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<br /> � � 4-.1
<br /> ti... D��� ���O�D �O❑ �IJn �
<br />_ -- _, , _ - --.. ___ _._ __ _ �.=– _�.� — _ __
<br /> u6��U--f{'LZJPP c�13A�fiLETT CO.,Prtinti7ag,Lithographting a�id County Supplies;Otr�alon. �� ° - ` � ^ �
<br />__ ... , :, _ _ ... .
<br /> I
<br /> FRO.M I hereby certify that this ir�stru-ment was entered orz JV'umerical
<br /> Th�' RUSS Investment C0. Index arzd filed for record this_________2.(���_____._day of______f_���
<br /> .l1. I)., 191.�-----, a,t-- __3_ _ -- -- -- -------o'clock,-----P_�✓�VI.
<br /> --- ---- ---- - -- -- -- -TO- - -
<br /> - - _ - Warranty
<br /> � Deed.
<br /> .
<br /> - -- -- .--- -- - - - - - -- ----- - -�Gr�/Iv- -
<br /> ----- -
<br /> Re�ister of eeds,
<br /> ------ --C onra,d__F ir e_s t�in -- ---- - - - --
<br /> By------- - - - - --- - ------ -
<br /> - -- -----------Deput�,--
<br /> �.r�o�n �Y� �e� �p �C�je�e ��e�e�t� :
<br /> ����---T��E--ROSS-INVESTT��CE�fiT_._C0. ; -�- corpor_a__t ion.� ------- ----- --- ------- --- --- - ---- ------- ------ �------- ---- - --
<br /> ------ ------------------------- ---- ----
<br /> ----- ----- -- - ----- -- ._ - -
<br /> -- ------- - ---- -- ----- --------------- --- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- - -
<br /> of the Cour�tJ of_--------H�,lla-------------ccrrcl .�'tcr,te of--------.-----N2bra,sk3�------------ ---------------------,--- _--------Grantor•---------, in consideratiorz
<br /> of the sum of----------- - - ThI'e� IlllridY'E;Cl f�.f t8�ri d,nd ri0/1.00--------------- - ------- -- - ----------- - ------- ---------------- --------.DOLL�RS,
<br />� in hand paid, do�-S------.--hereby GR<<1NT, B�RGdS(I,�", SELL, .q.ND CONVEI�unto---------------------------_-------------------------------------------- -----------------
<br /> --------------- --- ---- -- ------- -- -- ----- ----- --- --- --- ----C onr ad__Fi r e st e in- -----------------------------------------�---------
<br /> ---------------------- - ------- ------------------ -
<br /> of the County of--------------_ __�I�.11_------__.----and State of----------NBbY'c`3,Sk3--_..---_ ---------------------------------------.___----,Ura��tee-------,, the foldowin�
<br /> described premises, situated in the Cou�2tz� of_____ ____________._ ___.x�,��,_____________._______________an,d State of dVe,br�caka, to wit:
<br /> I --------�-�-��--���:�b�r----�i��--(-5-)---�� -�]:oelc T���ber T�o- {�-} -it�---Koehle�--Pl�,c�---i�--�t�-r�an-d----i-s-3-and�--acaordin�--ta ..---
<br /> -- ---tYle--rec.ora_e.d...pla�--ther.�of= - ----- - - ---- - -- ---- -._ .- - ----- ...._._.--.
<br /> ...-�... . .. ....... �----............- - -�----------------------- -----------------�----- ---- --...__
<br /> ------- -------- ----- -- ----- ---- -- - ---- - - ------- -- -- -- -- -- -----... ------------ ----......__...- -- ---------.................. ----- -------... --....----------- ---------------------- --------------
<br />�' . ---- ...-- ---- --- -- ------- - -- - -.. .. ------------------- ----------� ------�-----------�.. .. . ..........-- -........-------
<br /> ------- -----------------�--------._.._----------------------
<br />� .... -- - ----_ -----�---- - - ----- --- -- - - --- -- - -- - ---�-- ....-- --- ---- ------- -----------�------...._.......--------------------------------------------...------.....----�------- ----------------
<br /> --- ------ ----------- --- -- - - - -- _ ---- - - - -- - -�- - - - �----------------------------
<br /> To�ether zvith all the tenements, hereditaments, and a�purtenances thereunto belon�iiz�, arcd all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,�e�zrre�,
<br /> �,Claim and Demai2d whatsoever of the said Grarztor�_____,cra� ' of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �C� �abe an� to �oYb the above-described premises, with the appurterzances, unto the said�rantee________and to____..___hj.8_____ __ heirs
<br /> said The i�oss Investment Co. . ,
<br />' and assi�ns forever. .,4nd._f��1e_._x___hereb;�covenantB_____with the said Grantee________that____________�________________ hold�_________said premises by�ood arcc�
<br />'� perfect title; that___.____ l�; :.._._______ha_�?_sood ri�ht and Zawful authorit� to sell and corcvey the same; that they are free and clear of all lieras
<br /> II and incumbrances whatsot'ver---------------------- -------- -------- -------------------- -------------
<br /> ------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
<br />� --------------------------------------------------- ---------------- - -- -.._--- - ---- - - ------ - -- -- - --- - - - -- -------------
<br />' ------ - --- -- --- - ---- - -- - - --- -- -- ----- - -- ----- - - -- -------- - - - ------- ---------------- ------------------ -- - ---- -- ---- -- ---------------- -----------
<br /> ,q�2d__th2__Sa.�d__The_ ROS_5__II'1V�StI1�21^ov�nant__�.__to warrant and defend the said premises a�airzst the lawful elaims of all persorr,s
<br /> whomsoever---------- - - -- - - ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- - ---------------------------------------_ ----------------- -
<br /> -------I�t---t�itn��� -VV3�e�eof�--�1��-- �-azd- '�3�e--Ro�s---�nv�s�m�nt--�o�---3��s -c�.tzsect---the-s-e---pr�s�rrt-�--to--be--si-�fl�t--
<br /> by i'�s;�res_icient__ and__ it_s__corpQrate seal attached_ hereto ��is__2Eth day of July A.D.1913
<br /> W7TNESS ----------------THE__}�QSS--ITT�l-E�-TMEN-T--GQ.-y----------
<br /> -------------B_y__--Er_ed__W.Asht�n----Presi_dent ----
<br /> ---- -- ---- -- ----_T_,_J._I�anse�--------------------------�- - -----
<br /> -------------�1-z-tE s t---�.-�.R-a�-s------ ��cr-�-t�ry----
<br /> ST�TE OF NEBR�SK.l1,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ------------------�T�a.�..--------------•----Courcty, On this------ --��--°----------------da�J �f-------------1�-Y-------------------------------__.Fl. D., 191�-- - , before me,
<br /> the undersi�rzed, a Notary Public_.________________________________within and for said County, persoreallz� came__.Fr_e_d___1�1_,AgYj,�OY]� �?Y'�gjdeY�t-_-_-
<br /> t -
<br /> -----Qf_--The__Ra_��- Inv�s.�zn�n�---��-•-a------------------ -------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
<br /> - - ----------------------------- -- -----------------------
<br /> Preaident of said Company, ar�.d the .
<br /> to me personallz�known to be the�identical persor�____.____�_whose name_______ __,______!_S,_____________r�fjixed to the above
<br /> instrument as�rantor_______., and_____________________.________—� �_ acknowled�ed the same to be_______��,g._.__._voluntarz�
<br /> a'a� ani�ede���o�i��ie pt�rpose�her`�edz deedseO�P th8 Sa, d The RoAs Investment CO. �
<br /> {SFAL� INW7TNESSWHEREOl+,Ihavehereurzto subscribed my name and af)ixed my ofj"acial seal at____________._______
<br /> _____CxY'�ld___�_s1a.Tld_1___NebY'a.Ska._}_________on the date last above writter�.
<br /> ___'_."____-i'r�i�-[1Wk�r�vii' '_"_"'____________ . .
<br /> --------- - ----- -- �N'otary Public.
<br /> .My commissiorz expires--------F��--l��h--- --- ---- -- - - ----------------------- ---------19�,.�------•
<br />_ ;�
<br />