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<br /> __� _. _ _ _ _ _ ._._� � _ _ _ -_ __ __ _ __ -_ - �
<br /> 54�iU—KLOPP&BARTLET'1`CO.,Prinling,LtithograPhimg and County SupPlies,•OntaJia. - " __ _ _
<br /> FRO.M I h,ereby certify that this instrument was entered ot2 Numerical '
<br /> ------ ---- =---- -------------- --- --- - - _ _ -- ----
<br /> Index arcd fcled for record this______.._I4________..day of______,�7�_L1,8.�___._______
<br /> �. D., 19-I-�----, at---- - - _ _- --- -�-----o'clock--P-.__✓�YL
<br /> ----uY�s-is_tu�he.-s-__C-.�em�.�'y--�"•--vt�,fe -_ Warranty
<br /> TD � Deed. % � � � �
<br /> - ----- -- - - --- --
<br /> W
<br /> ------- _---- ----------- -- ---
<br /> Re�ister f Deec�s,
<br /> --- -- ----�-alter--C_,_Lemary - ---- - - ----
<br /> ��-------- - ---- -- -- -- -- ---- ---- -------------- -------
<br />' , : , Deputy.
<br /> �.�ob� ��Y �er� �p ��je�e �re�e�.t�:
<br /> ����---- ��,--Cn-r_�s L��h�r__ r.Deria-ry_.and--G1_ive._�_.Demas3�, - his__wi�s-- ---------------------------------�-------------- - - -
<br /> of the CountJ of_-------------- -�ial-1-----------�r�t,c� Stcrte of--------iiebr�.�k�-------------.- ----Grantor_-a------, in consideratiorz
<br /> , r - ------------------------'-X��� .
<br /> of the sum of--C�ne--I?Qll�.r_--(---�n�--n�tur-a7.--1uv�----an�__af�ect_ian----)_-----------------------------------------------
<br /> in hand paid, do____ ___________iz-ereby GR.F1.N'T, B.9RG�I✓1�', SELL, �4ND CONVEY'rcnto_______�Nnit_6_T-__L�-.D82�13r3t�___._4_tlr___fiQ21j-------_ _---------_-_--_
<br /> of the County of- -------f1.QS�ds'�ld---- -- -- --and State of---- - -- - - --- --.i18�r_�.:��-- ---- -- -- - - - - ----,Grantee.-------, the followin�
<br /> I�' deseribed premises, situated irz the Countr� of______ H_�1],,J._.._- ____- -__-__________.______________________ccrzd State of Nebrebcka, to wi.t:
<br />, ................Lo:�---F.ive-----05-�--.in.__Rl�ck �.leven- (11} -�f--�ohn_�'�_RL_ar.lk�ext..!.�s---,F�d..d�..t.�.O.T�...t.n__.t.h�----�.i�_.y._..i�_f._�'�ran�l- ��.7.and�
<br />' ----- ----- -T1el�ra�Ya3.....a.�..._s.vs�reye�} -x�la�t_�.�_..�,n�_.r.e�Grdsd-�---- -----��................ �� � --- -- - -� -- --�-��------�-----�---------------------------------�----�-----�-�-----.._
<br />'� --------------- --------- --------- -- - -- --- ----- ----- - -- - - - ---- _ -- - ------- - - --- -- - - �--- -------- - --- -- .-----------._.....------------------------�---------------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the teriements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri,�ht, Title,Interest,D�r��er•,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoer>er of the said Grantor_�__._,���ro�#rk�em, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> ' ises with the a urtenances unto the said rantee_______ ' '
<br /> �0 A�1C �IY� t0 OY� the above-descrabed rern , , .and to______h1S__________ hears
<br /> � � P AP �
<br /> and assi�sns foreveT. �nd___._S;l H_____.__hereby covenant___.__.with the said Grarztee____.___that_____________Y,!�________________ hold____________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that______________7btf3______.______hcal_E�____�ood ri�ht and lawfzcl authoritr� to sell and convey the same; that they are free ar�d eZear of all liens
<br /> andincumbranees whatsoever-------------------- ----- --- -------------------------- ------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
<br /> .gnd____________._________WB------- ----------- --------------- covenant._______to warrant and defertd the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persor�s
<br /> whomsoever-- ----- ---__..- -- - - - - -._.--- -----------------•--------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ---- ------------------------ ------------------- -- --- -- ------------- ---
<br /> ------------------------ ---- -- - - -- - -- --- -------- --- - -- - ---- -- - - --- - - -- -- --- ---- ------------------------------ ----------------- --- --------------- ------------
<br /> Dated the------�'8th--- ------------------daJ �/� - - _;ti�i1Y ------ ------ ------- - -�!. D.,Z913-------•
<br /> I, YVITNESS �
<br /> ---�hrlgto�her__�_.Denlary_--------- -- --- -------
<br /> ------ --- ----- - - -�i_ohn__Al1an-------------- ---------- -- ---�liu-e--,.�..-�ema�-3�---------------- ----
<br /> _ ST.1TE OF NEBR✓1SK✓1,
<br /> ss.
<br /> -------------Fi�ll-----------Courcty, Or� this------------w-''-t�l- �x , , ,
<br /> ------------da�J o}-----------�Yt��--------------------------------------.1. D. 19_l�__ .. before me
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public____ ._________________within and for said County,personcclly came____.________________________.
<br /> ---------�hr_i�_t_4�h�r--�;-�D�xraxY---a�.�.__C1_i.v8._a�a�T?emA�y7----1'��s---�_��e---------------------------- -------------- -----
<br /> to me personall� known to be the identical person�__._.____whose rcame__S__ar8________________________af�'ixed to the above
<br /> I�EAL) instrument as�rantor.8____., and.________�rie_y___________________severally aeknowled�ed the same to be.___.�.hBlr____voluntary
<br /> act arad deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IJV'W'ITNESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj"ixed my ofJ'icial seal at__.______________________
<br /> srand I��c�.T1C�_.__1?�. said,___�ount •
<br /> ------------ � ----------------- -----------Y�------------on the date last above w�ztten.
<br /> J ohn A1 lan
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> JV"otarz�Public.
<br /> ,Mz� commission expires------- - -- --- ------ ----- - -- - -- J�s---------�-----------------191.$------•
<br />