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<br /> ,GJ7U-KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printing,Lithographi�a�an�Z Cou�aty Supplies:Om.�hr_. _ _ . _ _ __. _ _:_ :. - �- _- _
<br />—__. : _ _ _ _ ._ .
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<br /> FRO.M I h,ereb� certify that this instrument was entered on .Numerical
<br /> Index and filed fo��record this.----------��------------daz�of--------��Y-----------------
<br /> -------------Frank--Burry--and__��f_s__ ---- _ ---- Warranty ✓1. �., 19--1-3----, at----- -- --- ---_ ___ _ �0---------o�c�ock;---A-----�t•
<br /> TO Deed. ---- ---- - - -- - -�--' - -�--t-�"�----------- ------- --
<br /> Re�ister o Deeds,
<br /> ---- ----J�es---E�4rr�c�o�f•-- ------- ----- ------
<br /> B�---- -_ ------ - - -- ---- - ------ ------------------ --------- -
<br />'i ------- - ---- - - ----- - --------- - - - - -- - ---- - -
<br /> __ Deputy.
<br /> ,
<br /> �.�o�n ��� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t� :
<br />� ���t.---- Er_ank �urrY--ana._�lma. Bu��y, -k���--wi�_�,.__- ----------- - - ------------------------- -- -- -- �---------------- ---- --
<br /> - - ---- -- - -------- - -- ---._ ------�-- -- - ----- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------- -
<br /> f �J } H ' f _ N�bY'BBkA -- ------ ----- ---- - -----------Grantor-- � ---, in coresideratiorz
<br /> o the Courtt o ----------al�.---------------c�rr,c7 6trr,te o __. ---- -- --- _-- ----- --_ .
<br />'�, of the sum of_--------- _CI1e- I311Tldr_e_d__f_lf�tY--- -- -- -�---- - -------------- ----------- ----------- --- - ---------- --- -- -------------- - - -------�OLL�RS,
<br /> in hand paid, do_________._____hei�eby GR�✓V'T, B�RG.RI.N, SFLL, �1.N'D CO�N'V'EY'unto.__._____JBSiiQ$___E.CY71dOf�___________
<br /> - ------ -- - -----------------
<br /> of the CourZty of-- ------�Is`�lZ - -- - - ---_a,nd State of---- - -N_6_bZ'ASk3 - --- ----- - - - - ------ -- -- ---..___ ---,Gran,t.ee--------, the followifz�
<br /> described pTemises, situated irL the Countt� of__.__ ___.__.____�1311____.___________.____________.______�n,d State of Nebr�e�ka, to wi-t:
<br /> ,__..__.._..�,pt___Four___�4�___.in___Blo ck__Fo ur._.(4.)__in__.th e___th_ird__addi.t_ion___to._the_.town__,of_.C_a ir.oa. ._Ne�ras ka�
<br /> -- --__ _ -- -
<br /> --...--- - --a-c�_o.rda.ng -t�._..�h-e--r.euQx_�e-d �lat__�h_e�.�of= --- -- - ----- ._ --- -�-- - ----- � .....................
<br /> - --- ----------------------------------------- -----�----- - -- -----
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<br />�, --- ------ ... - --- ---- ------ - -_.----------. _ ---- --_ --------�-----�---------------- --- ---- -�---- _ ---�--�----- -- -------------- ---- ._----- --�---
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<br /> ---- - --- ---- �--------- -------------- �-----
<br /> ------------ - ------- ----- - - - - - --- - - -- - ----- - - - - . - ----------------- ----- - -------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with a.11 the tenemez2ts, he�editaments, artd appurtenances thereurzto belon�sir��, arcd all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,.Dower,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand avhatsoez�er of t�ze said Grantor_8___,and of either of them, of, irL, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br />'� �0 �A�1C A11� t0 �OYI� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances,unto the said�rantee_______and to____1118 _ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns foTeveT. �Flnd_______16[@_____lzereby coUenant._______with the said Grantee_______that_______________J�t@____.______._ hold___________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that._______.__4Q�___________ha_V_6_sood risht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free ar�d clear of all liens
<br />''� and incumbranees whatsoever---------------- - - ------- - ------------------------- - ------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
<br /> II --------------------------------------------------- - --- ----------- ----- ---- ----- ------ ---
<br /> -- ------------ -- - --- - ---- - -- ------- - -- ----- - ------------- ----------------
<br /> - - -- -- - - - --- - - - - - ----- - -------------- -- -- - -- - ----- - - - -- -- ------- -------- ----------�------ _-------- ------------------------------------------ --------
<br /> .Flnd__________________4'i_8_____._____ __________ ___________________ covenant._______to warrant and defend the sc�id prem,ises a�sair�st the lawful claims of all person,s
<br /> whomsoever--------- -- - - - - - -- -- ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ---- ---------------------------------------- ----- - ---- ------------------ --
<br /> ---------------------- - - ---- -- - - -- --_- - --- - --- - -- - ----- - - --- ----- - ------ ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------- ------
<br /> Dated the---��----------- -----------------------.da�J �}�- _I��21'x- - ------ - ----- -- - ---.g. D.,19_13-----•
<br /> i�TTNESS ____-�'z'2►Tik._Bl.lrr�.___-_--
<br /> ---------- -- - - ---- ��.7,_�a�t__��x_�_�s on---------- -- - ----
<br /> ----Alma---��_r_y_---------------------------------------------� --
<br /> ST.1TE OF NEBI�.ISK�1,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ---------------=3���------------County, Ora this----------- --10------------d��J of--------�-aX------------------------------------�1. D., 19._13_. , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ried, a Notary Public________________________________with,in and for said Courcty, personally came_____________________________ _________ _____
<br /> ---------F�an� Bu�ry_ ai'i_c3.---�]a�.�---B1��Y--------------- ------------------------------------._._- ------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ---- -------- ----------- - - -------------- ----�- --- -------------------- -------------------- ---- -------------- - - ------------------------------ -----
<br /> to rne personally known to be the identical person__8._.____whose name_8___3r_8____.__ u fJixed to the above
<br /> �SEAS.r� instrument as�rarctor__8___, arLd_____��1.8�T____._________.______severally ackr�owled�ed the same to be.___'�1.81x______voluntary
<br /> act ar�d deed for the purpose thereir� expressed.
<br /> INWITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subseribed my name and af)ixed my of�'ccial seal c�t_________.________________
<br /> ____----C-31TDi._--I�T8�1r-AS_k8i__________ ______________on the date last above written.
<br /> �11 io tt Harr ison
<br /> ------- - --------- -
<br /> ------------- ---------------------
<br /> .N'otarr�Public.
<br /> ,My commi,ssiora expires---------- - -- - -- �TyQV� lr2-- --1�16----------- -----------------x�---------•
<br />