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<br /> ����1 � I hereb� certif� that this irastrurrLerLt was eratered on Nuin,ericaJ,
<br /> ---- - -- --- --------- -- ----- - ----- -- _ --- Inclex arcd fil,ed for record this---- -�- - - ---da�J�f---------��-----------------
<br /> .fl. D., 191�---, at--------. ---___------ __ll------------o'clock-----A,NI.
<br /> -- L.C--.-Sro�-r� and--wife _-- - - �Warranty
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<br /> ���t-- -- x!s, L.�_.Brawn -and-AngiB x,�rown __. -- - - - --
<br /> ----------
<br /> --------- . -- - --- --- - ---- -- - ----
<br /> ( husband--and__wif e )------ -- -- - - - -------------------------------------- ----------------------- -
<br /> of the Countr� of--------H3��------------------- _a-racl Stcxtf� �f-------Nflbra8��3-------------------------------------------------------------Grantor--8------, in consideratiorz
<br /> of the surn of----- -----�A6 �iL171dr8d arid riD/1�� --- - - _ _ -- -- - ---- - -------DOLL.qKb�,
<br /> in hand paid, do- ,--------------hereby GR�Fl�'T, B�9Rr.qIN', SELL, �g�N'D C.O�N'VEY'un,to___S�lb�_Tt----ts+�_.Robin�e_�n�_.- __----------- _.- ------------------ �
<br /> _----------- ----- ---- - - _-- ---- -- -- -- --- -- --- -------------- -- - -- - . _ -- -_-- -------------------------- - ---------------------- -- --- --- - - - - �
<br /> of the Coun.tr�of-- - -Hal�. - -- -- -arzd State,of--- _ -- - -I�I8bT1SkS- - - --- -- -- - ----,Gran,tee,-------, th,e follot.�rin� i
<br /> � c�escribed pre�nises, situated in� th:e Coufz,tz� o/'____ _ _____. .________ Hall.____ ____ ._ar�:d State of Ne.bns�ka, to 7vit: �
<br /> - ---- - -- - �
<br /> -------.I���.---�Ium�er..�_ix.---{.6.�---��-.Blo�k -Nur�bex._.T�:en�y--�i.ght...-�2-�.-}---.��uker-- F----��xx--'-�---,�_�^.and_.�A.dd�.t.��n - - ----- f
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<br /> To�ether wit�z al� tlae tereem,ents, heredita�n,e�Lts, arzd a�pu,rten.an-ces thereurzto belvri�i,rz�, �z�2d atl t.he Fstate, Ri,�h.t, Titte,Interest, nou�Pr,
<br /> � Curtesy,Claim artd.Denzaszd whatsoe,ver of tl�r,e sa,i-d GrarLt�o��s___,arzcl of eith,er of th,em, of, ifa, or to t,he,sarrt-e, or any part th,er�of.
<br /> � �0 ���1C Alt� t0 �0�� the aboz�e-descril�ed pf•emises, with the appurtenances, unt,o the said�rantee______and to______Yli�_______ 7aeirs
<br /> and assi�nsforever. �4TZd_____.w_8_____hereb,y covenarat______zvi,t,h the said Grantee_______that___________R!e.__________ hold_________said premises by�ood anc7
<br /> ; perfeet title; that______.._4Y8_.___________ha_Y@_�ood risht and lccwful aa�th-oritz� to sPll and convez� the same; thc�t the� are free arcd clear of all liens
<br /> � -
<br /> '� and ineumbrances whatsoever------5�'�1_?a-��-t---�4__�.9�2--t_��.�__�Y1C1---SUb�_Qq1�8Tlt---t��-,------------------------------------------------ -----------------------
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<br /> �
<br /> �4nd__________________W_8___ _______________ _ _____________ couetz,an,t______to warrant arzd deferLd the said premises a�airzst the lawful ctaims of all persons
<br /> ; whomsoever------. 8XC_6p'�. :a8 3bQVfl S_t3�-81�.-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ---- -- - -------- --- -------- -- --------- ----
<br /> ------- --- -- - . - - --___ - - - ---- -- -- - -- - -- - -- - --- --- - ------- -- --- --- --------
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<br /> - ---- --- ----da� °/�--_ T�@C.BiTiklBr -- --
<br /> Dated. the---------- --4th._ - ---�. D., r9--�2----•
<br /> , W'zTNESS -----L��_,Br own --- ---_ - - .
<br /> - - --- --
<br /> ------ 18-R.-fir-awn- -- -- - ------ �
<br /> ---- - - S.C_.Hus�Qn--- ------- - --- -- - -- - - � �
<br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR.ISK�1, �
<br /> �ss.
<br /> -----------------H#�.�---------------------County, On this--- -- ---- ----5��1-- -�a�J ��-----------�u_�^"=_�_�2�--- -------------�. D., 19_�2__ ._ , before m,e, �
<br />', the urzdei�si�ned, a,Notary Public----._- __-_ -----_--_---__-7vithi,rr,and for said Countz�, personally came- _-__-_ ._-__---- ----___ _ _.__--_ _.------ --_. __---_- i
<br /> ------- L.0 .�rown--an3_Ang ie__R.,Brown----------- ---------------------------------- - ----- - ----- ------- ,
<br /> - - ------ --- --------------- �
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<br /> to fne personally knowra to be the ide.rttical person8_____----whose narrze,__g _arg______.___ _______________czf�"'ixed to the above I
<br /> � (SEAL� iTistrument as�rantor__E__, and____.______'��lsy________.___.severallr�aeknowled�ed the same to be____t�1S�.T_____voluntary
<br /> aet and deed for the purpose thereirz expresse��.
<br /> ; I✓l�'W'IT.NESSWHERF,OF, Ihavehereu.nto subscribed mz� name and af}'ixed my of�'icial seal at_______.._______..______ �
<br /> �.T1�1G�._�$��ZJ�C�y - - - - �
<br /> __._N�bx'18k�.___ _____________on, th.e, date l�zst above wrattera.
<br /> ----- - - -- ----------�a C�H__u�t9n---- - -- ---- --- --
<br /> ' �tiotart� Public, l
<br /> .M� commission expires---- - --- - - ---- .- -�7ul-y---25-------- -7918-----• 1
<br /> ----- -- - - -- - i
<br /> �
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<br /> _ � -
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