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<br /> ����_ Alfred Rasmussen and Floy Ra�mussen husband and vlife,__ ___ .. ___ __ __ _____ _ _ _ '
<br /> - --- _ - - -- - __-- - - _ _ - --- - ---- - -- - -------- ---- -- - ;
<br /> � ;
<br /> of the Count�J o�- Hc3,11. -- -- - -urzcl �St�itr> of--- -- - - ---- - NE'b_ra,Ska.---- --
<br /> --- -- --.----- ----------C�rantor 3--------, in consideratiori '
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<br /> o� the sum o}'__________FOUI' Hunclred Fifty &_N0�100 DOLL✓IRS �
<br /> ------ ---- ----------- - - ---- -- - -- - -- --- -- --- ----- -- ---- --------- , �
<br /> ---------------- --
<br /> in hand paid, do --- - li,ereby GR✓�✓1"T, B�IRG�9IJ1'', SELI., d4�V'D CONV'EY'urato----- - - ----------- -- ------------ - ----- - --- ----------------- �
<br /> ---------------- --- -- - - _ - - ---- ---------- --Daisy-Sa,nders-- --------------------------
<br /> - --------- ----- - - -- - ----- - -------------------- - ----- ----------- -------- ;
<br /> ;
<br /> of the Courztr�of----------Hc'�..1.1_-- --------------------arzd State of--------- ----- .. ---------NEl��'38k3--------- ----_.._--- -- --------------,Grante,e------, t7te followin� i
<br /> deseribed premises, situated irc tic�sf,�ountr� of_____.__ ____ _ .__ __ ______Ha,11____ _.__________arr.-d State of�Y'eb�tka, to auit: �
<br /> _I���_...�umber---N'�.�.e--(-9-}---�ri.._�ileck._NU�?ber--Si�ty_._Nine_..-�-�-9--)----i�n_..Y�'h�eler---�,d---�ennet.t!.s._.�e�and...A_ddi_t_�._on--- �
<br /> ---to...Gr_�,nd_..Island_1.._Nebraska-,-_-a�-_surveyed_,. _Platted_.and__r.eeorded...._------,_.----_...._------------- ;
<br /> --- ------- --- --- --- -- --- -------
<br /> - - - -- - - - - ------ -- --- ---- -- -- --------- --------- ---------------��----- -- --�� --- - - - .... - - ---- --- ------------------------ '
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<br /> Z'o�ether with all the teiternerzts, lr,ereditam,ents, and a��urte,n,ances thereurzto belorz�in�, and. adZ t�r,e Estate,, Right, �'itle,Interest,�ouler,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim arcd De,mand whatsoever of t,h.e sai.d C�rantor__�___,und of either of th-em,, of, i,n,, or to t.Tae sam.e,, or anz�part th,e�er�f.
<br /> �0 ���le AI1� t0 �0�� th,e above-described,prernises, with the appz�rteft.ances, u�zto the said�rantee__.____and to______��_x_'__________ leeirs ;
<br /> and assi�nsforever. .lrzd_______We____herebycoverzant______rvith the sa-id Grantee..______tha.t______J(It�_________________ hold._________said premises by�ood ancl �
<br /> ,
<br /> perfeet titde; that________.___j�e_________ha_vedood ri�ht an,d lawful a�tithoritr� to sell and eonvey the same; that the�are frPe ancl elec�r of all lien.s ;
<br /> andincumbrances whatsoever----------------- --- - - --------- -- -------- - ---- -------------- --- --------�------------------------------------- ------------------------ '
<br /> -------------------------------------------- -- -- ----------- -- - ----- --- -- __ -- -- - ,
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<br /> i
<br /> .,4nd__._______.._______ �e_______________.__ . _ .___________ . __ c�ovenanl_______to zvarrant arad defend the said premises u�ain,st the lazaful clai,ms of all persores �
<br /> �
<br /> whomsoever -- ---- _ _ - _ ------------------------------------------- ------- '•
<br /> -------- -------- --- ----- ------ --- - ------- --------- -- - ------
<br /> �
<br /> ------------------- - - -- - - - -- --- -- - --- -- - ---- - ------- - - -- -------- - ---- -- - ------- -------- -- --- ------ -- -------- - -- _
<br /> Dated the-- -----�-- ---dar� of._ _ -- Al��;l;�S�- -- -----.g. D.,19.�-�------•
<br /> th--- --------- --
<br /> u�IT�ESS Alfred Rasmussen �
<br /> --------------- -- ------ ---------------------- - ------- --- ---
<br /> ' ---- --------------Floy__Rasmusser�----- --------------- �
<br /> -- -- - - -- - ----Z_,_R_._Br lnin�er -------- �
<br /> ss.
<br /> ' --------------�i8,11------------------------Coufzty, On this------- -- -r}'�Yl---- ------ -daJ �f--------------Al1gLi8�--- -------- -----�. D., 19_-1� - , before m.e, i
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> the ttirzdersi�ned, a�N'ot¢ry Publie--------------------------------------wi,th,in arzd for said County, Personally came------------ --------------- ------------------------------- '
<br /> � ______._____________ ____ ___ .Alfred.__��smussen__and__Floy___ Ra,smus:en !
<br /> --- - -------- --- -------- ------ ------ i
<br /> - - --- ,
<br /> �
<br /> ---- - ------ -- - - --- ----- ------- ----- -
<br /> - - -- -- -- ----------- -- --- - ------ - - ------
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<br /> t,o me personally knoaun to be the identieal persora_�______whose name__8__ ___�e_______________ ____cz�'ixed to the above '
<br /> i
<br /> instrument asC�srantor__S___, and_______t hey______________,seveTally acknowled�ecl the sarne to be____��g_��______volurctary �
<br /> act and deed for the purpose thercirz expressed.
<br /> I
<br /> IJV'W7T�V'ESSWHERF.OF,Ih¢vehereunto subscribed my name ar�d afj'axed my of)icial seal at___________.__ _________ �
<br /> ;
<br /> _______Gra.Xld__ISla11d1__Neb�'c'�.__,ska_.________orL the date last above written. ;
<br /> (S�z ) �
<br /> - -- - -- ------------Z-.R.arinin�ex--------------- --- ;
<br /> �'°otar�Public. ;
<br /> . . . ---- -- - ---- - -19--14----• ;
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