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<br /> � D�C�D �[��OC�D �oo ���
<br /> _ _ _ _. _ _
<br /> LG��0—KLbPP&BA1'�TI,ETT CO.,Printinp,I,iChngr¢phing a�zct County SuPplies;Omaha: � � � �
<br />— .:.._.. __._ _ -. - _ ,_ __ _ ----_. —
<br /> _.-_ _.._---._____;__. _____:_. _ -- ---�t_._.�. _.
<br /> FRO.M I her•ebz� certify thczt this irzstrument was entered on �"r,�merical
<br /> Xndex and filed for record this-------g-------,--------daJ of_----s�_L��1B------------------
<br /> .9. D., 1913-------, at------ --_ _ _1�.____ ---------------dcloc7c---A�-.M.
<br /> ��_ar_ie---K�eh-1$r�_ -�r�a�-r�ecl _ -- ,Warranty
<br /> T� Deed. • ��F/
<br /> ------------ ---- - -------- ----- ----------- ----
<br /> Re�i-ste of Deeds,
<br /> ---------- --------F-.t1..K�_�hl��' - ----- - ----- -� - ---- ---
<br />, B�------ --------- - ---- -- --- ---- -------------------------
<br /> - Deputy.
<br /> ��o� �YX ,�e� �p ��je�e �re�e�t� :
<br /> �cL���------ I�__. ?�ar-ie-_.K_oehler,_ u�xi�ar-ried ----- - - ---------- - -----_ ----------- --------- -----�------------- -�------------- - ---- -
<br /> of the Count� of_----------Hall------- ------- --cra�cl �ti'i-<rtc <�f-------------'`IE',_k�r_3.S-�-a---------------------------------------------------Grantor---------, in considera.tion
<br /> o}' the sum, of--------F c�ur__hun�red- tvlent_y-f ive-�--no�00----------------- --� ----- --- ------------ --- - �- -----------�oLL✓�KS,
<br /> in hand paid, do_---.-_--------_-laereby GR.f1.N'T, B�4RC�.RI✓V', SEL.L, „4JV'D CO✓1"VEZ�unto----.�_._��_K4_�h_1@�__-_-_--_-_------_-__-----
<br /> ------------ --- ---------------- -
<br /> ---------------------- ---- - - - - ----- - -- ---- ------------, ----------------------- ---- -- ------- --------------------------------------- ------------------------- ----------------------- - --
<br /> -- �_a,�td State o ---- -- -- -- - - - --�.@_bsr�fi k3-- - ----- - - - ------,Grcrn,tee--------, th,e ollowin
<br /> of the CountJ o}� -a- 1----- -- -- --- � � �
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of___ __ ____.____H1�7�_.._____.________ ._____.___and State of JV'ebr¢t�ka, to wit:
<br /> ------------------Th�--undiv_ide_d._.o.ne-half...of_ _81oc_k_-i�umber.--Eig.ht----G8)----in---Kaehl.e�---��bd-�-u-i$-i�on---ac�-c�r���in�;---�-a---�Y�e--
<br /> --.--------,.----x_e.c_ord�si-�lat_..tr._er_e-af--no-w---an--f-i1e---in--the----a�f iae_.Qf...th-e---C.�.�unt..y--.C-ler.k---af-.-said---Hall---�-aun.t-3�;---
<br /> -----------21e'��.��_�a.._------_Tn_��---d-�-e-d--i-s--z�a_de....sub.�-e-c-t-._t-4----a --c_�x.�a.in---mos.tg.ag-e---o.f.---av�n--3at�e_._h_er_ew_ith... in---the.
<br /> ---.--- ---------sun---af__���C}_.0_0_._in,,f avs�r_._af.--The---�oss_._Inve�stm8nt--�Q-.--and---th$.--�rant.�.e---he-r-�in...as��ame$---�r�d----------.
<br /> --- --- ---- agre-es- t-o---vay one.-h_al� -o�...�.aid._mo�"�g.a_ge-•-- ------------------ - --._..----------------�- - -- ------ ------------- --- ------------------- ----:...-------_
<br /> - --- - - --- - -- -- -- ---- - ------ -- - - - ------ - ---- ---�-------�----------------------------- ---------------� - ----- -- -- --.._....-------- ------- .....-- ------------------------------------------...._..----------
<br /> -- ---- --- - ----------- - -- - - - - ------ - -- - - � - -- --- ----- - � �- -- - -------- �----------------------------------�----
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenaizces thereunto belof2�in�s, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Ircterest,Dozver,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoer>er of the said Grantor________,and of either of tlzem, of, irt, or to the same, or arzz�part thereof.
<br /> �D ���le AIY� t0 �OY� the aboUe-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee_._____and to____hlti___________ ___ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. ✓lnd______�____,______hereby covenant______with the said Grantee______.that_.______________S_______________ hold___________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfeet title; that___.__�_____.________._____ha_V�_�SOOd ri�h.t and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free arzd clear of all liens
<br /> and incumbrarcees whatsoever-------------------- ---- --------- -------------------- - --------------- ----------------------
<br /> ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
<br /> ------------------------------------------------ ------- -------------- - --- --- ----- - -- --- -- - ---- - -- ----- - -- - ---- ---------------------------------- ------------------- --- ---- -- --
<br /> -- - ---- - -- -- _ - --- _ --------- ------- ------ --- --- ---------- - --------- ----- --- ------ --------------------- -- - - ---------------- - --------
<br /> .11nd______:________.._______I__________._____ _________ _______._ covenant______to warrarat and deferzd the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all person.s
<br /> whomsoever---------- - - -__-- -- _ ._ - -- -----
<br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ------ ---------- -------
<br /> Dated the-----�-7�1i---- ------- --daJ of__._- -�,S_���6lTlbe� -- - - -- -J�. D., 19---�Q---•
<br /> .
<br /> I W'ITNESS _..---�ti1 is-�--�_a�x_ie---K�shle_r ,.
<br /> --�- - ---- - -- -------�._Il.I3o-ss------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------�------- -------
<br />�� ---�------- ------- --- -C--.H.�enck ---- - -- - - -- - - - -
<br /> ST.I TE OF NE13R.1 SK.g,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> -------------------------���.1.-------------Count On this--------��"--
<br /> J, -----------da�J �f----------------�H��6�1i�8S----------------�. D., 19.�Q- - , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a JV'otary Public---_-_-___.__---_-__-__,_--_--wi,thi,rz,and for said County, Aersonally came.---_-----------------_--_--_---_-_---_-----.__--�-----_---.__-.-__
<br /> ---�'iar_ie Ko_eh_1e�-�-- ---- --------�------------------------
<br /> to rr�e persoi2ally known to be the identical persorz_,__________whose name_______.____18._______.___________ufjixed to the above
<br /> (SEAL) irzstrument as�ra�ztor__..__._, and_________��t�_______ severally acknowled�ed the same to be.___..__h82____�__volurctar�y
<br /> act and deed for the purpose thereir� expressed.
<br /> I✓li'W'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj"ixed my of�'ieial seal at____________.__________
<br /> �T32'��,.___IS�J.z1II�____�T�b�1��C�__________ ________________ora the date last above written.
<br /> ----------�-,H_,�1��enC�C-----------------------------------------------�--
<br /> ✓V'otarz�Public.
<br /> .Mr� commi.ssion expires------------ --- ---- - -- - ---_---- - �via-X---10----- ---------19-�'------•
<br />