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� � ��' <br /> �.: D��D G���O�D �oo �0� <br /> _ _ _ � __ � � _ <br />_ . 5ti'ai0—KIOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printin.g,Z.itho�raphing¢rad Coa��nly Supplies;On�alea. . .. � <br />_ ,.... _ . _ . _.. . __ .. _ . .. . . _. ..:. _...�. ._,: . ..�._ - ---. ---�,: :.. -:. —. _ _,.__ w� _ _ .. <br /> . _ . ._.,__— _-`----- '-----._ .�._ ____._:_._.._.�.,.�_�_.� <br /> FI��✓N I hereby certify that this instrzcment was entered orz Numerieal ' <br /> Index arad filed for record this---------------15---------dczz�of_---?�Z�y-------------------- <br /> �1. D., 19--1�'----, at- - - -- 10_.-3 U - - ------o'cZock-----�..-,M• <br /> --------------��a __P_at_�ss�n__�_hus-ban�.------- --- Warranty _ <br /> TO <br /> Deed. ' <br /> --- - - _-----� - - --����-- -��-��- ----.----- -- <br /> �e�ister f Peeds, <br /> ---------- --__Ta_lcia._�'_e_t�r_SO-n�---��_lf�_----------- ---- <br />' B✓- ---- ---- - __ _ - - - ------------'-------- ---- <br /> Deput�. <br /> �.�fl� ��� �ea� �p ��je�e �re�et�t� : � <br /> ���t-----�us_._�?s_�_e�snn,---7�us_k�and_ -- - -- -- - -__ . - -- ---- --------------- - --- ------------ --------- <br />� <br />', of the County of_------F�a.11------ - ---crr�ci Sf<�te of--_----.-----------------N6�TaS_kd--.----- ------,----------------------Grarztor�--------, ir�eorzsideratiora <br /> ofthe sum o�---------�Jns- -an-d- n�/IUS� ---- -- ---- --------- --------------------------- ---------- ------- ---- -------- ----------- ------ - --------DOLL�RS, <br /> in hand paid, do--------.-------herebz� GRJ1,N'T, B�IRG.FII�1�, SEI,L, ✓1ND CONVE�''urzto---------�'�a.-C�---P_@t_Px-B-4S11---Yi�.�__IAC��`-53--------- ------------------ <br /> ---------------- ---- ---- -- ----- ----- - -- - ----- - ----------- ------ - -------- ------- ------------------------------ <br /> --- - ------------------ ---- --------------- - - -- - --------------------- -- --------- --- <br /> I'i of the Countz�of--------Hall-------------------------and State of----------1�T 21�T36k3------------------------------------------------,Gran,tee.------, th,e fodlowin� <br /> described premises, situated in the County of__.__...__.____�Ia.1.1_______ ______�__________________._____an-d State of��ka, to wit: <br />', ._LQ.t....�t�rbe�__.x���_s_�__._(�3.�--..a�n_..F�.��k__?�?un:be�__Tha�xt-y---�3�-)---o�'---��zsse�_.�'h�Q.�,e�'.�_..A�.d.�.�_�QZ?....�_o_._�.z.��s�--------------------- <br /> --I-s.�ax�s�_._xtie�xas.k�_ a�- �_ux.v�ysd,- -�lat_t.e-�- an.d...x.e.�.Q_x.c�e�... ..------ --... ---� � � - ----------- -----------------�--------------�-- ------------ -- ....---- ----- <br />', ..----__. -------- ------ --- - ------ -- - -- - - - --- -----� --- -..............._----------------------------- --- .....--- -------- -- ---.......-------------..- -----------------------------------�--------�----� <br /> I <br />� ---------- -- ------ -------�----- --- -- . -�--- --- ---- - ---- --- --- - - - - ------------------------- -------- ---..-------- -......--------------------------- --�---------------�-------- -�- ----------�------------�------......_ <br /> _.-- ------- �- --- -- --- - ---- -- ---- - - -- - - - --- - --__ -- - -- - - - - - - --- -- - � - - -- -- -- -- - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereddtamerzts, and appurtenances thereunto be,lon�irz�', and all the Estate,Ri�'ht, Title,Interest,Dowe,r, <br />'I Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoe7�er of the said Grantor_._.___,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or ai2y part thereof. <br /> I �9 �d�1Q �lY� t0 �OY� the above-descr�ibed premises, with the appurtertarzces, unto the said�ran,tee__.__._arzd to___._hj;�._______ heirs <br />', and assi�ns forever. �nd__.I___________hereb�coUereant_____.with the said Grantee_______that______________�__________._ hold___________said premises by�ood and <br /> I� perfect title; that._______.I._______________ha__�tE�ood ri�ht and Zawful authorit� to sell and convez� the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> I . � . . <br /> fand ancumbrances whatsoever_____._eX�e�t__the__�313T1_��._Gf___a__ _10�C7...___m4Tt�',Ag6__lIl__fdyQr__9�___T__h�____F�,_Li1�dL�1�___________.___ <br />� __�uiiding--an�__L9�_���o_�i�t_�.on_Q f_ �rans3 ��lanc�_ �T�_�r_�s ka• - - ----------- - --------------------- - -------------- ----- ------- <br />;` ----- -- -- -- ----- _ - -- --- ----- ------- ----- ------ -- ---------------------------�- ------------------------------�------ -- -- <br /> .gnd_____,_______.____________._I______________________________ covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�airzst the lawful claims of all persons <br />, whomsoever---------- -- - -- - - - --------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> . ------------------ ----------- -- ------------------------ -- -------- --------------- - - <br />; Dated the-----------lOth-----------------da�J �1�- - --- -- - --- -��--aX--__ �1. D.,19_��------• <br />, <br /> W7TNESS ----�LI�--P6'�8�'�_QI�------------- -- ------ ----------�--- ----- <br /> • ------------ -------------------- --------- -- - - ----- - <br /> --- -- ------ - ----�.P�.�rinin�-er-------------------- - - -- <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR.ISK./�, <br />' �ss. <br /> �J, y f Y -------------------.1. D., 19,1�_ __ , before me, <br /> -------------------------xa-�-�-------------Count On this---- ----�Q'��----------------da o -------•---��------_-----------• <br /> the undersi�ned, a dl�'ota�y Publie------------------------------------with,in ccnd for said CountJ,Personally came----------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------i2t8 P_@�i-E2'8417---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ --- - --------------- ------- �---------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical persora____________whose rcame______________._18_-_,_____._________afJixed to the above <br /> �SEAL} instrument as�rantor___._.__, and______________.�l_�________..____-�ea+e,�dbtj acknowled�ed the same to be______Y11S__________voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IJV'W7TJV'ESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afjExed mz� of�"'ieial seal at____________ <br /> � <br /> _________�_8.rid__�51�,71d�____�v_61;�x_.________________on the date last above written. <br /> ; <br />' --- ----------- --------L.Fc,Br in in��r-------------------- - <br /> ✓V'otary Public. . <br /> ,My commi,ssior� expzres.----- - -- --- -- - ----- ------ -- ---- �i_�.�:�kl-----1��-- -----19.14-----• <br /> I <br />