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� ��� <br /> �� D D ° 0 ° D [� o � �� <br /> D�C�D [���O�D o � <br />— `" b:i;U-KLOFP&BtIRTI,ETT CO.,Printi�e9,I,ithographing an�l CovnlN Supgties:Oma'ha: `"� ` `� - — - -" <br />_�- _ :._ ___ __ _ _ , r _--��- -, �._ . . , __ _ __ - � _—�—_��-._._�..__�� <br /> FRO.M I hereby certifz� that this in,strument was entered on ✓l�'umerical <br /> Iradex and filed for record this--------��--------------daz�of_-------`-j--�y_'---------------- <br /> . �. D., 19--13----, at-- --- __ - - - - - -- 9---o'clock--- �!_•__'M. <br /> ---Chax�es---A.Fii_es_land-_&__�rl�e---------- .--- Warranty _ � <br /> TO Deed. <br /> . <br /> ---- -- --- - - --- --�-�c-�-��!�' ----------------- - <br /> � Re�zs er of Deeds, � <br /> -------- ------Zra__�_._�'illiams-- - -- ------- ----- - ----- <br />, B�----------- ----- - ---- -- - - --- -- -- -------------------------- <br />' Deputy. <br />' -------------- --- - ------------ - - - --- -- -- - -- - - - <br /> �r�o� �ZY �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: <br /> � - <br /> ����-----------y�'-e,--uhar_le-s- -A.i� i ��land -an�i._Ellen._�_.Riasland,--h_us�and--and-u�_ife---------------------- ------------- - - <br /> T -._cr�,,cl .S'trr-t< o ---..--------------------------N2.1�raska.---------------------------------Grantor--Q-------, inconsidera.tiorz, <br /> of the CourctJ �f_--- - --- �ci11 -- - - f <br /> o} the sum of_-------- Th_x_@@--ThQUS_aTld_�nd__rio_/l�ifl - - --------------------- ---- --- - ---- - - - - - --- ------ - --------------- --------DOLL.IRS, <br /> � - - ----- -- --- <br /> in hand paid, do-------- ------.hereby GR,l�JV'T, B.FIRG�qLN, SELL, ✓1�V'D CONVF,Y'unto--------------rT�--�.._'�Ll_�_7._��1I71�------------------------- ------------------ <br /> . <br /> --------------- ---------- ---- ---------- ---- - - ------- -- ------------------------- ----- ---- --- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- ------ -- - <br /> of the County of-----------F311---_--------------------and State of----------------Ld8�T2.�k8----------------------------------------------------,Gra-n,t,ee--------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situa,�ed in the �Yount,y o�_.________________...__N_a7.1__________________ _______arzd �'tate of✓V'e,brs�ka, to wit: <br /> -----.....�o-�---T-�'-0-----.��.)----a�.--L�1_t�_ck--Eo_ux-- �'`t-� -in--Ch_ambs_r.3in!-s.--Ad..d�.�.�.on --t.fl..._�he.._Villaga---�.f---��� ------ - - --- - <br /> �T <br /> -- -----.��e.--r�U-��-�- - - -- -- - - --- - --- . ---�-------...--� ---- �----- -- <br /> ------------------ ------ --- - - - - - -- - -- - ---- -- ---....-------�-------�--�---------------- ------ ---- -.....- -- ----- - - -.................�� �-------------- -- ------�--�-------------------------------------------- <br /> --- ------------ ------------ -- - - -- - --- -- -- -- - - -- - -� - - - - <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appu��ter�cznces thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri6ht, Title,Interest,Doiver, <br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoe,ver of the said. Crantor_g___,a�-e�t„imer-e�-�#,k�, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �C9 ���1C Alt� r0 �OY� the above-described pre�n-ises, with, the appurtenances,urcto the said�rantee______and to_____hj,-g__---___ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. .,4nd____Y��________hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee___.___that__________45t.@_______________._ hold_____.____said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that____________W@___________ha_Y8_�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they aTe free and clear of all liens <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever---------------- ------------------------------------------------ <br />'� ------------------------------------- ------------- - --- ._ - - <br /> I _. - ---- - _. ----- - - - -- --- -- -- -- - - <br /> ---- - - ------- - -------- -- ----- - --- ------------------- <br /> - - - ---- ----- ---------------------- ---------- - <br /> Jlnd__________.____________.Y'_B_____ _ ________ _______.___ covenant_.____to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all person,s <br /> whomsoever-------- -- -- ---- - -- - --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------..----- ------------------------------- <br /> Dated the----- ---t,��Xl��-- - ---- --------daJ �l'- - - - - -.I-ul�t' ------ - - - -.Fl. D.,1913-------• <br />, WTT�Y'ESS ----�h�rl-Q-�--,A_._�i��_�Axi-d--------------------------- --- <br />'', ---_.--------- ----------P'_.L,_5����ue------- ----------- ----k�llsn__J__.Rias_land------------- <br /> -- -- --- <br /> - ------ --------------------------------------------- <br /> ST�TE OF ✓Y'EBR✓1SK.,4, <br /> ss. yp � <br /> ---------------------------------Hall---._County, Ora this_---- ---�---�l�----------da�J ��----------sZ_Ll�.� ---------------------�. D., 19----13._ , before me, <br /> the urzdersi�ned, a Nota�y Public____._________________.________withiri.arzd for said County, personally came____._____._______________________________ __ <br /> ------�har 1 e s--A_,_P._i e s l�n d__�n�---�:���z�---�_._�t i�r.�ax�d,----hus_l�an_d__�nd--w i.f-e---------------- <br /> - - ------ ------------- ------------------------ - --- ------------------ --------------------- ------ ------------- ----------------------------------- - <br /> to me persorcally known to be the identical person8_____.___whose rcame__g___arg_______________________af�"ixed to the above <br /> �SEAL� instrumen-t as�rantor_�_____, and________�1%�_y_______________severally acknowled�ed the same to be_.__th��_�_____voluntary <br /> act and deed for the puTpose therein ex/�ressed. <br /> I,N'W'IT�V'ESSWHEREOF,I havehereurcto subscribed my name and afj"ixed my of}"icial seal at________________________ <br /> . caunt <br /> 7d ood Riy�r�____T�e_braeka,_____in___sa1_d______________r�n the date last above written. <br /> - ----------- -- -------'�'.L.S�r a�ue _ <br /> .Notarz�Public. <br /> . . . „ <br /> ,My commz.ssiorz expares---- ----- -- -- --- - ------- - -r�3.T_Ch--27s----------1915-----• _ <br />