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<br />� _.:__�_ .���_�=�LaPP&�iIRTLF,T7'CO.,Prindin9,LiGhogr¢phinp�znd"G'oiint,y,SiiPPlies,Omdhrz. `- _ ,_:." -:�;,:. �. _... __ _ _. _^-_. _ . _. .� . . _-- - - .--.—_— _ ___--_
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<br /> __. _.� _.
<br /> - _,, _ —____�_—,._— .. __—__._�._.__�
<br />�-.. . .:- _. -- _
<br /> F��� I hereby certifr� that this irzstrurr�erzt was entered orz �N'umerical
<br /> I y � Index and led oT• record this________��h__________da o .�,
<br /> ----- ----- ---C l _d e__ V_,_Jur �C w i f e-- .--- -- f� f � f---------Au at-------
<br /> �1. D., 19�.�-----, a.t------ �' - - - -- - - _. -----o'clock- �-• --�•
<br /> -- - ------- -- -- .-- -- - --- _ -- --- -- - -- �Warranty
<br /> TO Deed.
<br /> - ------ __ --������:-��---------- ---- - -
<br /> Re�i.stei� needs,
<br /> Albert W.Ster.r
<br /> B�------ ------- -- ---- - -------------- - -- -
<br /> ------'-- --`=------- -------------- -- - _ - -- - - --- Deputy.
<br /> ��ob� ��� �er� �p �C�je�e �re�e�.t�:
<br /> ����----we, -C_l���e- V.,..7ury and__Jen.nie--I_.Jury, -hu�b_a,nd---and__tivife,---------------------------------------------�-
<br /> -- - ---
<br /> -------------------- ---------------------------------------- - -- -�------ -------- - - ------- �.-- -- ------------- -- - ----- ------------------------------------------------
<br /> of the Countz� of----------------Ha.11--------------c�atcd ,�'ta,te c>f----------------T��br�.Sk�----------------------------------------GrantorB--------, in eoresideration
<br /> of the sum of------ --- �_T�EF�---HUN3A��--�_1,�Q9-�--s�---QQ_ _100------------------------------- ------
<br /> -- - - -- -------- ------- ---- -----------.DOLL.gRS,
<br /> in hand paid, do_ h,ereby GR�1.NT, B.FIRG�II✓1'', SELL, .g✓l�'D CONVEY'unto--- ---------------------------------------------------------- -----------------
<br /> -----------------Alb-�x-t----W-.StLhz'- --- ---------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------
<br /> of the Coui2tJ�}�-- ----- -- ---�c111- - ------and State of------ - --- -- -- - - N�bY'�5��------ - -- -- - - ------.,Grantee-------, the followin�
<br /> described premises, situated in the...CourLty of______ __,___.__..H��.�._________________ .______.____and State of�l�ebre�ka, to uri.t:
<br /> --.._L_o_L---�igh�----�-�.)----irL__Blo_c_k_Thir��r-s.���n---�37-�--Q�---.Char1_�s...�l�smer-'-u---Ad_di.t.ion_..�o....the...C.ity.--��---�rand-----
<br /> -----.�sl.a,??�d,_..Neb.ra,ska.}- as surveyed� Plwt_t_ed__�,r�d_recorcied,...........................� �� - -�- - - -------------------------------------- ------ --- ------ ------
<br /> - - -- --- -- - - - -- ----- ---- -- --..__- - - ------ -- - ----�-------- -- --.... - � -� �---- -- -- - - - --- -- --- --------�--�---------------------- -- ----.___...---------------------- ----...- -- - ---_
<br /> =- -� ----- ------- --- - - ------ ---- --- --� -- - - --- --------------- ----------------- --------------------.__......----------------- ---- --.._._.._.....-----------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ------------- ----------------- --� - - ---._ . - -- -- ---- ------- _ ----------- -----------------�--- -------� ------�-- ------------------------------------ ----- --------- ------------........ -------------- ---�-- �------
<br /> -- -------- -------- -------- - - - - ---- - - -- - --- - - - - --------------�-----------------------------�------�--
<br /> To�eth�r with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, arid all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,DorveT�,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demund whatsoer�er of the said Grantor_�___,and of either of them, of, in, oT to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �D �d�1C AlY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee_______and to___h,�g____.______ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. v4nd_____l�'L�__.___hereby coverzant_____.with the said Graiztee______that______________YY�___________._ hold____________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that.___._____1Y�.____________ha__V_8�ood ri�ht and lawful authorit9 to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens
<br /> and ineumbranees whatsoever____E��x?_t_.a__1?IOY'�ga,�E?__1?1._.t71e__911IC1___Of__��00.00_,__in__fa_v__or__of__�he__�qu_itable_.___.______.___._
<br /> --------��i�-di��---�d--�aan-A�so�-f���io�-,---�ec�axded--in--�34ak--?+b-r--Page---336-,----wY�.i-ch-th�--�r--ar�t-e�--he��ir�-----------
<br /> -- -��_�umes--�d._��r.e.es t4_.-pay as a part- °f -the__�urch�,�e_�price_------------------ -
<br /> .11nd______..________________.______________W_@--- - - --------- -------- covenant._._.___to warrant ar�d defend the said premises a�ain,st the lawful claim,s of all person.s
<br /> whomsoeuer--------�X�.��?t--sl�S �.b�.Ye_.Sta,ted.----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- - --- -- -----------------
<br /> --------------------------- ------- -- ---- --------- - -------- -- ------ ------ - - - - - - -------- ------------- -------- - ------ ----------------------------- -- ------------ - -
<br /> Dated the-----------�I-t71__--- --------- ----da�J �/�-- --- - --�1-1�3�---- -- -- -.g. D.,191.�-----•
<br /> W7TNESS -------- ---�l�d�'--ZI.,TLiY'JL --------- ------------- -
<br /> - --- -L._�.Al1-a�---------- ------- -- - ---- --------------- ----Zeru�.i_e--I-.-Jur-3r---------- -- --- --- -
<br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR.ISK�1,
<br /> ' ss.
<br /> ----------------------x�,ll----------------County, On this------------�th---------------daJ ��--------------Au��-�---------------------------.1. D., 1�.�---- - , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Nota�y Public________________________________within and for said County, personall� came__________________________________________________________..
<br /> ----------�lyde__V._Jury--and__J�nnie.--I._Jury- -------------------------------------- ------------------
<br /> --- -- --------- ---------------- - --------------- - -- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
<br /> to rne personallz� knowr� to be the identical person_�__._____whose name�______a,Z'@_.______________________.czfJixed to the above
<br /> instrument as(�rantoT_�3____, and_��.Q,3t__________________________severally aeknowled�ed the same to be.._��g�_�______voluntary
<br /> aet and deed for the purpose therein ex:pressed.
<br /> I�U'W'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my off'icial seal at__________:_____________
<br /> County,
<br /> ----Gr�Tld-_IS1dri1,�_r___]��b_._,_�Sl___Ss'�._,�..�,.�on the date last above writterc.
<br /> (SF�Z } --------------------------------------�.�'r.�l�'ota�z�Public.----
<br /> .My commi,ssion expires------ - --- ---5 ej3 t.---2-41--1_916.---- ---19------------•
<br />