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<br /> DC�C�D °���Oo �D �loo �Oo
<br /> u6S70-1C�6P1�c�BARTLE'L'T CO..Prinlin9,Lithographinp and Counly J'uppltiea;_nmaha: _ _�. _ _. _-_. __ . ,_ . ,� _ _ � �_._ __._�•.------ - - _ _-
<br /> FRO✓YI I hereby certif� that this instrument was entered on Numerical
<br /> In,dex and filed for record this--------1C-----------da�o f---J ttly--------------------
<br /> .g. D., 19---1�---- at------ ---- 3._�a__ --. __--------------o'cZock-----P.._�Yl.
<br /> ---�-�i€-t�:}�t�� -:�ch�r�eg��-an�l ���fe -- - _ Warranty '
<br /> TO Deed. �
<br /> ---- _--._._ - � �
<br /> �� -----------------
<br /> Re�icter f Deeds,
<br /> �_i_lli�m--filack--&---�Jilliam. �_,_FthU�le-s----
<br /> ��--- --_----- __---- -- -- -- ------------ --- -- --
<br /> Deput�.
<br /> �.�.o� �Y� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�:
<br /> ����-------�e,---�-hr i-s-t-c_r.h--�c-��r��-i��er--ana- T�stha--�.��hwi�g ar,--h_us_band---and_vy_i f�---------------------------------- ------_
<br /> -cr�i-<�! .S�t�rfe o ----------.._---------���=����ks�-------- --Grantor---g-------, inconsideration
<br />'�� of the Count�J �f--- - --�aa.l -- - - f -- ----
<br /> r � --- -- ---- -------DOLL✓IRS,
<br /> of the sum o�--------- - - Tv�-o--��t1tl�.red ��.G9�_..�__QQ _1QG ---- ------ ---------- ----- ---- -------------
<br /> in hand paid, do --- - h,erebz� G1�✓1NT, B.�1RU�qI✓1�', ,S�LL, �4<N'D C,O�'VEY'ureto---- - ------------------------------------------ ------- --------- --------------
<br /> ------------------- -----3�i_ll_i.�rn--P1_a�k--an�_�i_lli����__^_aRhode�_ ----- - - - --- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- --
<br /> � J � - -- ------a,nd State of----- -- -�T�k?r�Sk� -- ------- ----- _ ---- - ._._,Gra.rate�------, the followin�
<br />' o the Count o --------- ����-1 - _-- - --
<br /> I'', described premises, situated in the County of____________F3�,�1____ ___.______________________.__________and Stttte of Ne,br,��cka, to wi.t:
<br />�' ______.____.Lot..._r?ine__,(_�)_,_____in_._�lock___Thirty_ .l�ine___(3��_,__ o f_. Packe_r_,and__�arr!_s___"econd_,.�id�.it_ion. _to. the_.C ity___
<br /> ---� �---9f..�=rand..Is_l.and,--2'.e.r�r_aaL�,.-- a�._.s.ux_v��:��.c� -�la�ted.__and...x.e�.Q_xd�;�• --- � - ------- -----�---------------------------- ------ -----
<br /> -- - --- ---- - ---- - - ---- -- ----- - ---- ---- -----......... . ........._ -- -� --- -_ - --- ------........_...------------------------- ---.____.... -- ---------------- -------------------------
<br /> -------- --- - - - ----------- - - -� ------ - -- - ----- ----- � - ----- ----------- - ---- -----------._.._---�-----------------� ------ ----- ------- ------- ------------------��-------------_._..----�--------
<br /> ------- -- -----------�- �---- _. --- - - ---- --- - ---- -- -- �- -------- - �- -- -- --- -------------------- ---_-----�- ------�------------------------------ --------------------- --------.._....------------------------ ...----
<br />, --- -------- - -- - -- -' - ----- - - - _.._-- - pp --- ----- - - � � --- -- ----- -- - � -�-------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements hereditamerzts, arzd u urtenances thereunto belon in , and all the Estate,Ri ht, Title,Interest,Dower,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim arcd Dernand whatsoever of the said Grr�ntor.�___,�-�a,#;�Iic�-o��tlaam, of, ira, or to the same, or anz�part thereof.
<br />' �0 ���1E �.1�� t0 �OYb the above-described prem,ises, with the appa�rtenances, unto the said�Srantee_�E____and to____.th8 lr_._______ h,eirs
<br /> and assi�res forever. .,4nd____Y;!�_______hereby covenant______.with the said Grarctee_&_____that_____fiI6________._________._ hold__________._said premises bz��ood and
<br /> perfect title; that________.__ti}_'e._,_______.__haY_�___sood ri�ht and Zawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of adl lien,s
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever------------------------ ------ ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ----------------------------------- --------------------------
<br /> �nd______________________��"_�________.______________________ _ covenant._.____towarrantand defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all person,s
<br /> whomsoever_----- - ._ - - -- - - - - -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------
<br /> ---------------------- - - -- - - - - -- -- _ - ----- -------- - - - --- - ---- - -------- -- ------ -- - ------------- ----------------------------------- ------------------------
<br /> Dated the-------16�h ------- ------------ --daJ �}�-__ ---J1�1',�--- -------- -------- -.,4. D.,1913------•
<br /> TV7T.NESS --•--�i�l�'_�F_�O�h--M_��lYY_?.eQ@x----------------------------
<br /> -- --L-.S_�_�il_1,�------------------------- ------- ----����h�--�_._�^hSr_i_e��r------
<br /> ST.1TE OF JV'EBR.ISK,4, j
<br /> }ss.
<br /> �7- - - �J, �J f J�ly_-----------------------�. D., 19_13_ __ , before me,
<br /> -------------=-a:ll--------------Cour�t ) Ota this---- --------1�-�---------------da o -----------------------`
<br /> the uradersi�sned, a Notary Public_.___________________ witlairU czi2d for said County, personally came____._______.____________________.____________________._______
<br /> ----Chr_is_tQ�h---����wi�g�x---and__.�_est_ha__�_.��h�ci��-,�s,----hlafi'�ancl--and__�_ife--------------------------------
<br /> - - --- ------ ----- ---- - ------------- -- -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical persorz.s..______whose namefl___�rQ_______________________.__cz fJixed to the aboae
<br /> ��EAL) instrument as�rantor_.8____, and_____________�xl.�y_______._____severallz�aeknowled�ed the same to be_____t11�1s____voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein ex�ressed.
<br /> IN W7TNESSWH�REOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and afj'ixed my ofricial seal at________________________
<br /> rrdrid IE1�T2d�____I�?@=t�r_._r_lri___�_�.�_Cl_��LI,I_1_�y___orz the date last above writtera.
<br /> �------- -------------------L-�r-•-All��----------------------
<br /> �''otarz�Public.
<br /> .Mz� commissiorz expires------ ---- -- --- ----------- - ---- -------�-��?�-•--�,.4� ------19_1fi-----•
<br />