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� �� <br /> �..� � � <br /> - D C��� �C��O�D �o❑ �d n <br /> D <br /> . _ _ _ � _ _ _ _ <br /> ;8��6—KLOP1'&BAR2"LF,TT G`O.,I'rinting,I.iihoyraplain�7 an�Cot�nly supplies;n��aaTia. ' � __ ry__��____ <br /> . � ..._ _--=-: . . --_-- --_-. --i _ <br /> �'��� I hereby ce,ytify that this i,nstrument auas entered on �N'um,erical , <br /> Index arzd filed for record this----------------5---------day of-----�TU2Z8------------------- <br /> .,4. D., 19��-----, at-- - -- �.0.3Q _ - � --------o'clock,--•�•--�• <br /> ---------------------biarifl- E.Seals-- -s-in�lE--- - -- ��Warranty :_ <br /> ' � Deed. � /� <br /> To �y�����d <br /> --- - -- - ---- --- -- --- -------------=-- -----�-- - - <br /> Re�ister f Deeds, <br /> ---- -- Shel_�y_. A_,_Neal ___ --- - - --- -- <br /> B�------ - --- ---- ------ ----�---- -------------- -------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> -- -- - __ --- --- -----------. _ ------ - ---- <br /> -- _ _ __- - --- ---- --- . — <br />� - - - -- --- ----- ---- ----- -------- -- - -- --- --- <br /> ��o�n �.�Y �enc �p ��je�e �re�e�ct� : <br /> ����----- ._�Iar��__�.�e-alT-- s�.ng1_e - ---- - ---- - -- -- -------�----- - --- ------------ ------ -------- -------------------------- --------- -- - ---- <br /> of the CountJ of--------- �A.11- ---- ---- ------_rr3r�f S'ta.te of-- -------- -----_���J�.��_�a--- --------- -------- -----._ _..----------Grantor---------, in eonsideration <br /> ofthe sum of_-----G21@- --�--- ----- ------- -- --- -__ --- ----- --- ------------ ------------- --- -- -- -------- -- - -- --- ------ ---- ----------DOLL�RS, <br /> in hand paid, do---------------1r,ereby GR�✓ti"T, B�1R(��IIN, bYELL, ��v'D co.NVE�'unto------Sh�lb�t---A.S831---,----------------------------------- ----------------- <br /> of the Count�J�}�--�------- -T���.1- - - -- ----and Stute o� - -1�T�br.a.6k8-- --- -- --- ----- --_ _ - - -----,, the followin�% <br /> deseribed premises, situated in the CourLtz� o/'_.___________ ____. __�all__________.____.________________an,d State of.Nebrs6ka, to wit: <br /> --L ot_._Eight--_(8.)---.in__�loc_1�---5 ix:_-('.;�---,of. --S�aula ing._and--.r r e.3g-s--.-Add,it ion.,_�q.---�Y�_�...C_�.ty....Q�_.�.xand.._Is_�.and,_..._- <br /> --N�br�s_ka---a�_.�hawn. .b�- -th�.._plat t----.th_er_e_o�f---duly.._f ileci_.and..r.e^�--ount�-.----�----------- <br /> - - - ----- ---- ----- _ ----- �- --- ------ -----_........----�� ---- � ----... --- - -.... --- -----� . . ...........--------------------- --....._----------------�---------- -------- --------.. <br /> ._.._.__---- - -�- ----------�-- -- - -_--- - - �- - -- - ----��-� -------�------------------------------------ ------...--- --- - - ----- - ------------------------------- ---- -------------------------------------------- <br /> ----- - - - -- ----------- - -- --- - -- - - - _----------------- ----------�-------------- ------------ -------------- -- -- - ---�---- ---..... -------�------ -- -� �--- ------------------------- --------------------------- <br /> ---------- -- -�--------- -�--� ---� -- -- -- . - -...---- - ------ - --- � - ----- ------ ------------------ ....--- ------��--�-- -----....._..------�-------....--- ------..... -- -- ------------------------------... <br /> ---------- - ----- -- -- ---- -- --- --- - -- - --- -- - <br /> To�sether with all the tenements, hereditanzerzts, and a�pu,rtefzances thereunto belon�sin�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Do7ver�, <br /> Curtesy,Clairrt arcd Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__.____,and of either of them, of,in, or to the same, or c�ny part thereof. <br /> �CO �A�1C �IY� t0 �OIb the czbove-described premises, with the appurterLances, unto the said�rantee___,____ar�d to___________h3,8______ heirs <br /> and assi�ns foTeveT. �Ind_____I_______hereby covenant._____with the said Grantee_______that______.______I__.______________ hold__________._said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that____________I_______________ha_Yg�ood risht and lawful authorit;y to sell ar�d convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> andincumbranees whatsoever------------------ -- ----- - ------------------------- ---------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- <br /> ,/�nd______:_._______�__ ___________.________ _ ___.___________ covenant________to warrarzt and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons <br />,I <br /> whomsoever---------- -- - -_. - - - -- -- -- -------------------------------•-------------------------------------------.�.---- ------------- ---- --- --- --- ---- -- --------- <br /> ----------------------- - - ---- - - --- -- -- -- _- - - ----- ----- � ._ - --- - ---- --- ------- --- ---- - -------------------- ------------- ---- <br /> ------------- <br /> Dated the-----------�-p-------- ----------------day ��- ---- - .JtiT16 -- ---- - - -�. D.,I913------• <br /> W7TNESS ----��r�x i e_.E�S 8a1.----- �----- - -- -------------- - <br /> I ------------- -- ---- -�_�H_.��anc-k----------------- --------- - --------------- -------------- ------------� <br /> -------- - - ------- -- <br /> ST�1TE OF NEBR./�SK�, <br /> �ss. � ' <br /> ----------�a17-----------------Count�, a On this------------4------------------da�J �f-------------J1?1_1_e---------------------------------�. D., 19_�.�___ , before me, <br /> the uradersi�ned, a JV'otary Publie------__-----_-._--__--_____---__within�cnd for said County,personally eame_-___-_-.--_-_--____-__------___-_-_----_-__-----_------_-- <br /> ------��ar i e _E,�e a l - -- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- <br /> -- ----- -.._-- - --- ------ -------------- - ------ - ----------------- ----------------�------ -------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personally kraown to be the identical person___________whose name____.__._1S______________________u�ixed to the above <br /> �S�AL} instrumerat as �rantor________, arcd____._,____.Sr1�_____________ __s7��Ei�acknowled�ed the same to be.____h.BT_.____.___voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therei�c expressed. <br /> INW'ITNESSW��F,REDF,Ihavehereurtto subscribed my name and af'fixed my of}"icial seal at____.___________________ <br /> ____�rcLrid_ ISld21d______________________ ________________orz the date last above written. <br /> --- -- ---- --- <br /> - �--- ---------------�_,�i.�Ienc-k------------------- <br /> �''otarz�Public. <br /> .My eommission ex ires._..___ ' <br /> p - ;v1�y_----- 1- --- --------79-� ------• <br /> ;: <br />