ -------- --- -------- j
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<br /> --------- - - --
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<br /> -- ------------------------- ----------- ----------- -
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<br /> ST�TE OF NEBR.ISK�1, i
<br /> ss. ;
<br /> ------xall-------------------count�, On this----- -- ---- li�-- ---------da�J �}�--------1�L1�11St-------------------------�. D., 19_lj_ ._ , before m,e, I
<br /> ,
<br /> the ur�dersi�raed, a JV'otary Publie------------------,--------------withirz ufzd for said County,Personally came----------__-- - ___--.--- --__-------------------------------- ?
<br /> i
<br /> -----------�t!_illiari___�I.._Bur�$r_---and._�.iar�ha---A.�u��urr---husb�nri_an�__��r_i.f�----------------------------------------- i
<br /> ;
<br /> ---- - ----- - ---- -- - -- -------- ---- ------ -- -------------- - ---- --- -- --- ---------- -- ------
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> to me personally kreown to be the identieal persorz_�.____whose name___S___Sx�___________________________uf�"'ixed to the above i
<br /> �
<br /> �N'EAI,� instrument as srantor_f__., and_________�h�_�_________.. _. ..severally acknowled�ed the same to be___vrl_@_�,.r______voluntary '
<br /> I
<br /> act arad deed for the purpose thereirc expressed.
<br /> IJV'W'ITNESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereurcto subscribed my name and af�"ixed mr� ofj'icial seal at______.__________________ �
<br /> ', , i
<br /> , _-_____-__-_--____-nOnl�h1T1�___N8_br.___-__--_-___on the date last above written. �
<br /> i
<br /> ', - - --------- H_._E_._F�ink--- - - --- - -------- �
<br /> �''otary Public.
<br /> ', .Mz� commi,ssion expires------ - -- - - -- ------- Ar_��----1-7-- --- --------19_1'�.4-----• �
<br /> - -- - - - --
<br /> i �
<br /> ;
<br /> �
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