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<br /> �._:-._ .._ .. _ _ ..- _ .. v .___:_ .. „_ - - - - __ _._ -____��__.__�.�...—�
<br /> FRO.M I h,ereby certifz� that this instrument zvas entered orL .Nu�nerical
<br /> Index arzd filed for record this-------�,�------------_daz�of_----At�-LZS-�-----•------
<br /> �1. D., 191`'------, at---------- - ____----_G_ _---- ------__o'elock------P__._.M.
<br /> -----Th.-�--�iQSS---Inve�_trata�t- �az --- ----- -. --- Warranty �
<br /> TO Deed. '
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<br /> Re�ister o )eeds,
<br /> -- -- -- -------Kat_i�---�ch l�ich E x- --- - - ----
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<br /> ���t----- - The__�oss.._Investn��ent___�o.t �__�o_x�ora�i-vn�----------- --- ------------ -
<br /> ----------- ------------- -----�---------------- - --- ,
<br /> ' _____Grantor.________, in consideration
<br /> of the County of----------��_�1�.- -- - - --- --<arl,cl State of--- - --- --- -----------T''-�_�r1S�H4----- ------------------------ -----
<br /> I'our-�.un_c�,�-e a � na�00 - -- - - --- ---------------- - --- -------.DOLL✓�RS,
<br /> of the sum of--------- ---- ------------------------------ --------- --- - ---- ------- -
<br /> ,
<br /> in hand paid, do--g�-------------herebJ GR�✓V'T, B�1RG�IJ1�, SEIL, �✓1�'D CONV'EY'urato--------7>ctt_le---�Yhl6l�ri_@r---- -------- ------------------
<br /> of the Couratt�of----------'�- -- � } ---------- y ' -------------,Gran,tee.-------, the followin�
<br /> c�11 - ----- ---- and btate o -------- - -- S_ x_a:k� --- - - ---- ---
<br />'� described premises, situated in the County of____ ________���ll___.____._____________._____.__________and State of Nebra�ka, to wi,t:
<br />, --L�t---1=TUr��er---Fc�u__r_-�e_�r�----�14�---:in---El,ack---Nu�:iae-r--�iX---(6.)....in--Kc�eh�.ex---P�.a��,-----�x�.---Ad.d.��:i_on__._�t.o...a.iand--��lar.�
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<br />� ---- ----------------- - - - ----- -- - - -- - -- --- -- -�-- - - ----- ------- -- - - - - -_ --- -- -- -_-------------------------------------- ---------�-----------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditamerzts, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,��rwrr;
<br /> I' �E'ttrt�sy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor______,a�c�o�-e�#�7a,e�-e�-�l�e�ra, of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof.
<br /> li
<br />��� �0 ���1C AIY� t0 �OY� the above-described�renzises,with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee________arLd to____:___.Ylfly________ heirs
<br /> said The P,css Investment Co.
<br />'', arLd assi�ns forever. .gnd__yhe___n___hereby covenant_S.__.with the said Grantee_._____that_______��_____________________ hold__B________said premises by�ood artd
<br /> perfect title; that..____l�___________________hc�_____�ood ri�ht and lawful author•itz� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens
<br /> andincumbrances whatsoever----------------- -- --------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
<br /> - --- - -- - - ---- -------- --- - ------ - ------ ----- --------- --------------
<br /> - - Inveatrneni, Co .
<br /> I .F�nd__the �ai_d Tlie �QS� _ _. ___ ___ covenant8.___to warrant and deferLd the said premises a�sainst the lawful claims of all persoros
<br /> I whomsoever-----I�1_ '�I.7.�ri�s-S---�4rh�I'-e Of�----�'�is---s-aid--�h�a---R.a�.s---In.ues-tmex�t---�-o-.----2���---�aus�d--�-1�-��-a--��8ser�-s---�c�---be-
<br /> --s ignecl_-by--1-�� P_���_�.aen� anu_--i�s__�o_r_���_r�_ta--s�al- at_�a�h�d__here-�-n--�r�is--- -------- ------------------- ---------------------- -
<br /> �es�Jvc--------------------a.5�h---- ----da�J ��- --AL].�]U�t - ----- -- - -�4. D.,191'�z------•
<br /> WZTNESS ____The_Ross___2ny8stm8nt__CO_,�._.__________________
<br /> m �3�'---------Fr'�C�--�U-.1����'t��------ P-�'€�-�G�e?`�� -
<br /> I ---- ----------- .•-,J_.Hansen--------------------------------- ---- -- �corp)
<br /> (seal j Attest-,-----5__D_.Russ--------------------Secx_e-tary---------
<br /> i --------- - ----- _ -
<br /> ----- ------- - - -- --- - -
<br /> ST✓1TE OF NEBR.gSK.Fl,
<br />, --------------------�ial-�'-------------------County, �ss. Ora this---- 1_5 u-----------------da� �f----------ALi���------------------------------�/1. D., 19_��_ _ , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notccry Publie..._.________________________________within-and for said County,personally came__�'_�e_CZ__7�_._,AB_�,�_0�___________._______________._____
<br /> _._P r E s i cie_nt--o f--�h e--R9_s-�---I�.V�s tx���t-�---�o�,------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -- ------- -- - ---- -------------------------------- -- ------------------------ ------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> President of said Cor.ipany, and the
<br /> to me personally known to be the�ideratical persora______.____whose name____________18__________.________afrixed to the above
<br /> instrume t as�rantor________,and________________________.________��k�aeknowled ed the same to be._______h1S__.____voluntary
<br /> (�E�i�) ��a�dd�ed,�o�thepuarpdsea�reLan p,a se�; of the said The �nss Ir.vestrr,en� Co .,
<br /> INW7T.N'ESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af)ixed my ofj'icial seal at.______________._________
<br /> ___r�8.T1G�___I_�_ls2__]�1_�,�____Nebrr�Sk�___._______orz the date last above written.
<br /> ----------------------------------�'_J_�H_�.ns e�------------------- ----
<br /> dV'otary Public.
<br /> .Mz� commi,ssion expires------ - -- - ---------------- ---- - - --- Fe�.----1'7 th------Y916------•
<br />