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,� ,.7 E ��"y� <br /> . _ _ � �,.,�' � <br /> D��D ���O�D �oo �0� � �- �� <br /> _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _�__ _-- _ <br /> � _ _ __ __ __. _ _ _ __ _ <br /> G U -KIUP7y-�&B.9/tTLE1'T Cb�. �rin.lting Ixth�grophx7aganclGoii�aly.5aipylaes;CmaTea �� � � �� -- <br /> ...—__ _._ :.._ .W_,....W. _.,_,.. _ _ ._ ._,_ <br />..__....::_� . . . _ . .-_ ___. ._.__ . . _ _.__.. .:_:_ ....._., .__:,__.... ..._.,_.__�. . .._._ ._...- .-- .. ..__�.,__� _...__ . . .-- ---.. . �_-.� . . -- <br /> . .� ---'�_ —__=. .�.r._,_� <br /> i <br />� � � FR�'M Z� lzereb� ce�°tify that this in,stru-merLt zvas erzt,ered ora ✓l�'rtim,eri�cal � <br /> ------- - ---- --- - -- -- - - -.. Index arzd filed for record this---- ----�- ------daJ o�---J111�---------------- � <br /> , r , ✓1. D., 19--�.�---, at___- _ _ _ __.__ _ _-3 - ---o'clock, p�--�YL i <br /> --------------��_laff__ anc1__�rifs-- ----- warranty i <br /> �� <br /> Z�p Deed. � <br /> --- - - _- - ---- - <br /> ; <br /> ---- -_ --------�-- ----f ; <br /> - -- --- --- , <br /> ----- �,-- Re 'ister o �eds ( <br /> - ` ----�_ahn_�unber�-- - -- ----- ---- -- -- � � <br /> � <br /> . , <br /> ��------ ----- -- -- ---- --- --- ---------- - -------- I <br /> ------ - ---- ----- - - ..- -- -- - -- - Deput�. � <br /> � <br /> �.�a� ��Y �er� �p ��je�e ��re�e�t� : ; <br /> i <br /> ���.t_-_-_-- ----�_ill�.�a.__�_i._e_�af�'_.and °;��r ie __S_ie laf f,--.hLisband._and v__if e-__---- _-_- � <br /> --- --- - -- - ---- - - -_ <br /> i <br /> � <br /> ---- ------- -- ----- - --- --- -- ------- - - - + <br /> -- ----- _ -- __ .__ ----- - -- -- <br /> - --- -- -- --- --------------------------- -- - ----- ------------- ------- � <br /> of the Courzt� of- ----_T���.-�.--- - - . _------- --_ _uucl ,4tcztc� of------_ ._T18bT$6k3.. _----- --- -- ------ --------- --- ------- ----__----Grarator-S------, in eonsi,derc�tion I <br /> i <br /> of the sum o�-------F'1ft.fl6l1--$ilridrad....(-15_00� _8e__QQ�19S� --- -- - -- - - -- - --- - - ----- ----- -- -- -----------DOL��R.S, I <br /> in hand paid, do--- ----_--. __-]ac��•eby CR�q��'T, B.9R,C�.�II1", SF,LL, ✓I�A�D CO<N'V'EY'u,nto-_----_�TOh21---SL1Tlberg � <br /> - - ----- - --- -- --- - --------------- ' <br /> � <br /> --------------- - ----- - -- _-- - - - --- - -- - _--------------- -- -- - - - - --- - ---------------------------- -- ------------------- -- -- --- ---- -- - ---- ' <br /> ° _ of tke Couret�J of- -- H�L11 _-- - _ _ - _ ----und State o�'--- -- - - NebraSkl - - - - - - -- ----- -,Gra,�z,te,e-----, th,e fo+��o�r�in�' j <br /> described �remises, situated i» the �Cou,rzt� o/'_____________ _ _H�tll ________a.rr-d State of NehrB�ka, to wit: j <br /> - - --------- - - <br /> .._.Th�.._�Q�t�:...��.�f---o�'...B�o_ck---�.i�hty...Nine__(89-),--- --(---cons_is_ti-ng---of--L;;'t-s----6"-7--8-9_._&.,.10)i--in__�hesler---=.<-- - -- � <br /> .__,�z�d.._B_�x�,�.t.t_!..s_..Fo�xtk�__.Add.�_tion__.�p.,_r'.rand.._Islan�,,____Nebra_skas.____as__sur.y.eyed,____�latted__and__regorded,,,____.__ i <br /> 1 <br /> - -- -� -- ---- -- - --- - -- - - -- ------ --- -- - - ------- - -- � <br /> --�- -------- - -- -- � � --- - - - - - --- ----- - ------- ----- -- �------------------- - ----- --- --------- - ----- --------- -- <br /> ; <br /> --- -...--------- -- -- ----- - - - -- -- ----- --- -.._.....-.------._...--�--....--� -------------------..-- - - - -- - - - -- - � . <br /> -- - -- - ---- ----- --- - -_ _ ----- - -----------------------�----------------- -- <br /> f <br /> ---------------- - - - - _ ---- --- ------- - - -- - - -------� --- -� ---......-------• ------ -----�-�---�-- --- - - -- ..___...-----�•-�- -� - ----- --- ---- -- --- ------ ------- -�--------------- -------- ...,. ; <br /> � <br /> -..--- - -�- -----� -- --- - - --- - -- - - -- ------�--- -- -..._..._.-- ---- ----- ----- ---- �------- -- - -- - - -- -- -- � ------- ---- ------ _ - � ------ .._ - �- ------� - --- ---._�.------- --- I <br /> � <br /> -.°-- - � -- -......._.. ---_ ._-- -- ---- - _.._._ ---- ---- - ----- -- ---... ---- - ._.._..-- -�- ----- --.___....._ �-- ------ ---------------- - - --- ---- --..-°.--- --- -- --------------- --- -....,_ i <br /> 1 <br /> ---- ----- - --- -- - - -- -- - - - -- - - - - - -- _-- -- - - -- - - -- - - - - --- -- - -- -------- ---------- ----- -��------ --------- ---- ----------� -- � <br /> To�ether zvith all tTze tenements, heredii-aments, an.d appz�-rt,ena•nces ther•eu,r�to belon�in-o, and all t.he Estate, lii.�h:t, Tat.le,Inter�st,I)c�u!Pi•, j <br /> Curtes�,Claim and De,munc�whatso�ve��o�the sai.d (�rar�tor.�___,-er�r,���i�r��r-��t-h,eawa;of, i�ri, or to the sczrrae, or arcy purt, th-�reof. <br /> �0 ���1Q �It� t0 �0�� the,above-descri,hed prern.ises, with the appu,rterzarzces, unt,o th,e suid �rccr�tee_____and to_____��,g_________.__ Taeirs � <br /> i <br /> and assi�i2s forever. �<1r�d__��LB�______liereby coven�crzt______wit�L Lhe said rrcrratee.______that ��1Qy______�_._ hoGd,__________said prem-ises by�ood and I� <br /> I <br /> perfect title; that_______tr16t�_______..___ha__V_R_�ood ri�ht an,d lar��ful authoritr� to sell and con,ve� tlte.same; t,hat thez� are free and clear of a,ll li���-s � <br /> � <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever ---- --- -•-- . -- - ---- - --- -- ---- ----- - ---------- ----- - - --- -------- ---------------------- --- � <br /> i <br /> � <br /> ----- ---- ------ ---- ------- --- - ---- ------ -- _ -_.. - --- --- ---- - I <br /> - --- - -- --- - --- - - ----- --- <br /> I <br /> - -- -_ _ __ -- . - _ ...-- - --- - - ---- - ------ � <br /> .Fl�zd_________ ______th8-�----_-__ _________ _-_ .__________.___ cor>enant_______to warrant and deferzd the said prernises a�ainst the lawful claim,s of all nerson,s � <br /> I <br /> whorrtsoever ------ -_ __ - ----- ------------ - --------------- -------- --------- ---- --- - - ----- - -- ----- -- - - -- ---- --- - - � <br /> � <br /> i <br /> ------ ------ __ - - _ - - - -- - __ _ - ---- - - - - -- - - - --- - - - --- - -- - --- - - -- --- -� ( <br /> _ Dated the---.Z��---- ------------- - - --da�J �/�-- - - �7Lil�_ - -- - -�L. D., 1913-----• I <br /> r�rT.NESS ___:�`,'_i11_i�m__�is_laff- --- - -- - -- - - - � <br /> . ---��_� -�ielaf f- ----- -- ----- - -- - -- -- - i <br /> ___________________"_1,.�1_'_�1_A1,_1,��1_'________________'"'____ _________' � <br /> ------------ ---- --- --- ----- - ---- -- - - - --- -- - � <br /> ------- - -- __. _._--- -- -- - - - -- - - - - <br /> I <br /> -------------------- -- -- --- -------- ------- -- ---- --- I <br /> ST.lTE OF .N'EBR.gSX'.�4, i <br /> �ss. ^ � <br /> --------------------�����---------------County, On this---- - ---- - u21C�----------da�J �f----------------�Llly__------------- -----------.Fl. D., 19.13--- , before me, � <br /> the urzdersi�ned, a✓Y'otaTy Publie-----------------------------------zvithirz a�ad for said Countz�, personally came--------------------- - ------------------------------- _-- ; <br /> --------�1_ill i,a�n__�_�.ela�f__�x�d__��,i�rie___S iela�fr---hu$aand__ana,w if e----------------------------- - � <br /> - ----- -- ----- � <br /> - - ---- - - --- - --- - --- � <br /> to rrze personallz� k�zowrz to be the identical person_8________whose name._13__ar@_________________ ___ ___czfj"'ixed to the above j <br /> (SEAL� instrument as ¢raritor__S__, and_______�h6y_._______________.severalGy aeknowledged the sarrze t,o be______the_ir_voluntary � <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein exJn�essed. � <br /> , <br /> I�V'tiVITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj`Exed my ofy'icial seal at_______.______ _ � <br /> -- ----- ' <br /> , , COUrity' <br /> rPSriC�__.�_8_�aI1S�t____I!1Qbr_,�_._121___811G�._____________orz the dat,e last �zbove writterz. i <br /> 1 <br /> --- ---- --- --__-------L_,_r._�llan------------ ------------- e <br /> .Notary Public. i <br /> .M� commassion expires.------ -_ ._ . ----._ - - - Sept 24r-------- ---- _--- .1,9_1�----• i <br /> , <br /> i <br /> I <br /> I <br />