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� � <br /> � �� � <br /> ,� D�C�C� ��C�O�D L�oo �0� <br />� _. _ _ . _� . _N� - _._,_ ___ __ _ _ __ __- _� -_- ` <br /> _ _ � ._ __ _ _ � _ _ <br /> 56�70--$LOYP&BARTLET"�'Cb.,Yrinling,Lilh.ogra.phing a�ad County Supplies;Omaha. " � <br /> �'R0�1 I hereby certify thc�t this irzstrum,erzt was entered on .Numerical <br /> Irzdex an;d f'aled for record this-----------�4-----------daJ of-----gt7.gU-6-�------------- <br /> �. D., 19 1�---, at- - �.�._�3Q _ - -____o'elock- A•- �.M. . <br /> -- -- ---ThE--Fi,ass-I�t*e��x�1er�� Go., - _ Warranty <br /> TU Deed. � <br /> - - - --- ---������-�---�-�----- ------ --- <br /> Re�iste of Pe,eds, <br /> ------- -- -- v-4_nr�d--�'�,r_s_s�_e_in -- - - --- --- <br /> ��- --- _ _----- ------- - ---- --- ------------ -------- <br /> _ Deputy. <br /> ��.ob� �.�� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t� : <br /> ����-- - Th�__�os�--Inve�tment -�Q.,--a-^�r�orat_ion-;------------- -- ------------------ ---- ------------- ------------------------ - - <br /> f y f �cnd State of-------TiH-b_T_8.Sk3------------------------ - ,------------------Grantor-------- in consideratiorc <br />�', o the Count o ---------- H�.�1 --- - , <br /> of the sum of--------- 211x�E �Ii�:�li:i��d --���- �lO,aO ---- - -- -------------------- - --- - ---- ------- -- - - -- -------DOLL�RS, <br /> ----------- - ----- <br /> in hand paid, do__@.5-------------lLer�eb9 GR.F1.N'T, B.F1R,C�IIN, SFLL, �1.ND CONVEY'urLto---C-pS].rs'�.�.--�'1r8Ct-2-].�i----------------------------------- --------------- <br /> --------------- --- ------- - -- - -- ----- - ------- ---------..--------------- - - ---- ------- ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> of the County of---------------H�1��--------__-------------and.State of-----------�I�_br_3�k�._--------------------------------------------------__,Gra.rztee--------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the Cour�tz� of__._________�.311_ ___________________.___._____._________ccnd State of JV'ebra�ka, to wi.t: <br /> --------Lu:�---���.k�es---Fc�ur--.-�4-)----in___Flo_ck--l�ura�es---T�-o-----(�.�..._in__�tc_eh_1..e.x...P_l.�c-a-,.----an...A�:aitifln---t-o---�san.d_.I�1and-------- , <br /> ..... y�^�r�,a�r�g--�-a--the -r8�o-r:].ed n�.a�--�'�e-r-eo�-.- - --- ------ -------�----��-----�- � - ----- -.-............. ...-.-,.- ---------------------�------------- --�---........---------------- <br /> _...-----�---- .._..- --- - -- ----- ....--- - -- -- --- -- ----__ - ---- - -- --- --� -. ....... .......-----------��----�-------------...--�--- -......_.--....- --- - ----�- . _�-�--------------------�---------------------..... <br /> --------- - ------ - ------- -- --- - --------- - - - --- ------ -- ----------� ---------------------------- --- ------------.....- - ..._..._..----- ...---� ----- - - - -- ----... - ------------------------------- ----------------------�- <br /> ----------- ---�---------......- ------ -- --- ------ ------- -- - ----- ------- --------------------------- -......---......- ---------------�------------� -- ------------.....------� ------------------------------ ------- <br /> ------------- ------------ - -- - ------ - - - -- -- - - --- - _. _ ... . ----------------_.-------------------------------------------------------------.._..-- <br /> Tosether with abl the tenements, lzereditanzents, and appurtenances thereurato bel.on�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,�e�rr, <br />'', •E'�treaa�,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_______,�r.�c3.a}'���, of, irL, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> II, �D �A�le AIY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises,with the appurterzarzces, unto the said�rantee________arcd to_______�.�.5____..____ heirs <br /> said The Ross Investment Co. . <br /> I and assi�ns forever. ./Lnd__���___h__li,ereby covenant_8___._with the said Grarztee_______that________l_�___________.________ hold__�________said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect tztle; that______________1_'�__________.ha__13__dood risht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear af all liens <br /> andincumbrances whatsoever------------------------ --------- ------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- <br /> -------------------------------------------- ------ - --- ------------ ----- --- - - - - -- -- -- -- ---- - - --- ------------------------ ---- ---- - --- --- -- - --- - ---- <br /> _ ------ - -- _- --- -_ - -- - -- -- -- - -- -- ..---- -- - --- -- --------- - --- -- ---- ---------------------------- ---- ----- -------------------- - -------- <br /> Investmont Go <br /> „qnd___'�h6.__�_31_d_Th8___I30_S-S___�_. ___ ______ covenantt.�_.__towarrantand defercd the said premises a�sainst the lawful elairn,s of all persnr�,s <br /> whomsoevei•------�n_..�_i�n�_s_s- �h�_r_eo-fs__ tna--s_aid--�ha---Rass.---Inu��---C�._.__has--eau�ad--the-s-e---x�ras_�nz-s---ta-}�� <br /> --�-���d,--b�' -i�s F-r_es_i.c�ant--and- i4�.__co_r_pfl_rat�--��al--a�_ta�n�d�_�_-�h_is---------------------- ----- -- ---------------------------------------- � - <br /> � -- -------------- -�4��--------- --daJ ��- ----ALtou��_------ -- - -.g. D.,191�-----• <br /> W7T�Y'ESS -----'�Yl�__�S�S�--I11Y8StIT�@l�t----C-9-1�----------------------- <br /> (^or BY ------Fr�s3-_fi�_._9sht_Qn.____P_r_e�s_ident---__---__---__-- <br /> ----- --- ------ - --T_.,�_.Hans-e.n---------------------- - - �-- � P) <br /> (s e a 1} At t e�t -----�-.D.Ro s s- --- --------- S e c r e t_ary__-----------�-- <br /> ST.l1 TE OF NEBR.gSK.g, � <br /> �ss. <br /> ------------�-?al 1----------------County, Ora this------- ---------l��{------------da�J �f-----------------�11�1��'�------------------------.l. D., 19_13- - , before me, <br /> the urzdersi�ned,a,Notary Publie_____________ _______________________within and for said Countz�, personally eame____�!'_re_�_�P_._,�8�1t0Ylr___p�BS_ls,"�@_I1t___ _ <br /> ------o-f---'I,''t�e-R�,�s---I�7v'e�_t1�.�x�.�---�Q-�-r----------------- -------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------- ----- <br /> -- --- ------ <br /> President of aaid Comnany, an� �he . <br /> to me personally known to be the�identical person____....____w ose name_____ls_________________.____________af)ixed to the above <br /> irLStru e as ra tor_______ and_______________ __ _____ ___ ,fXael�nowled�ed the same to be________r�1.�____voluntar� <br /> anc� ��ie �Cto"1un�a�y ae�E ancl -deed o�said The F.oss Investment Co ., <br /> act and deed�or the purpose theT•earz expressed. <br /> ��'E�'� IdY'W'ITNESSWHEREOF,I have herer,cnto subscribed my name and a�j'ixed my ofj'acial seal at__..__________ _ <br /> �ran� Island TTeDtblSka.___._______or� the date last above written. <br /> ,� , <br /> ---------- -- --- --�------------------- <br /> ------ ------ ------_T-,J_,�Ha�i��n--------------------------- <br /> �Y'otary Public. <br /> .My commission expiTes----------- ---- -------- ----- ------ ---- -----FBb----17th-- ---- ------19-16----• <br />