<br /> � �.�
<br /> -.. D��D ���O�D �On ��a
<br />_.__: _ _ _: --- - - - -_ - -_._
<br /> �__ _..?_ �
<br /> u6�iU-KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Priniting,Lithogra.phing arul Covnty Sup�lxes;C3mahrz ' : -�
<br /> --.- --- _.. � _ ..__:. .,._.� .____. __.. _-._ - --_. -_---... _ � ._�
<br />_._. _ _._:: _.�._�_�_ __.__...�_.�—_�; - ---s-._�-,--��
<br /> FR�� I her�ebz� certify that this instrument was entered orz Numeri.ca,l
<br /> -------------I4Ia.1"�--Ph�111�?S.�_ _W_1dOW_-- ----------_ Index arzd fcled for record this>------7�-Q#�----------day of-----Tbi�.�'----------------
<br /> �. P., 1913----- , �t-- �:�0 --_ _ __ - - -----o'elock------�'-..M.
<br /> --- - - - - ---- - __ --- - - -_ _ -- �Warranty C//�
<br /> ,�,� Deed. �
<br /> -- -- -- - --- - �,��---------------------
<br /> ------- --
<br /> Re�i.ster De.eds,
<br /> ----- --- --------Herma�r�--'��lode- - - - ----- ---
<br /> B�------- - - - -- - ---- - ---- _ _ - --------------- --------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �.r�o� �r� �Ler� �p ��je�e �re�e�.t�:
<br /> ��A�-- - T�ar_y -P7ii_llig�> wi.doy�r - - --- --- - - - - ---�- - -------------- ---- ------------- ------------------------------ --- ---------------- -- - --
<br /> of the CountJ of----- H�?.11- -- - -cr`�,c� Str�te of-- - --- -- -- ---------1��b_r�.S.k�.--------- ---- ----- ---- -------Grantor-- --, in consideratiofa.
<br /> of the sum of_----`�'�"1-Q -H�i�ldrP� --�-�- 00_,1Q�?.--- ---------- --------------------- --------------------- ---- ---------------- --- -- -- - --------DOLL.IRS,
<br /> in hand paid, do_ �?5----------lzereb� GR.l1NT, B.FIRG�ILN', SELL, �I.ND CONVEY'urzto--------------------HEI'-II1cl.Y1.-TYlOdE----------------------_------ -----------------
<br /> of'the Count�J o� ------- -�I��.�. -- -- --- -----and State of- --- - - N�bT�,Sk�, --- ---- -- --- - ------,Grarztee--------, the followin�
<br /> described premises, situated ii2 the Couratr� of_.__ __________ _ ____ Hc'�.1�________________._________.____arzd State of Nebrs�ka, to wit:
<br /> ._..__.-•----...._Lat_..FiV-e ---�-�-�-�---�n---��,o.�k._Thi��y -��-�?-)a--Q�--#'.aCker--and----7�arr'�--S�COx�d_.,t�d�..�,�_�..Qn...�Q....th�....C.i.��r.--- - -- -
<br /> ------�--- - � -Q�- Gr�;�rn.d_..I s_1.a,nd- --- - -- - - -- -- ---- -- - --- ----- - -� ---- ------..._. -_..---�--�-�-� - ---- - � - -- -� -� -- -------------------------------------- --------- ........---------
<br /> -------- ---------- -.�_� - --- - - - -- -- - ---- -----------------------.._....-------�----------------- ---------- ----------_...... -�--- -- -----------..._.....------------ - - .. ---------------------------------------� .
<br />, �---------- --- -_ - -- --------- -- -- --- - --- ----- -- - -
<br /> --------- - - -- ---......- ---- ----- - - --- - - ----- -- ----- -- ---------- � -�---- �------------------....._....- -------�--------------------------------- -----------�--- --�---_....__...- -- -----....------- --�-- - - ----
<br /> ---------- -- - ---- -------- - - � -- --- _.... -- - - - - - -- - - - - - ----- -- - - -- - _- - - - ----- - --------------------------- .
<br /> To�etherwith all the tenemerzts, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dower,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor______._,arzd of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> j �CO �A�1C AYY� t0 �OI� the abor�e-described prem,ises, with t,h,e appurtenances, unto the said�rantee__._____arcd to_______�}�_�.______ ___ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .flnd___I____________hereb�covenant_____._with the said Grantee._______that___._____�______.______________ hold___________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that___________I_____.________haY__�.__�ood ri�ht and lazvful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens
<br /> andincumbrances whatsoever--------����W---t�X��---- ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- -
<br />�� --- - ---- _ -- --- - - -- - -- ------ -- - -- - -- ---- ------- ---- ------ --- --- - -- ------ --------------- ---------- --------------- ----------------------------- -------- -
<br /> I' �y�d______ _ _________________j_____________ __ _ ______________________ coz�enan,t._______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst t,he lawful claims of all person,s
<br /> whomsoever-------- _ - - -- -- -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- ---------------- ------------ -------
<br /> Dated the----- ------- ---2211d--------------da�J �I�- --JUIy' - - ---- ------ - - ---.fl. D.,19-��-----•
<br /> W7T�v'ESS -------------------------��---P-hi111pS- ----------- -
<br /> ----- ---- - --- - ---0--�A_,_Abb o-----------r-� --------- - - ----
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------- - ----- ----
<br /> �ss.
<br /> --------------------------Fi�.11------------County, On this---------22nd--------------day of--------------3uly-------------------------------�. D., 19--1� - , before me,
<br /> the urzdersi�ned, a.N'otccry Public___________________._----_-__--_-_withi.rz a�zd for said Countz�, personallz� came___________________________________ _
<br /> -- ---- -- --
<br /> -------- --- -- - --------- --------------------------------------Mary_--Phillips-----------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_______.____whose r�ame_______.________�8________._______a fjixed to the above
<br /> instrument as �rantor________, and________________���________severally acknowled�ed the same to be.._____���_._______voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose thereir� expressed.
<br /> INW7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subseribed my name and af�xed mz� of)icial seal at_______________________
<br /> �r��� � ____.__�r��___��_�,�,�___�eb�'�3ka______________on the date last above written.
<br /> ----- --------------------O--A�AhhQ�t�---1-r---------------------
<br /> �N'otarz�Public.
<br /> .My commission expires------- ---D�C��Lb_�r--lfl�-- ------------------- ----- - -19--1-�---•
<br />