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<br /> .�
<br /> D��D [���O�D �oo ��o
<br />_� _ _ _ _ _ _ : ._ _ __ __ . _ _
<br />_ . �G�;u—KLOPP&BAI�TI,CT"L'CO.,Printing,I,ilhogra.phtin%j and Count,y Supplxes;"tlmaRa. - ' . . . �_,
<br />_ _ ______ _ _�_. _,.._ .. _ _ _ ' __ __ _�._ _ -s:-,._._._-_�-_w.---
<br /> FRO.NI I hereby certif� that this instrument was entered ore Numerical
<br /> Ircclex an,d filed for record this--------------$------------day of-------�A�--------------------
<br /> ------Ch��.s_t_ine--Ku�s.chat--&--husbar�d --- Warranty
<br /> �. D., 19--1�----, at---- ---- -_..__3_..45---- --------o'elock -P_.---.M.
<br /> TO Deed.
<br /> ------------------- -------------- ----- ------------------------------------------
<br /> Re�ister of Deeds,
<br /> ---------- -----------�av in__H_.G_�_�.d�s - ------ ---------
<br /> II 89-------- - -- ------- -- --- - ---------- ---------------- ----------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �.�.oi� �.�� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�et�t�:
<br /> ����----._- - Christire__Kutschat ans�__Fred__Kuts�hatt --wi_f__e_ _an�__h�ban�i--------------------------- -- --- ------- --- -
<br /> of the Countz� of--------H811---_ ����c� :St�te ot'-----------N_Q_1_�r�Ska------.-------------------------.----.----------Graittor_�.----, inconsideratiorz.
<br /> --
<br /> of the sum of--------F'_�ilr--ThQliB_�YJ,d_S�4@'�1._hLlYld.x_@_Cl__�l�t_X--311-d--2'1Q-�- - -- --- -------- ----�OLL.IRS,
<br /> in hand paid, do----------------l�,er•eby GR�J1rT, B.FIRG�gI.N', SEI,L, �ND CONVEY'unto---�_�i.V�.T1__H_.r�_5����-------------,-----------------------------------------
<br /> - - ---and State of--- ---- - -NB_brs'��^kEi - -----
<br /> _._________________,Gran,tee.______, the ollowin�
<br /> of the Count�J�f- --------Hall. -- - ----------- ---- f
<br /> deseribed premises, si-tuated ira the Countz� of_____ _____.___Hall__ _______.________________._________arzd State of JV'ebrsalca, to urit:
<br /> ..Lot.,_,Nurlber._T�ro__.(2)___in___Rloc k_Nur�ber__One__hundre_d_Tw_enty__One..._.�.121�._.of...Ko Qni�:,_�na__�P ipb�_!_s____________._:____.__
<br /> --Addition---to__.,�rard_..Islan-d,----Ne�:raska---�s_,surveye-c�------plat_t_ed--and_recQrded...._--------------------------------------------.------.------------
<br /> - - --- - -- - - -- -- - ------ ---------- --------- ---- --�--�--�-�-------�- ---... -- - - - -- -- -- -- - ---- -�------•�------- ------------------------- - - --------...-----------------------------
<br /> --------- ---�----- - ------- - --- --- -- - --• - - - - ----- --------- �- -------------------------------------- --- --------�--- --- - - -----...--------�---------...- --- -- -- ------ -----
<br /> �-- ---- -------- - --- - -._..------------- --- - - --- ---- -- ------ ---- ... -- - --- ------------------- ...--------------...------�-----------...---- - ....--- ------ ----- --._...---------- -- ------------------------ ------------
<br /> -------- --- - ----- --- -- -- -- --- ---- -- ---- -- ------- ----. ---------------------�-------------�------- ---- ------- - �----- --�---------- -..------------------��- --------...--- ----------------------------------- ------._.-- -
<br /> _._ ---- -- - -------�-- - -- - - -� - � - -- - - - --- --- -- -_ - ---- ------------------------ -----------..---- - -------------- ------------�------------ ------- - ----..._..-- -- - --- --------------�------------
<br /> ---- ------- - ---------- -- - --- - -- --- ---- - - - - -- -� -- - -- -- --- - -- - --- - - ----- - ----- -------------�- - -
<br /> Tosether with all tlze tenem-ent.s, hereditasnents, and appurtenances �thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri.�ht, Title,Interest,Dowef•,
<br />�� Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor.8__-__,an,d of either of t,hem, of, in, or to the same, or af2y part thexeof.
<br /> II �0 ���1C AIY� t0 �OYb the above-described prerf2ises, with the appurterzarzces, unto the said�rantee______,_arad to_____h�.8______._.___ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .,4nd______Y38___-_hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee_______that_________________�y_8._______._ hold___.________said premises by�ood and .
<br /> perfect title; that____.Yr'S_______________hcbt_�___�ood ri�ht and Zawful authoritz� to sell arzd convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever---------------- ---- - -- --- ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------
<br /> -----
<br />' ,qnd____ _._____S�_�_,__.______________________________ covenant_.____towarrantand defend the said prernises a�ainst the lawful claims of all person,s
<br /> whomsoever---------- -- - -- .. -- -- - - - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------
<br /> I
<br /> Dated the---------------$th.---------------da�J �l�- - - ?'��y- ---- ----------- -.�1. D.,19�.�-------•
<br /> u�zT�v'ESS ----�hr_is_-�in�--Rut_�ch��------------------- -
<br /> --- ----�`r_e�.__Kutschat----------- --- ----------- - ----- ---
<br /> ----- - �- -- --- --John__A_.Fergu�_�n------------ - - -- --
<br /> ST�TE OF NEBR✓1SK�1,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> -----------H�lll----------------Count�, ) Un this----------$th-----------------da�J ��-----------��3t------------------------------------.1. D., 19_l.�_. ._ , befoTe me,
<br /> the unclersi�ned,a JV'otary Public--_---_--__--__--__-------------with,in a7zd for said County, Aersorcally came_-_--_-_-_----_----------_-__-_--------------_-_---------- -
<br /> ---------------Chri�t_ine__K��.s�_ha�----a�zd__Ese�_�U.�s�ha�--------------------- --------- -- -----
<br /> to me personallz� krcowrz to be the ideratieal persorz__g.____whose name__g___��g_________.____________affxed to the above
<br /> (SEAL) irzstrumer�t as�rantor_._H__, arcd_______._�hB�_____________severally aeknowZed�ed the sarroe to be____.�hgj,r_____volu�2tary
<br /> act arzd deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> INW7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name arid af�'ixed my ofj"icial seccl at__________.______________
<br /> _______rrand Island, Nebr_. ______________on the date Zast above written,
<br /> - ----- ------ -------------------
<br /> ------------------------------------�o�.n__A_,_Fergu�9n------
<br /> _Notarz�Public.
<br /> ,My commzssion expires----- - -- - - ----- ------ - --- ----- -br9��G1�--24�-Y�. ------ 19�.�------•
<br />