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<br /> FRO.M I lzereby ce.rtify that this irzstrument was entered orz JV'umerical
<br /> Index and filed for record this--------G-�.,------------day of----�TU.�.�-------------------
<br /> 7Jalt_e_x_�x_ik�en___�____yr_if�- -----_. --------� Warranty d�. D., 1s�.�------, a,t--- ------ __ ____4_.�Q---- -------dclock,-----P_._�t.
<br /> ---- T� !'
<br /> Deed. • � �
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<br /> Re�ist of De,e.ds,
<br /> ---------- - 'Jec;rge----�-,_Froa�3tir��11-------------- ----
<br />, B�✓--------- ----- ---- ----------- -- --- - -- ------------------------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �.�oi� ��Y �e� �p ��je�e ��e�et�t�:
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<br /> � ---- -- - -��-e, ''�al ksr -r:riks�n- an1__�1.nnss--��._Er_iks�n------ -- ------------ - -------- - ----- -------------------� --------- -- --- - -
<br /> ------- - ----------------- --- --------- - ------ ------------- --- (_ hus�?�.n�--ana.__ti�_if e-- �---- - --- ---------- -------------------------- ----- ---------- --
<br /> 1� ___c,,ra,c� Str.r,r� o --------------------------i �l?r�S_iK�--------,-----------------------------GTantor--S------, in consideratiorz
<br /> of the Courzt�J �f----- - �� - � �
<br /> of the Sum of--------- --- -�n�---T_h��.�_s_an;i__��i1__z�� _1Q�- --------
<br /> J ----- ------- ---- - ---------------DOLL.gRS,
<br /> ! ---------- -- --- ------ ------ -- ---- - ----- --
<br /> in hand paid, do________________Yr,er�eby GI�✓1.N'T, B�IRG.gIJV', SELL, ✓1ND CONVF'Y'zUrato______�_��?ige__��..�roa�wel_
<br /> of the Count�J of- ----- -- - �i�11-- - - _ - --.a�d State of--- ------- ---??2_'_t.;_i a^k3- - -- --- ------ -- -- ---- --------,Graiate,e------, the followin�
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of.___.__ _________.. _��cd�_1______________________________________and State of Nebrsaka, to wit:
<br /> ._LGt_�.---�1um�er--'�h_�.�e-----(3-�--.�n�i__Four --�4�-- in---rl�.c.k....'u1�;�er..�.eyen----�")----Arn�l�.---&--Abbo_�ta....A�a.i.-�.ion...t.o
<br /> ..�.ranci.--Island�- - ti'.�brasl.af --a�-sur�re'�-e_d,_...�1a�.�.ea-and...r.sc_Q���d. - - -- -. ........ ...... --.....------------ ---. . _--�- --�----- --------
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<br /> ---- .-_.--------- - - -- - -- - - - - - ---- - -- - - - -- - - � --- - --------- ---- ------ -------------- -
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditame�2ts, and appurtenances thereurzto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dower•,
<br /> Curtesr�,Claim and Demarcd whatsoever of the said Grantor_S___,and of either of them, of, ir�, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br />�', ; �D ���1E AIY� tQ �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee___.____and to_______ri_18__________ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .,4nd.___`�4'�_______hereby covenarat_._____with the said Grantee_______that._______________Yd_@________.__ hold____________said premises by�SOOd and
<br /> perfect title; that__._____v�'G________________.ha__Ve�ood ri�sht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens
<br /> and zncumbrances whatsoever-------s-�-�!�-��_t__�4--�a���---�.Q.�----����--��a----�1h�S@q1�eX_1-'�--�_�X..---------------------------------------------- -----------------
<br /> --- - --- - -- -- ---- — ------ - - ---------- --- --_------- -------- -- -------- -------------- --- -- --- ----------- ------ --------------------------------------------- -
<br /> �lrzd______--__________________??Y�___:____.___ __ ______ __________ _ covenant_______to warrcznt and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persorzs
<br /> whomsoever--- 1S._�bQV�--�tc�t_�_�._. — - -----------------------------------------------------------------•----------
<br /> ----- -------------------------------- - ---- ------ --------------- — -
<br /> ------------------------ ----- -- — — -- — ------ -- --- ----- ------ --- --— --- ----- ------------------- -- ------------------ --------- ---- ------------------ -- -------------- — - -
<br /> Dated the---------------- -���h---- ---- -- --daJ �/�- - ---ApT il- ----- -- -.Fl. D.,191?------•
<br /> W7T.NESS -----y�31t 8 r.-�r ik_s en--------------------
<br /> ----A�.��.a--�.;_,_��iti:.s_en-------------------------------
<br /> ------ ----- -- ----:�_._^v_.�ius_�an_-------------- ------------ - ----
<br /> ST.l1 TE OF NEBR�S`K�,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ;T�11---------------•--Count�J, ) Ora this-----------�-'7_�h-_--------•---daJ �f-----------��x i-1--------------------------------�. D., 19__l.�_. , before me,
<br /> ---------------------`
<br /> tyc�undersi�ned, a Notary Public-----__-__-___--.----_-----_-------within and for said Count�, personally came---------_--__--_-____--___---__---__--_-_--------__----__-
<br /> -------------�._a7.�es _�:x_iks_en---an�i---9nnie-=,�i_._Er_i:zs�n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ---- ------ - --------- ---- �-7ius i�an�__an�--w i fe1-------- ----- --------------------------------------
<br /> ------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person.�_______whose name�___r`�.r@_.________________________afj'ixed to the above
<br /> ��EAL) instrument as �rantor__�____, and______.___the_Y_______________severally acknowled�ed the same to be______�h�1.r___voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose ther�ein expressed.
<br /> I�V'W7TJV'ESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj'axed my ofJieial seal at______________________.__
<br /> ___�ran��__I_�lan�,______N__e'pr.�ska_____________on the date last above written.
<br /> S.C .Huston '
<br /> ------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------- -----
<br /> ✓1�'otarz�Public.
<br /> .Mz� commissiore expires------ - ------ -- ---- - ----- -----------__----=7uly-- 25--------J9-12-----•
<br />