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� �� <br /> ,�. , D��D �C��Oo �D �oo �0� <br />�=°° _ T&��6—KLOPP ik B:�IR'�'LP'TT CO.,`PrintinA,I ithagraphtixq anrt Cbunt�/SupjStits;t)maha. _ -._ __ ._- . . __ _ ___.:__ � :_>>,_ ___:.:._:. _._.�._:�,-_ :._. _�_ �__-___ ___ _... _ -_ _ -_-._ _— <br /> __ _ _,._ ._ . _.. _...,_ . . �_. ._�_ .., _ -=--� . <br /> __ _ . ___-- <br />.._ _ ---_ _, _- - _ _. :_�:._ ___—..—._--_.�.______��_��.��______..,_,:. ��:___.____ _.��___---- <br /> I �'RO'M I herebt� ce�tify that this instrztimerzt was eratered on ,N'umerr,cal <br /> Index ared jaled for record this.____�,�__ _____dar�of________Al�g_t�'�__.___..___ <br /> �. D., 19�.3-------, at-- -__ __ - - - _ 3 -----o'clock, -P-•---✓YI• <br /> --------- �'r��._L..-Fie-f-�rc� wif� -- - �Warranty <br /> TO � Deed. �� �� � <br /> L/' � � <br /> ---- --------- -- ---- _ ---- -- ��%�r_�� ---- - <br /> Re�ister of ee.ds, <br /> --------- - -------C-c�,x'�;[1---C;_,_Fi�e_�.- -------- -- -- - ----- <br /> B�-------- ---------- ----- - -- ----- <br /> --------Deputy,--- <br /> -- -- - - __ .._--- <br /> ----------- - - --- ------ ----- -- �.,, <br /> ��o� �.Y� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�: <br /> ���t---- --- ---Fr_c u__I�.t�ia� - and. .;.cosa-��-��e#`, - Y�����an-d--ar�c� w�ife------------ _------------- ----------------�-- --------------- - --- <br /> -- Y �T ---------- -- - ----- - --__(�Tantor�� -- -, in consideratiorz . <br /> of the Count�J �f--- - --- r_�l1 - -cr,acl �5t-cr,tc� of--- -- - -- - -°'��r_�sk�.---- -- ------- <br /> of the sum of------�V�'ant�? C%_r�a_.f:u]�c�re� -&- no __�-Ci; - - ---------------- - ----------- ------------ --- - ---------------- -- ---- --- -------DOLL.�RS, <br /> in hand paid, do-------------herebr� GR�1NT, B✓LRG,/II�1�, S sLL, d4.N'D COJV'VEY'unto----�axal^k-Si_.�@ e 1---------------------------------------------- ------------------ <br /> of the Courct�J o�----------- --- '_;��,�_ _ __ ----and Stat.e o}�--- _. - -�?��i�'.�.�r=� ------- --- ------- - --- --------,Gra,ntee--------, the followin�s <br /> described premises, situated ir� the C,ounty of_..___ ___N�].1_______________�____________________________and State of Nebrsaka, to wit: <br /> --------------L��---Three----�3-)----ln--�lo�k---�'our---(4�--of--:`-o_uth...�rana...I_�lan�._._lc�ate.�._or---nar_�._of....�ne.--�?o_rth_�?est...,_ <br /> ------.._....�;u�x.te�-- �S?..��_.:-,��--�-.-o-f-�_�c_t.i.s�n---��, --Tctti�.nship- -11, ---AiQx�hJ--._.�ar_ge...:°_'�!�_�s�. -�f---�h�--�th---�..t�t•----as... -----------.._... <br /> -- -- _-�urv_eyed�- -Pl�t_y eu_.a��c�- �_�_�.or�.��..a--- ------- -- --- ------ - - - <br /> - _ - -- ----... -------- --------------------------�---� - --------�---------------------- ---------- ------ <br /> -- --- --------------- ------ -- - - -- -------- ----- ---- - ------ -----�------------------------------------ �----- - ------------ -- ----------------- - -------......--- ----------� --------------------------------------------- <br /> -------------- . -----..____ .__ -- - - ---- - -- - --- - -- -- --- - --------------...------------------------------------ <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belora�in�s, artd all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dower, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_B___,and of either of thetn, of, ir�, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br /> �0 ���IC �IY� t0 �OYb the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee____.___ccnd to____hp�___________ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. ./�nd_____�'!�_______hereby covenant_______with the said (Xrarztee___.___that_________�'�:e__________________ hold._________..said premises bz��ood and <br /> perfect title; that__.______;,_�_________.____:_haY_�___�SOOd ri�ht and lawful authorit9 to sell and eonvey the same; that they are free and clear of all lien,s <br /> andincumbranees whatsoever----------------------------------------------------------- -- - ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- <br /> I - ------ - - - - - -- - -- - __ ._--- ---- - ------ <br /> - -- - - ---- -- - ---- - - - ------ --------- -------- -------- _ ------- --------- ------------------- - ------ - <br />� .,lnd r_______ __ ___ __ __ti�'�s__ ______ _ __ ____ _______ , covenant_____._to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst t,he lawful claim,s of all persoras <br />� who�nsoever- --- -- - - - - ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ --- ------------------ ---------- ---------------- -- <br />� <br /> Dated the------------lutrl---------------------da9 �1�- - - AUgU.�t. - --- <br /> -.g. D.,191�------• <br />; W7T�V'ESS ----F_re d--L_.�ie-�----------------- -------- ---------- -- - <br /> ---- -- ------ -L_t�.Hx_a.n�.n��-r--------- -- ----------- ---R��a--j.R i e f------------- ------------ <br /> �� <br /> -------ST�1TE OF .N'EBR✓ISK'�1, . <br /> ss. � <br /> ------------------t�al 1----------county, - - �J � --- u , , � , <br /> --- On this----------l�th----------------da o ___..-------��t°----�-�---------------------------.�. D. 19_�.3- - be ore me <br /> the undersi�ned, a✓Votary Public--------------------------------withir�and for said CountJ; personally came--------------------------------------------------------------_ <br /> ----------------- -F'z'�� �.Fiief---anc3..--�cisa---P�.�iie-f'---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ----------------- <br /> -- ------------ ------------ ------------- --- ---- -- ------------- -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------ -- <br /> to me personally knowrL to be the iderLtical persorz_6________whose nameS_________�T_@____________________afj'ixed to the above <br /> ��EAI�� instrumer�t as�rantor_fi____, and_____________��1��_______.______severally acknowled�ed the same to Ue___._�11@_I.r____voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I�l�'W'IT�V'ESSWH�REOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afJixed mz� of�"'icial seal at_______._______.___.___ <br /> t , <br /> ___�r�rid__��lr'�1�.�__._t��12�________ _______________on the date Zast above wratten. <br /> - - -- - ----------------�_.�_..���.n�n�ss---------------------- <br /> �''otary Pub�ic. <br /> ,Mz� commi.ssior� expires---------- ----- ---- -- -- ._TY:AT_CYl -16-n -------- -- 19.�.�------• <br />