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<br /> SG��iI-KLOPP 8c BARTLETT CO.,Printing,LithoAraphing and CounEy Supplies;Omaha.
<br />-- __. �_ -.-- - _,.._,- _..=-��-_.-_ .�.�.__.� ____;
<br /> F'��� I hereb� certif� that this instrument was entered on Numerica-1 ,
<br /> Ind,ex and filed for r�ec�rd this----------J----,-------daz�of_-_----Ji�I�_4'_---------------
<br /> " ---o'clock,.-A ---JVI.
<br /> . �. ��., 19�.u�------, at- --- -- _ -_ _ _ - -�---- •
<br /> ------- --�*-�=��4�a- a tx_�21g� __g��.dow• ---- - - Warranty
<br /> To � Deed. ��
<br /> .
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<br /> Re�'ister of D ,e,ds,
<br /> ---- --- ---- ---�-:ulaa__J_.0 1_ine--- - - - --- --- -- -�---
<br />' B�------ - ------ - - ------- - ------ -- - ------------- ----------
<br /> --------------- ---- -- --- -- - -- - - - --- - - -- - -�__
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> --- —---- --_ __- _ _--------------------
<br /> _____—___----- --- -- — --
<br /> -- _ __ ---- --
<br /> ��co�a �.�� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�:
<br /> � �t----- - --z, Re���^a--St_r on�-, a__��ido-w, - ---- - - ------------ - -- - ----------- ----- ----------------------------------------�- -- ---
<br /> �
<br /> of the County of-----,----._�i�11--------------._rr,e,c� Stccte of---------------idEbT_e�;-k8--------_- --------------GTaf2tor----------, ineoresideratiori,
<br /> of the sum of_.-------TY4'O_H�ill'�'.�_@_d__121d -riO�l�Ci ------- ------ ----------------- ---- --�- ---- ---- ----- --------- -------- -- ----- ---------DOI.L�1.R�,
<br /> in harzd paid, do---------------lr,ereby GR�1,N°T, B,FIRG.F�I�°, SE.I,L, d4JV'D CO�N'VEY'unto------.?;L11da__�-.C�'1-lll�--------------------------------------- -----------------
<br /> ---------------- ------ --- --- ---- ---- - - -- -------------------------- ------ --------- --- ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------- --- -- -
<br /> , -- -.and State of------- - - -- - -----T�TB=Grs3.Sk8--- ----- - - - -- --------,Grantee-------, the followir��
<br /> of the Cou�zty of-------�- �a_.l1 - - - -
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of_____ ___._-__i�cti.l___ _.__________________.___.___.___._.__,_c�rzd b�tate of Nebr�S�ka, to avit:
<br /> ._....._...L4t----Tv���:Y�----�.�2.�..__in__F1��C-k--T�r�lve- �1��- -i�___nr.ett--�nd_J.ohn�an-t-�---�:��..i.t_�,:on..-�°--�the..._vil.la��- of.--- ---- -
<br /> _...-----.�_�.c�d..R.iver,.._N_e:K;r_as_ka•---- --- --- -._.. �---- --- ----- -- --- -�- --- ---- - �--- - ...- -................... - ---� --- -� �----------��---------------------------- -- �---�---------� -----
<br /> - -- ---- -- - --- -- - --� - - ---- ------- --- ----- - ---- -�---...__....---... --- -------- --- -- - - -- .. ..... .. ...........------.....---�--------- ----------- --------------- -----------------�-----
<br /> ----------------- - --�------- - - --- - � --- - - -- ----------- - �-----------�----------------�------------...._ - - ---- - ._..._......--------�- -------.._ ---------- - -------------------------------------�------
<br /> ..-- -- ------- --- -----_ ---- ------- - --- - - ----- -- _.. - ----- ----� -------�- - --------------- --�-- ...._--------- -----�-----�--- �-- ------- - --------------- ----�----------------------------�---------------..._....
<br /> - - ---- -- �---- ---- --- - ----- ------------ - - -- ---- -- --------� -------�------------------------- -- ---- --------�--� - - -- ---- ---.._,._......--------...-----�---�---- ------------------------------ ------�------�------
<br /> .. ----- --- - ----------- ---�-- -- - --- --- -_ -- -- -- -- -- - - - -- ---- ---- --- -------- -----�---- --�-- -----...- ------- ----------------- -----------....--�----........--- - --...------- -------------�--�--�---
<br /> -- -------- .--- - ---- -- -- -- - -- - - -�- - - - - - -- - ---- -- - - .
<br /> To�ether with all the tenerneyats, hereditarnen�s, af2d ap�urtenances thereunto belon�ifz�, and all the Estate, .Ri,�ht, Title,Interest,Doz��e�°,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoe-ver of th,e said Grccnt,or_______,a•rec�ef'-eti�ke�re�►��ae�, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �GD ���iC A1�Y� t0 �OYb the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rarctee______and to._______�BT---------- heirs
<br /> and assi�ns foTever. .flnd______�_________hereb�coaenant_.,._.with the said Grantee_______that________I______________________ hold____________said premises by�SOOd and
<br /> perfect title; that.______._I________________haVe__�'ood ri�'ht and Zawful authoritz� to seld and conver� the same; that they are free and clear of all liens
<br /> andincumbrances whatsoever----------------- - --------------------------------- ---------------- ------ -----------------------------
<br />' - - ---- ---- - - -- - ---- -- -- -- -- ------- - --- ---- ------------ - ------� --------- - ------------- ---- ----- - ---�----- ------------ - --------- ----------- �
<br /> �nd________.__________________�________.____ ______ _______._____ covenant._______to warrant and defend the said premises a�air�st the lawful claims of all persores .
<br /> wlzomsoever-------- __ _ - .. __ - -- - -- ---------------------------------------------
<br />' ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------- --------- ------------ - -
<br />' ----------------------- --- - -- ---- ---- _ --- - ---- - - --- - ----- --- ---- --- ---- ---- -- - - ------- ----- -------- - -- -------- ---- ---------�----------------------------- --
<br />' Dated the-------------�8�h---- ------ ---- -daJ���-- ---�"-'�St-- ---- - -- ---- -----�. D., 19.�.�------• ,
<br /> W7T.NESS ----�8b�c_�._�_t rong----------------------
<br /> ------------- ----
<br /> '-'- ---- - --- ---�- ---'_�_aA_..�+''3t8_I16--'-'--'---------------- - ----------------------------------------------- -
<br /> - ---- -
<br /> -------------- - ------ ?"-•-L-•-N�-x-a�ue - ------ � - - -----
<br /> ST.gTE OF NEBR�3SK.g,
<br /> �'.all �ss.
<br /> ---------------------------------------Count , On this------------�8th---- ----da o �q�. -------.1. D., 19_�,�_ _ be
<br /> � �9 f------------- X------------------------------- , �ore me,
<br /> the urzdersi�ned, a✓1�'otary Public____________________________________within arzd for said County, personally came_,_._____________________._____ _
<br /> -------- --�eb ec c a__c t r on.�------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ --- ---------------
<br /> -- - ------ ---- - -- ----- ---------------- --- - ----- - -------------- --------------_--------------------- ------------------ ---------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical persorz_____._.___whose rcame,____________�8_____________________af�'ixed to the above ��
<br /> ���EAL) instrument as �Srantor_._____, and__________________SY),�__ severally acknowled�ed the same to be_____h8�______.___voluntary ' `
<br /> aet and deed for the purpose therea-rc expressed.
<br /> IJV'W7TJV'ESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afjixed my of)icial seal at_____________________.__ ,
<br /> �oOd RiVeti___N�'�r��k�_in___sdi,'��_.___COt1Il�yon the date last above writter�. �
<br /> ------ ----�--------------�'-•-L-•-�px-�-u�----------------------- I
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> . . . --���arc-h---�'�
<br /> .Mr� commr.ssaon expares--------- - - --------- ---- -- - y------------------- 19-18------•
<br /> - _ __ . �
<br />