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a� <br /> � r� � <br /> D��U ���O�D �O❑ ��n , <br />� , _.. _. j�j-�=KLZIPP&BEIPuR'I.ET'T C`O.,Printinp,Lzthogrw�hing aiid Cou�it:4 gzzppties:Or+�zha`__. -- -- , :_ . — . _ --- �_ <br />�____.__.___;_�. . ._. ..__ _ __ . _ ,. _- _------ -.—*—. _. ..-: _ .._W --� _ _:,� __ <br /> -- _ �--_---.____----- _.� <br /> FR�� I h,erebz� certifz� that this instrument was entered on ,Num,ericab <br /> --------------------�3erth�._L.erVO_1__d----�S 1�1�1e-�------ In,c�ex and fi-led for record this----------�}---------------dar�of-----Au�11s-t---------- <br /> �Warranty �. D., z9 1-->'---, �zt--- -- .__ . 4;�4 - - -----o'clock.- ----P._�M. <br />, q,� Deed. /����r� <br /> ------ - ------ ----UI-- ---- ----------- - -=--------- <br /> -------- -- --- <br /> Re�ister of eeds, <br /> ---------- --- ---R ob er�--J.D i_l l,- - -- ----------- -- ----- <br /> B�-----�� _--------- ------- -- - ----------- ------------------------ <br /> Deput�. <br /> ��.o�a ��� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�ct�: <br /> ����------I-,---}3ertha__Lervol_d_.,�single-)-- ------------ - <br /> o� the CountJ of--- - - --H�.11_ --- ---cc��c� bYtcztn of-- -- - -- ----------------N�'��'���d.---- -------- --------- ------Grantor--- -- -, in consideratiorz <br /> ofthe sum of_,_E�.even---�iundred_Fifty _and_no�100-------------------------------------------------------------- - -------.DOLLv4RS, <br /> --------------------- ----------- <br /> iro hand paid, do-------------h,erebr� GR�1NT, B.9RG✓lIN', SFLL, ✓1ND COdI�'VEY'u�zto----------------------------------- ,---------------------------- ---------------- <br /> ---------------- -- ---�-- ---- - ---- ---- -- --- ------------- -----------------------.R��e�t__J,�?�1��------------------------------�---------------------------------------- --------- -------------- -- ---- <br /> of the Gounty of_- ------- - H�11.- - -_- - - � --- - _ _ - --- -----,Grantee-------, the fol.lowin� <br /> -.a,nd,State o ----- --- --- -- _ �T�l?�'�,Sk�- -'----- -- - - <br /> described premises, situated irz the�Count.r� of'._ _.._____._._______ ______Ha.11___________._.______________�y�;d State of Nebreeka, to wi-t: <br /> �ot___Number__Two__._(2.�_ in___Blo__c_k__Number_ Thirt.een__(.13)___of__the___Ori�ina,l., town,�__ now.._C.ity___of,_.Grand.__I.sland, <br /> Nebr��ka,, , as. 5urveyed,__Platted and Recorded. <br /> --- - -- ---- -- _-------- - -� �-- __- --- ------ - - -----�-----------_----------- -- �-- ----------- --- - - -... -- - --------------�----------------------------------------------------�------ ----------------._.,_. <br /> -- - ---- --- ----..-- - - -... ---- - -- --- - -- - �-- -- - -- ----- --- -- - - - --------------------�------------ <br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appu�•tenaraces thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Intet�est,Dou%er, ' <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoer>er of the said Grarator___.._._,and of either of them, of, ira, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �O �d�1C �IYb t0 �OI� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee_______and to___Yl�fi _ heirs <br /> i <br /> and assi�ns forever. J�nd____._I_______hereby cover�ant________with the said Grantee_______that_________.___I__________________ hold__._______said premises by�ood ar�d <br /> li perfect title; that__.__________I_________._____ha_Ve�ood ri�ht and Zawful authoritz� to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lien.s <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever____________________________________._____________. <br /> - - - -- ---- - - - --_- - -- -- . _ - - --- -- - - - ---- - - ----- --- - --------- ----- - --------- ------------------- -------------------- ---- --------------------------------- - <br /> ./�rcd_____.__,______ ___.______ _I___________. _ ___-____.___.____ covenant________towarrantarcd defend the said premises a�air�st t,he lawful claim,s of all perso»,s <br /> whomsoever--- - -- - - -_ . _ - _ _- - ------------------- <br />' ------------------------------------------------------------- -----------•- -- - ---- -------- --- - ----------------------- -- <br /> Dated the-----------7,�t2'1---- --------------d��J oJ`_ _. _ - - _Il2dx'_�Il--- - --- - -�1. D.,19_�------• <br /> WTTNESS ------------------------�3ertha--L�rV01-d-------------------- <br /> S.C.Nu�t an --------------------------------------- --------------------- ---- ----- <br /> ST.f1TE OF NEBR�SK'�, <br /> � ss. <br /> ---------------�iall-------------count�, On this----------------Z�th------------da�J of---------------��--�,T'_Ch----------------------------.fl. D., 19_�__. , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a dl�'otary Public__ _._______.urlthin and for• said County, persorcallz� came_______________________.______________________ <br /> Bertha Zervold (s3ngle) <br /> to me personally known to be the identieal persor�____.._.___whose rzame__:_ is___________________af�'ixed to the above <br /> instrument as�'rrantor_______., arcd______.__�he______________________�everallz�aeknowled�ed the same to be________h�'______voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IJV'W7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afjixed my ofjicial seal at_________________________ <br /> (SFp,L ) _�arar,,d___TSla,21d.,__.N2bY'dSk�_______________orz the date last above writterz. <br /> ------- - - ---- -----------------------5_.-C-.�iuston---------- ---- <br /> ✓V'otarz�Public. <br /> ,Mz� commission expires----- - JUl�-21 -- - --------------- --- -----------------------19-12-----• <br />