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� � '�� <br /> . ��:. DC��D G�C�C�O�D �100 �On <br /> � <br /> ��� �6�TU—KT.OPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printing,Lithnpr¢ a�zd Cozanty Supplies;Omule�x. � �� � �. � -� v� � � �� � - �� �" �� �� �-�_ <br />__._.. _ ,�.. ._ . . _._ . :: . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .__ ._ _ ;,_. _._,._ �..a_..._..._::___ ..- -- ._��-�--�._��__.._ - .._. <br /> FRO.M I hereby certif� that this instrument was entered on Numerical <br /> Index an,d filed for record this---------------7--------da�of----�aX-------------------- <br /> �. D., 191.'�------, at,- --� - - _ __ - - -_- -� -------o'clock;.---P,-�• <br /> ------------Th_Qr��s---�r�halen---and__w-ife__ -- _ _--- -�Warranty <br /> q,� Deed. �� �� <br /> ------ - -- --- -���- --=------ � ` <br /> ------------ -- ---- --- <br /> Re�ister Deeds, <br />� ------ -- ----- -��has1_e�_.J�dd -- --- ------- -- -- <br />' ��------ -------_ - __ _ - - - ----�----------- - - -- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�o� ��� er� � �C e�e �e�e�t� : <br /> � <br /> p � � <br />�� �i���.----�-e,---__Thomas__�halen -and_.Anna_�hal-en,-- _hu_s_�and-and--wif_e----------------------------------------------- <br /> of the Countz� °f---------$Sll.--- ------------_c..rr-cl ,St��.te of------------2dE��aB-1�1--_.--------------.---------------_------------------Grantor--g-----, in eonsideration <br /> �. r - --- ---- - -- ---------DOLL✓1 RS, <br /> of the sum of--------- --'1'��en�y---Fo ur_�,uri�'�_S� - _------ - - - --- ----------- ------------ ---- -- -- ---- - - -- ------------ ------ <br /> in hand paid, do----___-_-- -_-�i,erebr� GR�NT, �3.9RG�.ZJV', SFI,L, �4✓�'D CONVEY'un-to-_.._.___�har_J�_�c__�7Lidl.�-_---_--_-_�_- - <br /> ----- --- --- -------------- <br /> of the Couraty of_-----H31�-__.-------------- ----__.----.a,nd,State of_---NB_br�lS1S3...---------- ------------------------------ ------------------,, the following <br /> described remises, situated in the Courct o'_.____ __..___________�7.�.1Z_.____________________. <br /> p � / .____.___.._ccrcd State of'JV'ebr�6�ka, to wi.t: <br /> _._.--------�.a.t_..I��urn'aex._.F.iys.----(_5_)_.._5�c�i�r.--ilu�i��-r..__Ei�h�_-��-)---T Q�.ns.hi�...I�Tumb.ex....T�Line----(-9-�_...i�.Qrth--l3an�e---'�Iumbsr_:.--- <br /> --...--- ._k��.�v�n- -�11-) �.es-t--o_�h__.Fxin�i�al._I�e.r_idiar� -Hall._�uuntY,- --.1�•-- - � --� ------��------------------------------------�------�-----------�----------- <br /> - -- - - - - - -- - - - ---- - --------------------- - --- �-- -�-- --- - � -- - - - - --- - --- � ----------- ------------------------------ -- ------------------------- - ------------- ---...._. <br /> ---------------.....-- - - --- ---------- ----- - ----- ------- -- ---------- ---------�------- -----�-----------_...-----------------�- -- ----------- ----------------�--------- ------ -------------------------------�----- ---�----------._. <br /> _.._..-------- - - -------- - ------ -- --- --- -- - - - - - - --�--- - - - -- . _. . .----- -� -------�--- - - �--------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the teizements, heredita�neizts, and appu,rteraances thereunto belora�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dowe,r•, <br /> Curtes�,Claim and Demand whatsoe��er of th�said Grarztor_C-__,��-+�-#„�aea�w, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> . <br /> �0 �A�1C �lY� t0 �OY� the ubove-described premises, wath the appurtenances, urLto th,e said�rar�tee________arad to_______Yl��_____:__ ___ heirs <br /> ai2d assi�ns foreveT. .�4nd__._�iv_B_________hereby covenant_______with the said G`rarLtee____._that__________V�r_6-------.------ hold___________said premises by�ood ar�d <br /> I, perfect title; that__________�=e_____________haVe___sood ri�ht and la-zvful authorit7� to sell arad conve� the same; that thez�are free and clear of all liens <br /> andincumbTances whatsoever-------------- --------- ------ - --------- ------- --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- ---- <br /> ----- - -- - ------- - --- - - - - - - - ------ - -- - - --- -- � - <br /> - ------ �---------- ------------------------------ -- <br />��, d4nd.__________________7N.�___.________ ________.__________________ coveraant_______to warrarzt and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> I� whomsoever------ - _ _- - - - - -- - ---- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------------------------- - ----------------------- --- <br />', Dated the-----5 t h------------- ---------------da�J �I°-- -�`�-�Y- -- -- --------- - -- -.1. D.,19�.3------• <br /> W'ITNESS ----T�Oi�a�---�Ph_�1_��"1------ - ------ ------------------------ _ <br /> ^ CKan <br /> -----.A.ri�ld- -�v�.-�Uh+3-���?------------------------ --- -- ---------- <br /> ----- ----- ---- ----- L-�-��---------�-------------------------------- - ----- <br /> ST.FITE OF NEBR.gSK�, <br /> ss. <br />� ----------------------------��311----------County, Orz this-------- -----�th------------da�J o�--------------��1�----•----------------------------.g. D., 19_13- - , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notctry Public____._____.____________________within und for said Couraty, personally came________________________________________. <br /> --------------Thor:as---�Fhal�n_.and._Anna_.�'�h�l_��.- -------"-h���x�d_,ansi_wif-e_'_'-------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personally knozvn to be the identical persorz_�__._____whose name___S_._�_8________________________a f�'ixed to the above <br /> �S�AL� instrument as�rantor_S__._, and__.__._�h��____._____________severall�ackfzowled�ed the same to be___��l_�_7�x____.__voluntary <br /> ccct and deed for the purpose therein ex�ressed. <br /> IJV'W'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihc�vehereunto subscribed my rzame and afj"ixed mz� of�cial sead at_______.________________ <br /> �i'ood R_i_v__er ____in said_.�ounty on the date last above written. <br /> ---- , ------ - - - ------ f-------------- <br /> ------------- - -----------D_,_D_,0�an�----------�------------- -------- <br /> Notar�Public. <br /> - - .Mz� commi.ssion expires-�-------- --- -- ------- - -------J�ri�-- -l�th-------- ------- -19-�------• <br />