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<br /> FRO✓YI I herebz� ce�•tify that thi,s iTZStrument was entered orz ,Numericad
<br /> .
<br /> ------------------ -Vi!�,1�],��,�1._N��l�.l,b��'y�Q11--°c,�--1N f@ Indexarcd�i-led for record this------18t--------------daz�of-----�i��;��-------------
<br /> �1. D., 191_ ------, at- --?�-.- , '
<br /> --- ---- --- - - -- ---- - -- - - -_ - _ -- �Warranty
<br /> �- 30 -__ -- __- - -- -----o �ao�k--- -�? .�r.
<br /> TO � Deed.
<br /> -r�-��! �<��-.�i
<br /> ------- -- ------ --- - -- - - .. ------------------------ -
<br /> Re�ister o Deed.s,
<br /> --- -------Seth__x.�a.ell- -- ----------- -----
<br /> . _ B9- �----- --------- -------------- --- -- -----------------------
<br /> De ut
<br /> --------------------- --- -------- ---- -- -- - - -- - --- p �'
<br /> �.���ro ��� �er� �� ��je�e ,�re�e�t�:
<br /> ���t--------We,--__W__i l l i a.m__N.Cu lb ert_s__on _and_.�da�ry__J._Cu lb er 4�on-�---hi s---w-i#'e-�---------------------------------------------- --
<br /> of the OountJ of---------------H311_-------------artcl �S'tatc� of---------- ---------------------N�bY'�,."zk31-------------_------,----------GrantorS--------, in corzsideration.
<br /> of the sum of_--------- -- --------------Thj.r_ty--�hre�__hLi2lClx'�S�--D9�10Q - - --- -- - -------- - -- ------- - ----- - -- ----- ------.DOLL�RS,
<br /> irz hand paid, do herebr� GR<gNT, B�RG✓II.N, SELL, d4ND CONV'EY'u,rzto-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Seth H.Buell
<br /> ------------ -- - ------- -- - --- ------ - --------- --- ------------------------------- - --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ' -- --and State o -- -- - - _ __- - -- --- --N@b-x�.Sk�.- - _. - --------,Grar�tee--------, the followin�
<br /> of the Count�J of--------- - -- ��d.11..- - }
<br /> descr�ibed premises, situated in �h�;..C.ounty of________ .______ _____ __._�al.l________________________________and State of Nebns�ka, to wi.t:
<br />' La�....Thr_�e---(3-�--i.n...Bl��k---Qn�--hundr-e-d.--f_or.ty_-_one---�-1?�I--)----in...Uni.on__I?acif.ic...i�a.il�ray---C�-'-s---S.e.con.d._....----�---..._
<br /> A�1.�.��_�..qn---��-- Gx�n�_..z.�.�..a�.d_� -��b�'a.ska-�.-a�--surveye.c�a---�latt.ed-.-a�-d- re-�t�_�'.��.��- - ---------�--- ---�----------------� �- - ------ ------
<br /> ------------ ------------------- --- - - - -� -- -- - - ----- ----- ----- ---- � -- - ....---- --------�-----�--...-�---- - �------ --�---- ---------- ------------ ---------------.....----.....------�-----------------...---�------�----
<br /> � .__----- -------- ,----- -- - -- - -- - - - - --- - --- --- -- - -- -------- -----------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenemerzts, hereclitaments, and a�purtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dower,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoer�er of the said Grantor_�___,and of either of them, of,ir�, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �D ���1E AlY� t0 �OYb the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�Tantee_______and to_________hi5---------- h-eirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .,4nd____.WB_____herebz�covenant______zvith the said Grantee______tlzat_______________Yy�___._,_.______ hold________.__said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfeet title; that._________�Ye_______________ha_v_<_'_�SOOd ri�'ht arcd Zawfacl authorit� to sell and eonvey the same; that thez�are free and elear of all liens
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever----------------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------------------ ---
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
<br /> - - - ---- - --__- - - - --_ -- --- - --- -- --- ---- ---------- ------------ - ---------------- ----------- ------ ----------------------------------- ----- ------------
<br /> _____ covenant.______to�,varrant and de end the said remises a ainst the law ul claim,s o all ersor�.s
<br /> .Flnd------- -- - -- - - -- ��- --_ - --- - f P � � f P
<br /> whomsoever--------__._- - - - _ --__ _- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------�-
<br /> ---- --------------------------------------- - -- - - ---- -------- - -
<br /> ----------------------- ------ -- -- -- - ---- ----- --- - -------- ----- - - ------ --- - ------------ - ------------------------ ------------ -----------------------------------
<br /> Dated the-------------2_��Y1--------------- --da�J ol�- - -�1�7��� - -- ------ - - - -�i. D.,1913-------•
<br /> GVITNESS ---------------------------��1.�3-c3�-�t-.-Cl�lb -E.'�"-'�-�-0�1- -----
<br /> Jo�n Allan -----------------------M�.�,r�--1_._C_ull��r�son-------------
<br /> ST.gTE OF NEBR.lSK.g,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> Ha,ll--------------------County, a Ort this----- ----------2-�t�1---------da�J of----------------.TUY'1.�---------------------------.f1. D., 19.�.�- - , before me,
<br /> the urzdersi�raed, a Notarz�Publie---------------------------------withirz and for said County,Aersoraally came-------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> --------�Vil_].iam--�t._�u�b_����ox�---��a�.�.__��.�'y---�.�u�,b��'�sc?na---his__wiPe-�--------------------- -----
<br />' --- - --- --- -------------_.._..------------- -------------------- ------ -- ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
<br />; to me personadly known to be the identical person�__._.____whose rcame__�___.__________�'e_______________a f�"ixed to the above
<br /> instrumerct as�}antoT�S..___, and________th9.31____._ severally aekftowled�ed the same to be_______�}�}�j;�_voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therezn expressed.
<br /> I✓1�'W'ITNESSYVSEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj"ixed mz� off'icial seal at____._____________________
<br /> Graxid__I�_la,�d_;___i,n___s�.id_.Coun��a______on the d¢te last above written.
<br /> (SEAL) ------------�s�_Y�n.__A11�,n_.-----------------
<br /> .Notarz�Public.
<br /> .Mr� commissior� expires------- - - - - --.__J�,21.--�3�--�._Ql$------------------ -----19------------•
<br />