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<br />_, 56ai0--KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printrong,LiEhopr¢phinp and County Yup�lies;Onzaha, � �_ � _ �
<br /> FRO.M I hereby certify that this instrument was entered ora Numerical
<br /> In,d,ex ar�d filed for� record this_------------2-�--------day of----�S�Y----------------------
<br /> . ✓1. D., 19. 13---, at,_______--_ �_.�_�____- ---- -------o'cloc�k'---�-•---✓YI•
<br /> ------ -�'_�'an.k---k:_._Ru� __�i�'b�,__ta��.fs -- - - - - Warranty
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<br />'',, ����- F'rs�k -�:.:tu_�__.c�nci_Enlnia �:_.P�ue__,_ --�iu�band---�n�__wife- ----------
<br /> r Y _.__Grantor_�_____._, in consideration
<br /> of the CountJ ��----- - - -- --�:311 -- ----cr-�icl bt�r.t� of--__ _ _ ---- -------------- ----1'1��1��Sk1 ----- - -- -- -----
<br /> of the sum of---------Th_xee --Th_au_�_ana---�'iv�_ hundred--ancl--i?-°-�----- — ------- ------===.DOLL�'RS,
<br /> in harid paid, do_---------------hereby GR.FI.NT, B.gRG✓II✓V', SEL.L, �I,N'D CO.N'VEY'unto__�_15�._1��8d---i'�,Cr`�t_tS--------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ---------------------------- -- - -------- -- - -•------ - -- --------------------------------�----------- --- -- -- -------------------•--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
<br /> of the County of---------- - H-3.t.1_--- - ----and,State of----- �_��.��a_��� -- - - - -- - -- __- -- ----------,Gra.n,t.ee.-------, th,e followin�
<br /> deseribed premises, situated in the County of_______________H�1.1__ ________________ _______.____ccrz-d State of aN'ebr��ka, to wit:
<br /> __._..__.Lo t--Z;urr�l?_er.--S�ven,.--(7-)--in---�l�;k_,.Nurrl�er--Th ir t e en----(13.}_._c�f.__Arno 1.�...���_..A�?k?o t t.�-�.---��dit i�n.._'�o. .---
<br /> ---- ..1_ranc� I_�_�_�n.d,......?�;�_�xati_:r�-a--as--u-L:xY-eye�l,---�Zl���.�d --azz_d...x.e_u.�.x.�l�d........-- ...-�. ............ �-------------------------- ---------------- ------ ------------------
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<br /> I - - ---- - -- ---- -- - ------ - - - - -- ---- - --- --- -- -- - - -- - - --- - - -- - ------�------ ---------------------------------------------...------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditccmei2ts, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�s, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Ir�terest,Dower, :
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__S__.,,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, oT an�part thereof.
<br /> �D ���lE �1�� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, witji the appurtenaszces, unto the said�rantee__._____and to____Y_1_@r___________._ heirs -
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .,4nd__.__R'e______hereb�covenarLt_._____with the said Grantee________that________��___________.___.._ hold__________said premises b��ood and
<br /> perfect title; that___________R�_e__.____________ha.__318600d ri�ht and lawful authorit� to sell arcd convey the same; that they are free and elear of all liens
<br />', and iracumbrances whatsoever-------,------------ ------------------------------.-
<br /> ---------------------------------------------- ---- ------------ - ---- ----- -- ------- --- - - - - --- - ----- - ---- -- ----------- ------------------- ---- ----------- ---------------
<br /> t;
<br />' --- ----- - - -- -- ---- --- ----- - - - ----- ----------- ------ -- ---- - ----- - -------------------- --------------------------------- ----------- ------ ----
<br /> �lnd___._________________kk�______________ ___________ _______ covenant._._____to warrant and defercd the said premises a�sairast the lawfuZ claims of all persons
<br /> whomsoeUer---�x.��pt --�_�es_f'o_r_.th� year----1G13.---and---�her:e.af�.�r-.------------------ ------------------ --------------------------- ----------------- -- -
<br /> Dated the------------ -�'1��u-------------- -- --da�J �}�- - --�`�I�.y. ----------- -------- _ -----,Fl. D.,19_�,.'�------•
<br /> W7TNESS -----F r_ar_k_.�..Rns=-----------------------
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<br /> . . ----Emrna--�,��'v=�------------------------ -------------------------- '�`�,
<br /> --- -------L._r.E3r_inln�er------- ------------ - -- ---
<br /> ST.1TE OF .N'EBR.gSK'.g,
<br /> �ss. �
<br /> --------------------------x�l�------------County, OrZ this-------------�-�5-�---------------daJ ��------------h��y_------------------------------------�. D., 19._l�_ ._ , before me,
<br /> the un�lersi�ned, a JV'otary Publie_.________________________________within arad for said County, personally eame________.____.._________________._______________________________.
<br /> -------Ex_�nk E_�'�?e --ans�_ �tnma---�_.F_�us------------------ -------------•-------------------- ------------------------ --- --- ----------- -------
<br />� to me persoraally known to be the ideretieal persor�_�_____._whose rzameS___AT8_________________________czf�'ixed to the above
<br /> ���AI+� ii2strumen,t as�rantor__S__._, arGd_�__��1eY______________________seUerallz�acknowled�ed the same to be__the�T______voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN�ITNESS LVHEREOF,I have hereurito subscribed my name and afj"ixed my ofJ"ieial seal at_______________________._
<br /> _rx�nd___I;��t�'i�___�VT�br_.____�_ ______________orz the date last above wTitten.
<br /> -- ----------L.I�_.Br ir ir__ er
<br /> ----�------------------------------------------
<br /> �1�'otar�Public.
<br /> ,My commi.ssion expires----- - - -- ----------- ------ - -- --'�i�ah------16_'_'_---------- -------79--1-�-----•
<br />