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� <br /> r� �� <br /> D��D [���O�D �oo �dn <br /> __ _ ._ : _ _ _ � _ _ _ <br /> _ _ _ _ _ � <br />__ ._ .� "ub�iJ—KIOPP&BARTLL''7"R'��0.,I'rin!ittq,Lilhograyhing,arztt C'outzty Suyplies:Ornr�hm . .. ... . . . . .._ ... ..� . --� �_ ,Y� - <br /> �'K�✓� I hereby certify that this instrument was en,tered on Numerical <br /> ------ - - - -�Ie rman._Tho dQ__�_..�r�_�'.e-- - - --- <br /> Index and fi,led fo�°record this---------�R-----------day of_---------J11�'�T=------------ <br /> .F1. D., 1915------, at-- --__ _ - -_ _ �:�Q - -----o'cloc7c.- -P-.-.M. <br /> - -- - _. - ---- - _ __-- - - - - �Warranty � <br /> -- --- - - -- I <br /> 1 U % Deed. <br /> -- --- - - --- - ----- - -._- - . ------------------------ ----- - - <br /> Re�i.ster of ,eds, ' <br /> -------- ------ �ar-Y-��._i11ixi�- -- - ----- -- --- <br /> B�------ - - --- - ____ -- --- -- -------- -------- ----- <br /> Deputz�. <br /> �.�o� ��Y �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t� : <br /> ����-----._ --_�Sern�a�n Tl=���e ��,� _47c�Nsr,hina_._Thc�ie,�-ar�c�-wi.�'e,---- --------- -------------------- ------------------- - -- --- <br /> ---------------------------------------------�---------------------------- --- <br />� of the CountJ of----------Ha.l-1------------------cr.ri.c� , of---------------�I�_b_T��'ikQ----.--------------------------------------------Grantor8-- •----, in eonsideratiorz <br /> of the sum of---------- - Eley-�n--?�uns�x_�cl -F-����� and --G_�i,l!.?_G__---_---_-------:--_—�_______��_--�----------•--�--�------------.DOLL�/1RS, <br /> in hand paid, do--- ---------hereby GR�JV'T, B�RG�lIN, SELL, �ND CO✓V'VEY'unto------------M�ry---P�1.1���pB-------------------------------- ---------------- <br /> -- --and State of------- .T1��r�8_k& _- - - -- --- - ------ - - - ------ - followan <br /> of the CountJ�f- -----: xA��._- -- - -- ---- ---,Gran,tee--------, the ' � <br /> described premises, situated in the Courzty of____.______Hall _.____.____and State of,Nebrsaka, to wit: <br /> ---------------------------------Lo�---N.�n�-----(-��,---B1QC.k__Thirt_e_en- -�13)--,-�-a-�..._�r-ar�d--�- -� --- ---- <br /> - - -�s.?anc�,.._,N.e.b_r_as-iia-as-s_�a.r.v.e-3�e-c�---?�_la�_�eci- -ana__.s�c.c� ---- ---... -� --�-�------------------�--------------------------�--- --------------- <br /> -...------ �-- -- .- -- ------ ------ ---- -- --- -- -- ----- --- __ - -- ._._- -----�---- ------ --...----------�---- -------------------�•---�- - --�-- --- --- ------- ----------------- ----- --�----------�--------------------- <br /> .------- -----...------ ---- - - - - --- � --- ---_ - - __... - - -- - - - -� --�- ----�-- -----�----,............................�----- ---.....------ --------------- --........-----....--�--- --- - ---------- ---�--------------------- <br /> - -- ------- ---------- -- - - -- - - - �- - -- -- - -- �- - - -- <br /> To�ether witlz all the tene�nents, hereditaments, ccnd appurtenances thereunto belor��in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dower, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoeueT of the said Grantorg____,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �D ���1C AIY� t0 �0�� t3ze above-described prern,ises, with the appurtenar�ces, ur�to the said�ra�tee______and to..__.____h�T_______ Jaeirs <br /> arcd assi�ns forever. �Lnd.____I!�!e______hereby eoverzant.____._with the said, Grantee_______that_____________�@____________.__ hold____.______.said premises b��ood and <br /> perfect title; that______________YY_8.__________.___ha__V_�__sood risht an,d Zawful authorit;y to sell and convey the same; that the�are free and cdear of all lien.,s <br /> and incumbranees whatsoever-------------------- -------------------------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------------- ---- --------------- --- - ------------ ------ - -- - - - -------- - ------ ----- - --------------- --------------- ------------------ ----- ---- . <br />'i �1nd______________�16___________.________________ _______ ____ warrar�t and defend t,he said premises a�ainsL the lawful clai,m,s of all persoras <br />� whomsoever------- - --- - - - - . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------�--- ----------------- -------------------------- - ------ -------------- - - <br /> --------------- <br /> IDated the-----�-----�-8------------------ ----da�J �/� _- - 1u1-Y --- -- -- --------./1. D.,19--1-3-----• <br /> I W7TNESS ------------- �--�-�srnan---Tho_d6--�------�------------- - ------ <br /> ----- ------- -0-i--�-•---Al;b4-�-�s----Jr_._-- ------------ - --------------- -�as_ia--�,--Th-�-d.e------ -------- ------ <br /> ST.gTE OF NEBR,/1SK.�l, <br /> �Iall ss. <br /> i ----------------------------------------County, On this--------------�8��--------------da�J �}----------------��}: �. D., 19_._�,_�.. , be ore me, <br /> �-------------------------------- � <br /> the urzder•si�ned, allotaryPublie__________________.____________,__within and for said Courtty, personally came____..Herl:Zan__Thod�._�n�,__�TO�Q?�h��;� <br /> -- Th c;cie - -hus_�and--_anci__w if'.e------------ ------------------- <br /> I' to me personally 7crcown to be the identieal person__B_._____whose name_�;_____s'��'�____.____________a/j'ixed to the above <br /> instrument as�rarztor__t3___, arad______________tY16_3t_.__.______severally acknowled�ed the same to be_.______.tJ�_g�_�voluntary <br /> act arcd deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> �uEAL� INW'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subseribed my name and af�'ixed my ofj'icial seal at.____��_rs�.nCl,_______ <br /> ____ IS1aT1C�_�/�_�_Y�_5��,____.___:___-__:____________on the date last above written. <br /> ---------------------------Q-�----�!-�----��_l�Q�t�-----�.x'�---------- <br /> .Notarz�Public. <br /> ,My eommi.ssion expires---------DB C_�T:b�T--1------------,----------------------- <br /> ------------------19--��-----• <br />