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6 <br /> w� � i� <br /> { D��D �C�O�D �100 �� <br />—_ ;6��i1—KLdPF"&BAR7ZEPT CO..Printin9,Lithngraphing a�ed County�'uppties,-Omrziia. _ ,� ,- l� �-:� � . - - ---.____. _._.._. ^` <br />___ <br /> _ _ _ _ . _. --._ _ `".__ --.,�-- —.—_.—..��..__ <br /> . --_—.. ..____ __ –�—__ —�r---- <br /> FR�� I hereb� certify that this irLStrumen,t was erztered ora �N'umerica,l <br /> Index arcd filed for record this-•-----------�-------daz�of---J1�ly------------------ <br /> . .Fl. D., 19_�.�.---, at- _ -- -_ __ -- ''� -----o'elocic ---P_�--✓�YI• <br /> ------ - J_�hn--�u�nb�-�g- a�d �c�.f�---- - ___ Warranty <br /> TO Deed. ' <br /> , <br /> -- - ---- -------��,�%�2�------------------- <br /> - ------ - <br /> Re�ister of eeds, <br /> - ---�-- ----- - - �I�.111s'm__�_i_�laff - -- - -�_ - -- <br />, B�---- - - ---- -- - -- _ --- -------------- - ------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�o� �Yr �e� �p �C�je�e ��e�e�.t�: <br /> ����------.�ohn_ Sunbe_r_g--and -Hanna_a_unberg,__..hUSband--and._wife-- ------------------ -- -------------- - --- - <br /> of the Couf2t� of-----------_H�.11.----------- ----u-i�c� b'tcrte of-------,---------------�T�'Qr_ask3----------------------- ----.---------------C�rantor---S-------, in consideratiorz <br /> of the szcm o�-----._Eift�'---�n�.---riun�r_e-1._and--Eifty---(��15-��----�--QQ�l�JSJ---------------------,----- <br /> - ----------------------------- -- --------.DOLL.IRS, <br /> irz hand paid, do_._.____.__._____h:ereby GR,R.NT, B�RG✓IIJV', SELL, d4ND CO�V'VEY'u�vto.__�iV__ill i�tm__�.i6_laf f______.__.__._ <br /> ---- ---- --------- ----------�-------- <br /> of the Cour�tz�of---------- ----�ial�l_-------------------and State of_--------._---��_�'��.a�l�a------------------------------- - --__,Grarr,, the followin� . <br /> described premises, situated irz the C7ountz� or._:_._____.____ _H.�l�_.____.___________.__ ____________an,d State of Nebrs6�ka, to wi•t: <br /> ..............Lat...E_i_�ht----($-)---in--�lo�k---Th_irteen --(13-)----o-f-Arno_ld-�---AUk��t_�_'_s_...A�l�i.t.�:Q�---�o._..t_��---ToWn---of--�lr�n.c�------ . <br /> - --- - --Zalandy ---,��ka, ---��---��va�-e=�.�y-- ��.at 48d-- and- -r-�-�ox-�.�d. ............ � - - - ...-�-�-- - �-----�--.....--------------------------._.....- ---- -- ��----- -- <br /> -- - --- ---- -- -------- - --- ---- --�-- ---- -- ---- -- ----- --�----- -�--� ---..... ------ ----- -- ---- ---- ---- -- -�----------------�- ----- ----.........--------------------------------------- <br /> ----- -- ---�-- --- - --- --- ---- - ---- - - ------ ----- - -�-----------�--------- ---------- -� ---- ----------.._._ - - --------- ---------------------- ------ ------------------------------------------------...----- <br /> ----------- ----- -- -----�--�-- -- - � - --- --- - _ - �- - - --- - ------ -�------- ----- - ----� �---�------ - ��------� ----- �---------------------- - --------------� �------......_.. ----------------------------- �------ <br /> �.----- - -- - --- - --- -- - -- - - - ------- - - - - -- ---- - - - -- .. _..------ ------ - <br /> 1'o�ether with all the tenem-erzts, hereditarraerLts, �r�d cz�purtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Fstate,Ri�ht, Titte,Interest,Dor��er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoez>er vf the said Crantor_8.___,��3-e�-eei,##�,eref-#„Tr,e»ti, of, i3z, or to the same, or arzy part thereof. <br /> �O �A�1E AIY� t0 �O�b the above-descr•ibed prerrzises, with the appurtenanees, unto the said�raretee_______,and to_________h�8-------- heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. ./Ind__t$@y___-__laereby covenant______with the said Grantee______.that____________�.hH3t_____________ hold____________said premises by sood and <br /> perfect title; that.___._______th@_y_________ha__Y_B_�ood risht and lawful authority to sell and convez� the same; that ther�are free and clear of all liens <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever----------------------------- ----------- ------------------------------- <br /> ----------------------------------------------- ----- - ------------ - ----- -._. -- -- - <br /> ------------------------------------ -- ---------------- ---- <br /> -- - - ---- - -- -- -- - -- - - -- -- - ------- - - ------ ---- - ----- ----------- - - ---- -------- --------------------- -------- -- ----------------------------- - - <br /> �nd____________________they_._ ._._______ ________.____.____:__ covenant______to warrarzt and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoez�er--------- - -- _ __- -- - - - -------------------------------- <br /> Dated the_ _1��- -- -------------�da�J �f�- -- - �111Y - - - - ------ - - ..Fl. D.,1913-------• <br /> WTTNESS ----`�C?�Yl--�_'f.1X1Y2@�'�;--------- --------- -- --------------- - <br /> ------------- ----- L.�._�i_l_1_�n-------------------- ------------ --- - ---�3anna__�unb�rg--------------- ------- <br /> -------------- <br /> --------------------- - -- ----- - - ----- - <br />� ------------ - ------ ----- - -- - - - ---- - -- - - - -- -- - <br /> -------------------------------------------------------� <br /> ---- - <br /> ST.l1TE OF NE73R✓1SX'�, <br /> �ss. <br /> ------------------F3a11----------Courcty, Orc this-------------1-s�--------------da�J ��----------------------�13I._3�----- ---------�. D., 19_13__._. , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a dl�'otary Public---------------------------------withifz and for said CountJ,personally came------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------J_nhn-Sunb�rg--and__Hanna__�unbsxg.T----h us'uand__and__w_ifa------------------------------. ,--------- <br /> - --------- - ---- -- - ---------------------- --- -- --------- --------------- ------------------ ---------------------- ------------------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical persor�8_._.__.__whose name__g__��g_________________.____afJixed to the above <br /> �$�:AL} instrunzent as �rantor_�.____, ar�d_________th@_y_______________,severally acknowled�ed the same to be__'�h�lZ____.__voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W'ITNESSWHERFOF,I havehereunto subscribed my name and af'fcxed my of}'ieial seal at________________._______ <br /> • count <br /> rran_d__��lansi,____�3e1��_,____�n___��_�d______________ori the date last aboae writterc. <br /> --------- ------�,_�r_._Allan----------------------------------------- <br /> .Notarz�Public. <br /> ,Mr� commi.ssior� expires------- -- -- - - -- ----- ----- - -- --5-$p-t--24�------ --------191n------• <br />