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� 4�e '� <br /> D�C�D ���O�D �oo ��o <br />=_ .,G��O—KLOPP&BARTLETT CO:,Prinlxng,I,ithn�raphiny and G'ount4 SuPPlies7 Omaha. _ � -. _ _,.__. y:�_.__ ,-<�� _.__� _._,� ._�-=._ �.:r _ _ ----- - _- <br />__�__ __ ._ _ . __, ,_: _. .. � _, , _ _ .,.. <br /> . _ -,---�_._. .�..: �_�--=..=_�----_ ---.,=_—�-.,—=.--_.---_-.._ <br /> 1''R�� I herebz� certif�� that this irLStru,merzt was er2tered orz ✓Y'um,erical <br /> ------- - -- - - ---- ------------- -- -..._ - - ---- -- - --- <br /> In,dex and filed for record this------------�4---------daz�of_------Ma3t------------------ <br /> �1. I�., 19---�3----, at--- - -__3_.5 Q.-- --- -------o'clock- -P_,-.M. <br /> H-�n.ry_--Rarne�_._and_wif-e- - ------------ Warranty <br /> TO Deed. ' (�/� <br /> ti <br /> -------- - - - - --- - ----- ----- -------------------- ---J- - <br /> Re�ister o ePds <br /> -------- -- ----�illiam--Sm�it__hwic�- -- ----------------- <br /> B�------- ---------------- --- - - -- - ---------------------------------- <br /> -------=- - <br /> ----- ------------------- - ---- -- - - -- --- - ---- <br /> Deputy. <br />� __ '------- ------------_ _-------- --- __--- ----- <br /> —_. _ <br /> �.r�o� �Y� �e� �p �C�j��e ��e�e�.t�; <br />', ��A�---- --Y4�, Henry-Bar_nes_ a.nd-Annie- �arnes, -his--wife --- -- ------------ ---------- �---------------------�------------ -- -- <br /> of the County of---.ChT3.6�_3�i1-------------crrtd Statc� of----------.-I��_?.�l,Q_1�--------------------.------------------------------Grantor---�-------, inconsideration.- <br />', of the sum of_-------�I�g�lt--.thQU.f3�I1C� �Q�1,QQ - -------- - - ----------------- - -- - ------- - ----- ----- - ------ ----- ------ �------.DOLL.IRS, <br /> in hand paid, do----------------Iz,ereb� GR�IJV'T, B�RG�gI.N, SELL, .�.�v coNV��ZGnto-------�_ill.iam---Smith_�rick--------------------------- ------------------ <br /> --------------- ------- ---- -- -- - --- - --- ------ ----- ----------------------------- -------- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----��__ ----- -- - <br /> of the County of-----------�7arr8T1----- --------------and State of_-------------Ill 1ri018 ---,Gran,tee,-------, the followin� <br />, described premises, situated in the Cou,rztr�of___ __________ �311__-__ _________________________._____..___,and State of Nebr�9�ka, to wit: <br /> I� -----The._.���t_.._h�l_f__.Q_f_..t_l�e--Ss��tth,__W es t._Qu�x�ex-.-��f��-- o�---�•-�Y-•-��----o�--�.e�t.�.Q�....�wsx�.�y_...E.�gh.�.....�2.�.�- -�n. ...... ........ - <br /> - -To�ns_}��p �.l.�v.�n.._.(.1J�-- -Naxth,__ -s��._P►_ang_�_._El�.ven.--�1�.-}- --��s.t...a.�- the -oth--P_..1�_.....�_�nta_�n_in$--�.Q_._a.c�.QS,- ---..._ <br /> ----a.c.orcii�g _t_o._t�.e_.r_QV_�xnm�r�t_ -s_ux_v_e.y....�xa.s_x.�s�_�.._- ----.-...-� - - - -----�-- ------�--�-----��-----------------�--------- <br /> ..____________.__(__The___Grantee___to__,.r eCe iv�___the___r.�nt_-_..or__srantor_'s___�_hare_.Q..f..crop�-__.�or___th_�___y_�ar__.1913.}____________________ <br /> ------..-- -- --. - --- ------ ----- - ---- ----- -- ---- -- _. ---- ....- - --. -----�------...---------- �------------------- --------��------ - ---------- ---------------- -------------- ---------------------- --- ------- - <br />' -----... � - -- ---- -- ------ _ -------- -- ------ ---- ---------... --�----------�--------�----_----------- --_..--- -----------.... <br /> -- - - --------------- - --- ------------_..---........_...... -�--------------------�----- - -------------------=-- <br /> ' <br /> -- --------- - -- ---- ---- - - --- -- --- - --- - ----- - - -- -- -- -- - - -------------------------- - <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditam,ents, and appurtenances thereunLo belon�in�, and all the Estate,Risht, Title,Ir�terest,Dou�er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim a�d Dema�ad whatsoei��r of the said Grantor_F3___,�ef-ei��ker�e�-�e�wa, of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br /> . <br /> �0 ���1C AlY� t0 �OY� the above-described premi-ses, with the appicrtenances, urato the said�rantee______and to___.h.lfi_____________ heirs <br /> I and assi�ns forever. .flnd__W_�._________hereby covenant_______with the said Grarztee______..that_____________�V_@______________ hold___________said premises by�ood and <br /> I'� perfect title; that______._____�It@___._________.ha__Y��ood ridht and lawful authorit;y to sell af2d convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> I and ineumbrances whatsoever-------------------------,__----------------------------------- <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- <br /> -- <br /> �nd______.________.____._�'.e.__________________.____________________ covenant__._.___towarrarztarzd defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever--------- -- -- - - -- - -- ---- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------�---------- --- - <br /> ----------------------- _-- - -_- - - - - ---- - -- ---- ---- -- -- ------ --- ----- ----------- -------- ------------- --------------------- ------------ ---------- -- <br /> Dated the-----------$t-XJ.--- ---- --------- ---da�J �1'- ----- --- ��ciy-- --------- - -----.FI. D.,I9�.�------• <br /> W'ITNESS ----I��SJ.xy_---fi�4�_27.�-e---------------------- - ------ - - -- - - <br /> ------ ---- - -- ---- Th.�Qdar�a__�3.P_e�renn_-- -. - - - ---Anni�__Ba�_ns-�---------------- ----- <br /> ST.qTE OF I1:1 lil0�B, <br /> �ss. p <br /> _Chr i�t_ian-------------count�, ) Ort this-----------------�--------------da�J �f-----------��-X-----------------------------------.g. D., 19__�_ ._ , before me, <br /> the urzdersi�ned, a Notary Public---__-----_---_-_--_--_-_------__-withi,rz arZd for said County, persortally came---____-__-----_-____------_-------------__------------_--------- <br /> ---H_enr�_ Barnes--a_n_d_ Anni�_.Barnes,----his---v��ife}------------------------- <br /> - - - - ------- - ------- -------------- - - ------------ --------------- ------------ ------�------------------------------------------- -------- -------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_�__.____whose namefl____.3T_B_______________..____.____czfrixed to the above <br /> ��EAL� instrument as �rantor�___.., and_______�h_�y___._____________._,severally acknowled�ed the sarrce to be___tx1.81,�_.___.volunta�y <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein ex�ressed. <br /> INW'ITNESSWHEREOF,Zhavehereunto subscribed my r�ame and afJixed my of�Ecial seal at.____________.___________ <br /> . . . County <br /> ____________��02'T180T1V1118____171___83�dR_____on the date last above written. <br /> ---------�loy_s ius---�4�I,�an---------------------------------- <br /> Notarz�Public. <br /> .My cofnmission expires--------- -- -�- -- - --�u1-3�--�C�-- �------19-1�a.-----• <br />