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<br /> ......,-=-G�iO--KLOPP&BART�L�'fiT CO.,Pri�eGinp,Lithograp3cittp an�l Cozcnty 5upplies:Oma7aa. ... .. .... ,..�. � :".� . -" .... — .'.-. . . . . ....- __ .. - _... . _.. _
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<br /> r'R0� I herebz� certif� that this instrument was erztered orz Num,erical
<br /> --------- -- ----- ---------- ------- - -- -- - --- - --
<br /> In,dex and fcled for record this-------�----------------day of------I'�Ely'------------------ �
<br /> �. D., 19._l3_----, at--- - _ -_ ._ .. - - -- 1-------o'clock,----�•--✓YI•
<br /> --------L1-Qy-�i--�_._i�_il�-t2ny-- --hu.a_ban-d----------- Warranty _�
<br /> TU Deed. /J/ �,� ��
<br /> t �<° %� - t�l���-------
<br /> - ----- --------- i =-=--- ----- �-
<br /> Re�i-ster o De,e,ds,
<br /> -- .- -- "3.1�n:-e-�`_�!3Is cr_�-- - -�_i.�_e-- -- --
<br /> B�- ----- ---- - ---- -- - - - - - - - ---------------------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �.�o� �Y� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�:
<br /> ���t----- I� L�oyd_.A.�V_i�.so� -h_�.;sb�nri. _of__the__����t��------ - ---- --------- _------- - -�---------------------------- --------- - - - -
<br /> of the Courzty of_------------H��.�.--------- f ----------------------------Grantor----------, in considerati,orz
<br /> - =�ricd ,Statc? o ------.Nf�3��s3S- �------- - --- -- -
<br /> of the sum of_.------r21� -��11�- - -- - --- -- -- --- --- ---- - - - -------------- ------- --- ------ --- - -- - - --- -- ---------- -- --- -------.B9�Ff.hER�S,
<br /> in hand paid, do_Hfi---------h,ereby GR.,4NT, B,F1.RG�lI.�'', SEI,L, .9ND C,ONVEY'urato--._----------------------------------------...-------------------------- ----------------
<br />� --------------------- ---�--- -- --- ---,_�,i],_er�c� -�-•-W-�-�s-9i�-----�r�.�_�--a-�' the -"rant9r_-------------------------------�------------------------- ---------- ------- - -
<br /> ' --------and State o -------------�il@_'bz'ASks'�---------------.-
<br /> I of the CountJ��-------- - ��.311 --- - }� ---- -- - -- - - - - - - ---,Gr•ant,ee-------, th.e followin�
<br /> described prerriises, situated irz the t,�'ounty of___.______HS11_____ _ .________________ __________and State of Nebr��ka, to wit:
<br />' ------...._�,Q�....TSt�.o----l���----i�--F�l��k----T�Q---l�-)--in--E2m--Pl�-c-�--,�d17�.t_io�?--'�-4--..'���--G-�-��X---A�._�_x'��.d---��_land,.....N��?x�.�k� - -
<br />� - -_..---as--survey..�_c� �?�.at_t.eil---��d---x��,.or.ae�,_.. �--- ------ - ----- ---- ---- �- ---- ---- -- - ---------- -- ---� ----- -------------------------�------- -----------�-- ------------
<br /> - -- -- ----- --- -- - - ---- --- --- --- - ------�------- ._...------�--�------...- -- ---�--- -- - - - ----- -- -- --- ------------------------------------- ---- -----------� --------------- - -- ---
<br />� ----------- -------- - -- - - - - - - - -- - - ------..__. - --------------��-----��------------....,--------...----- -------.....- - - ....-----------�---- ----------- --�----------- �-----------------------------------_..------
<br /> ---- -------- -- -- - - -._. -- - - - ---�- -- --- -�- -----... --...._. - - --------------------�------ -._ ------- ------ --------�- �---- -
<br /> -------...----------�---- ....._----- -- - - � - - ---- - -- ----- - ------- ---- -- --------- ----�--- ----------- --....---.... ------�------- ---........------------ -----------�-- -._...---- -----------------...---------------�---
<br />, ..------- ------ -- -�----- - -- -- ---- -- - -- --- --- - ----- -- - -- .. . .
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, heredita�nents, and appacrtenances thereunto belorz�in�, arid all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dozver,
<br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Deman-d whatsoever of the said Grantor______,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof.
<br /> �D ���1C AIt� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appaertenances, urzto the said�rarLtee.______arLd to___hSS_____.________ heirs
<br /> I and assi�ns forever. .�4nd_____Z________hereby covenarit_.___,with the said Grantee_______that_____________I_________________ hold___________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that____________�_____________ha_Y�_�ood risht ar�d lawful authority to sell and cor�vey the same; that they are free and elear of all lierzs
<br />' and incumbrances whatsoever-----_-----_--_-__-_-_-_-----------------------
<br /> --- - - ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
<br />'�, ------------------------------------------- --- - --------------- -- - - - --- - ----- - -- -
<br /> �nd__.___________.___________I_.__________------------ ---------__-_ covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�air�st the lawful claims of all persorr,s
<br /> whomsoever---- --- - -- - --- - - -----------------------------------------•------------------------------------------ -------------- ---------------------- ----------- ----- ---
<br /> Dated the-----------�_4�h----------- --- ---da�J �f- - -T?�C_�T;:b�S - ---------- ---�1. D.,19---1�----•
<br />' u�'IT�v'ESS ------L1oXd_B_,_Wils_on- ---- - ----- --------- ---------
<br />� -- -----T-�-P.�iq_�h�----------- ---------- --- -------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
<br /> �
<br /> - ------------------------------------------- ------------------ - -
<br /> i�.
<br /> :I
<br />� ------------ ---- --__ ------ --- -- -- -- - - --- --- -- '
<br />' ST.gTE OF NEBI�.gSK�4,
<br /> ss.
<br /> --------------------Ha11-------County, On this------�=4th------------------da� �f----------D@Y-Gi;-;b��'----------------------.�1. D., 19.12__ ._ , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Nota�y Publie______________.___________ _within,and for sczid County, persorzally came_________.__________ _________________________________________
<br /> --------- -�loy�3__�3_,�!i��-or�----h�.s�amd---c��._.�h�__�_xan.���--------------------------------------- - --------- -----
<br /> - - ------- ------- -- - - --------- --- ---- - - ---------------- -- -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical persorz_________whose name___.___18._____________________._____afrixed to the above
<br /> ��EAL� iyastrumerct as�rantor___.___, and________.____11£__._________-�asre�l�zcknowled�ed the sarne to be_____._}l].6______voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> I,N'W7TNESSWHEREOF,IhaUehereunto subscribed my name and afj"ixed my ofJicial seal at_____________.____._____
<br /> �rand__Islan�___________________________ _______________oiz the date last above written.
<br /> --- -------------.Th_e�z-�----�..�Qehm-------------------------
<br /> Notarr�Public.
<br /> dYlz� commr,ssion expires----- - -._.- -- - - ------ - - - - --- -__ --- a�1�.rCh-�6--------------19,].�-----•
<br /> �
<br />