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� �� <br /> ����� D��C� ��C�OC�D �oo ��� <br /> __ �__� _ ___ _ _ . _ _ _ .: _ - <br /> :,6��U-KLOPP&BAR7'I E'1'T CO.,Yrintinp,Lithngraphing aad County Supplie§;�ntaha � � _ __ <br />___= ;,_ _ _ - ,__ . ,. ,.. _, _._ �_..� — _�_.�_____a�___,_.r.�___—___.�___ �. _ � <br /> F���1 I het�eby certifz� that this instrument zvas entered or2 �l�'umerical <br /> Index and filed for record this----------21----------day of-----�TL1Y18----------------- <br /> . �. D., 1913----- , at-- --- - a-.',.1Q _ -- -------dcloek--A.-- ✓�Yl. <br /> ------- -- ��ary---Carey} __vrzdQir, - _ - - - --'�Warranty <br /> T� ' Deed. � �.// � � <br /> --------- -- --- - �--��,L-------�------------------ -- <br /> Re�ister Deeds, <br /> __H�rman--A.-Bau;�an�,--��--El-�-��=�€�Y�-���?�n nn <br /> B�- ----- ------ -- - -- -- - -- - ---------------------- <br /> Deputz�. <br /> �r�o� ��� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�er�t�: <br /> �h � --------- -- - - <br /> �t----- -I, - ��_�xy_ �_ax�y, _ �r_�._����r, ---- - ------------- - -------------- ---------- --- -- ------------------------ <br /> of the Count� of------I33ririD�-k_.------------_a-nd �Stc�t;e of-----IL-ls�O------------------�----------- ----- � ------Granto��--------- ir2 corzsideraLiorr, <br /> -- --- ------- - - ---- � <br /> '" _____DOLL.IRS, <br /> of the sum of------------------5_lX__HUnd.i._eC�__� _T10. _100,--------------- <br /> in hand paid, do_6�__________._/aereby GR�NT, B�RC�qIN, SELL, �JV'D CONVEY'unto__�6rIi1�Y�_A,$�umann___�.nc�__Eliz�'�eth__�_,_.____________ <br /> --------�_aun:ann,-- ------ -------- -- -- ----- ------------ --------------- ---- ------- ---------- -- -- ----------------------------------� <br /> of the County�f-------�I�11-----------, .-----------a,nd State of-----------i16�ras_ka---------„_ _-------- -------,Gran, the followin� <br /> -- ---- ------- -- - <br /> described premises, situa�ed in t1a� Courztr� of_____.._______-__.?-�311_ _______________._.__________...____and State of JV'ebra�ka, to zvit: <br /> ..................The...�_outh__half---(-�-)---af---I31.r�c-k--rTzn�_t�en----�19-)----in.._;��i�xxa.J.l�---Ad.di_��on---�-o---�x.and._.Z.s_land,..__�`Tsk�x.acka_ <br /> --aa...��r-�la.t...naw on fils--in_ �he._Off.ic�---9.f-- tha_..�_e�;_a.st8x.._Q.f--I�s�.ds_.......... -- -� ---- ----------�----------------� --...------------- --��-------------�- <br /> .._ --- - - - -- �- - - -- - -__ - ---- - ----- ------ ----------------�---- ------- - - - ---- --- -- - - - ----- ----------------------------------.....--�--------------------,--------------- -- -- <br /> ---------.._.__ ----- -- -- -- - - - -- - ------ - - -- -- - - - ----- - �----------------------- --- ---------------------------- <br /> Tosether with all the tene�yUents, heredi�ameyzts, and appurte�zances tlzereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Ir�terest,Dozoer•, <br />'', Curtesy,Claim and=�emand whatsoever of the said Grantor______-,�-ei�J��-af�lwe�a, of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br /> �D �d�1C �1�� t0 �DY� the above-described premises,wit7z the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee_B____artd to___th�j.r______ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. �nd_____�_______-_hereby covenant_______with the said GranteeS____that_______I_________,__________ hold____________said premises bz��ood and <br /> perfect title;that_._________I:______.__.____ha__Y��ood ri�ht and Zawful authority to sell and eonvey the same; that ther�are free and clear of all lieres <br /> and ineumbranees whatsoever------------------ -------- ----------- ------------------------------- ------- <br />�' --------�--------------------------------------------- ---------------- - - --- -- -.._..- - ------ - <br /> - --- - --- --- --- -- - ----------- ------------------------------------------- ----- ---- ----- <br /> I , <br /> -- -- -- -- - - - - -- - __ - -- -- - - ---- --- --- - - --- -------- - - - ---- -------------- ---- ---------- ---- --- ------------ --------------------------------- <br /> �nd _____-__ _-_.__ _I______ : __ __ _ ___ ____ _._____ covenunt_______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ain,st the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever------ --- - - _ _ -- --------------------------------------------------------------•----- <br /> ------------------------- -- - - ------ ------ - --- ---- - - -- - ------------- ---- ----- ---------- --- - ---------- --------------------------------------------------- ---- -- <br /> Dated the----- -----2Qth ------ -daJ �1�--- - ------- �TuT18---�- -- ------ -----._�1. D.,19.J.�----• <br /> her <br /> WTTNESS t o =�:ar k ----��3�----x ------C-�-�-3�-- --- ----- --------- - - ---- - <br /> mark <br /> ------------ ----- - --��s_nr�---Q!_I.,�ar_�'------- ---- ------ - - -- -------------- --------------------- - -- --- ----- -- -- ---------- <br /> _ST.qTE OF :I 3a,h o' .', <br /> .�ss. <br /> ._.Banro�-�----------------county, On this---- ---------�'S?'��1----------daJ a}---------------s�l]S).�-------------------------------�. D., 19.1.�_ ._ , before me, <br /> the urzdersi�ned, a�l�'otary Publie_______________.____________________within and fvr said Countz�, personally ec�me________._.______._________________________ __ <br /> ------------ -- -- ------- -------- --------------------��1arY---�_ar_�-3�,-----�ida_�---------------- -------------� <br /> to me personallz� known to be the identical peTSOn___________whose name________1�8____________.___________afj"'ixed to the above <br /> ��E�} instrument as�Srantor__...___, and__________��ie___________.__._____-se�b�r aeknowled�ed the same to be_________h�.T_.-___volurctary <br /> act arcd deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W'ITNESSWHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and afj"ixed my of�'icial seal at__________________________ <br /> _PQC_d�_�_ll_4y_____ISadY1Q7______________ _______________orz the date last above written. <br /> --------Hez7x_�t___�_!L.ear_y_------- ---------------- <br /> �l�'otary Public. <br /> .Mr� eommission expires---------------------------------------------_�Ll_T1°--1��h___ r9_14-----• <br />