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� �Q <br /> . D�C�D [��C�O�D �100 �Qn <br />- . _ � � _ _ �. __ �_ _ __ <br /> G6'aiO--KLOPP&BART'T,ETT CO.,Prinling,Lithographinp and County Supplies;�nanha. <br /> - -�_ _-._. --- . �---- ._. _____� __�______.__.� _,._ -=42�____. :-___.____._�. <br /> FRO.M I hereby certify that this irzstrument was entered orz Numerical <br /> Iizdex an,d filed for record this---------�J--------------daz�of_---cT-l��.Y-------------------- <br /> �. D., 19_1,'.z----, at- -_ _ -_ -� -------o'clock---A._�l. <br /> ----�_t illi.�._s�_aham--�---husl��.nd _-- -- --.--- _�Warranty <br /> TO Deed. ' <br /> ---- - --- ----- - - -- ------- - - <br /> -- -------------- ---- - -- <br /> Re�si-ster of ee,ds, <br /> • - - - -- J_�hn__S_,C_��I,�i ivne r- - -- - <br /> B�- -- --- -- - - _ - - - ---- --- -_ ------------- --------- <br /> ---- ------- - -- - --------- <br /> -- -- - --- <br /> Deputy. <br /> ��.ob� ��� �ea� �p ��je�e ��e�et�t�: <br /> ����--- - ---0�ill�..e r�ah�n �n�._Alexandsx--�raham�_ .�ifa--&-husband-- ----------- ---- --- �--------- ---- -- - -- <br />'', of the Cour�t� of--------- ----Hall.------_crs�<l ,',cct.t�� of- Iv'abrdskct ---------C�rantur--8--------, in consideratiorz <br /> " . -------- --- - - --- ---- - -- --- -- <br /> of the sum of_-------- - �irie--H_llri�lr8d---���1-7�*GQ�- ------ - --------- ------------- --- ----- ----- - -------- -- -------------------- - - -------DOLL.FIRS, <br /> in hand paid, do_______._________hereby GR.1NT, B,�RG�4I�1�, SELL, ./I.ND CONVEY'unto___J�?hn__S_.C .W.�iivner_______ <br /> ------------- ------- --- - -- ------ ---- --- __-------- ----------------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----------------------------- ------ --- <br /> of the Countz�of---- ----- - -�3�.�.- -----and.State of- ---- - --- - - ----Ne.k�.�aS�1 --------- --- - - --------,Grantee--------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situaLed in the County of__________H2l�.l_ ____. ________________________.__________and State of JV'ebr��ka, to wit: <br />' Cor�unenc_in�.,_at_a__noint.,__s_ixt_e�n_.__�1�� __�'ocis___wes_t.__of__ the__.n�rth___eas_t_..�orner.,_Q.�_.the_,.n�rth__,,._quarte_r <br /> (Nt_'�...�� -o.f - t�e r�oxth---Qa�t--�_��t.��_._l'��•E_�`+� ---Q�' -�.e�.�ion.-�vr_slv.�- -�_�..2.)....in_..towr��.h�.�._.r�iz��----��-)----x�or.�h,-of--- <br /> .ran�;e---ten---(1Q�---�rs-s-t---Qf--thc__s_i:;th__P_..��-----in__Iial.l_.C.�unt.y�__.:��.l�x�k_a,�_n�.�._.�Q_uth---t_en...(.1��---r_�dsJ---------,. <br />�es t__�.iVS__ and---two_-f_ifths----(��._��:...��.�.)--__r_adsr--._thr�n�_e._.nQr�h_.t.en--.-�1�-)-..r_�.ds7----�he_nc�---.eas.t--f_iye._..------- <br /> an.d---�wo--fifths--(5-�-- 2�5) -r-vd�---t�-- �h�---pla^�.---c�f---i�e�in..n_ing,-----�h-e----�-ame---bs-in�---a--rs�-�an�-ular---r>-ia-�-e--------...- <br />�''� Q-�---l.and__��ntaining--�_i.f.t-3�-f o-ur--- �-�=s-�----�-�.e- --r_ada.._�U'.-..---�-------�- -------............. �------------�---� ------ ---- ----..--�-------�- ---------------------------�----------- <br /> -------- -_..- - - - --- - -- ----- - - --- - -- - - -- - - - - - - ___ ._----- -- -�-----------------._------------------------------------------------- - <br /> To�ether with all the tenemer�ts, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�sht, Title,Interest,Doz��er, <br /> Curtes�,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__&__,and of either of them, of, in, oT to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br />',, �0 �d�1C �Il� t0 �OY� the above-describe,d premises, with tlze appurtenances,urito the said�rantee.______.and to_,____�j.g____- --- heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. .�4nd__._W_8________hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee._____that____________.____Y1E__________ hold___________said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that__._____I5!�.________________ha_Vf.�_�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever_----------__--_--_---_--_-____-_---_----_------_--_-- <br /> - - ------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- <br /> --------------------------------------------- - ------- --------- --- ----- --- --- -- - _- -- - --- - <br /> - - ---- - - <br /> - --- ------------ ---------------- ------------ <br /> -- -- ------- <br />' - -- - - - - - -- -- -- - - _ --. ...---- - ---- - ---- - -- ---- <br /> ------- - - - - -- -- - ------ --------------- ---- ------ -- ---- -------- -------------------�- <br /> �lnd_________________________3t1G'__ ____________________._.._____ __ covenant__.____to warrant and defercd the said premises a�sainst the lawful elaims of all persoj2s <br /> whomsoever--------- ---- - - - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> - ------------------------------------------------------ ------ ------------------- - <br />'', Dated the----------7�h------- ----- ----- --da�J �l� _--JL1T1�--- ._..- - ---- ---�1. D.,19--�-�'�-----• <br />'�I W7TJV'ESS --..__Q�1111c�i_�r�.hctTCl----------- <br /> -------- �.:u.._Eun��--------------- -------- - - - - ---- <br /> ------Al.ex�.n��r___�s�ham--------------------------------- -- <br />, ST.1TE OF NEBR.ISK�, <br /> �ss. <br /> --•------------�.��„�---------------Countz�, On this------------'7_th-------------da?9 ��------------.I-17ri@------------------------------.1. D., 19---1'� . , before me, <br /> the uradersi�r�ed, a Notary Public______________________._____________zvithin arzd for said County,personally came______________________________ <br /> --- ------- --- --- <br /> ----_C�_i11_ia__�r_ah_am__�nd__Ale$an�.�r___sr_aharr�.----hus_l�and_and---w-if°----------------------------------- <br /> �-- ----- - ------- --- ------------------------ - - ------------------- ------------------------ ------------- ------------------------------------ <br /> to me personally known to be the iderztical persor�___S�._____whose r�ame._____aT_@_________________________a frixed to the above <br /> (�EAL) instrumer�t as�rantor�;_____, and______��1��7'_________________severally acknowled�ed the same to be.______th.8_3.r__voluntary <br /> rzct cznd deed for the purpose ther•ein ex,�ressed. <br /> IN GVITNESSW'�IF,REOF,I havehereunto subseribed my name and a�j"ixed my ofj�cial seal at.____________________.___ <br /> ,___________D_oni�har_�____�J��ra�kA.____________on the date Zast above written. <br /> ------- ---------------H_.�_._Eunk--------------------------- <br /> ✓Y'otarz�Public. <br /> . . . � -------191°------• <br /> .My commzssaon expires--------------------------------------- .1�.�r11---�.-7------- <br />