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<br /> �.� DC��D ���O�D �oo �0� �
<br />�� _ _ _ _ _ . _� � : _ _
<br /> _ _
<br />___ �Gditl--K7.OPP&BA$TLETT CO.,Prin�irag,7,ithograyhing and G'outi.ty 5upplies;OmaTea. �� __
<br /> FI�O./ti7 I hereby certifz� that this instrument was entered on Numerical
<br /> Index and feled for rerord this__._____lat____,___day of__.___�aY___________._____
<br /> .g. D., 19--�-�-- , a.t- - -_ __ _ _ _�------o'clock--_P•---✓YI•
<br /> ---------�o_uiaa.__La�n_and__husband -------- �Warranty
<br /> Z.0 Deed. '
<br /> --- -- -- ----���%��%��-� ---- ------- --
<br /> Re�sister f.Peeds,
<br /> --- -- F'`-oy_--�i_,3�iner-- --- -- - - - - - �
<br />' B�----- - - - -- - - -- - - -_ ------------------- ----
<br /> --- Deputy.
<br />� . ��oiro �Y� �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�.t�:
<br />, ����----- �V-e,--Lauis_a_�I,amm__and_.Henr.y__Lamm_w_if e--and__husl�and--- ------------ -------- -- ---- ----�-------------�------------------ - --- ----
<br /> of the CountJ of_--------���11-----------------a-ra-c7 b'tcci,e of---------Ne���S-�a-----------------------------------------------Grarctor-�------, inconsideration
<br /> of the sum of---------- T_Zy_an�-3�-F-iv_�__Hundrsd -& nQ�1�0----- ------- ----- ---- ------- - - - -�---- --------------------------- ----- ---�----------DOLL�RS,
<br /> irz hand paid, do_----_-- _--_---h,ereb� GR.,4✓U'T, B.FIRG�I.�'', SE.LL, ,F1JV'D CO✓1�'VEY'z�,nto---..----Rpy_�V_,_�ine�---------------------
<br /> �V ---------------
<br /> of the Count�J��--------- - - I��11- -----a,nc�State of_-- --1�1e k�raSka- - - - --- - --- ----- - _- - ---- - ---,Grczn,tee------_, th,e followin�
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of____ _____Hal�._ _ _.__________________________.__._____.__�crzd State of Nebr,��ka, to wi-t:
<br /> --------.The---aout�._,N�r�e---(��-- -a�.r.�s--a�...th._�._.Nor�h- on-� half----��a-).--°f---th-�---�c�r.'��?---E��.�---Q'�ar.'�.er---Qf_..th-.8. --''1or�h._Eas�
<br /> _..____.�uarter�____of___S.��t_ion___Four__ _(4_).__in___Township_,_.(11� __T?orth,..:__of__Ran�e,. Nine . (9_�____�est_.:of__the._.6th_P.:?��._
<br /> - - -�-�•�--a�_,__af 2d_�__�f- �I..�•�-of--N_._�,.+---�-��_-�.-.). --- - - -- --- ---- ------------ -......-------�-------- �----------- ---------- --�-- ------- -----
<br /> -----.. ---- - ------------- . -- - - -- -- --- --- - -- -�----------------�-----------._...---�----...--� ---- - - ---------- -- ----- ----�-�--------------------------------------------------------------------------..
<br /> ------�--- - ----- -�- ------ -- --- --- --- ----- --------- ------ -----------------------...._--------------------- -�- - - ---------- ...._..._.--- --...---... -- --- - ---------.._._.---------�--------------------------
<br /> --------__- ------- ------------ -�- --.... - -.. -- - ------- - - --- --- ----- -- .....---------....-------........_...- -�---- --- ---- -------------------.......------ -----.....-----��-
<br /> --�--- -� --------- -----------------�------
<br /> -- ----- -- --------- - - --- - - - ---- - - -- -_. .- �-------.. . ._-------------
<br /> To�ether with a,ll tlze tenements, hereditamerzts, and ap7�urtenances ther•eunto belon�irc�, and all the Estate, Ri,sht, Title,Interest,Dower,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim artd Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_B____,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or arcy part thereof.
<br /> ZICA �d�1C �TIY� r0 �OC� the above-described,prem-ises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee___.___and to___,______h 1$_,______ heirs
<br /> arcd assi�ns forever. .,4nd_____Yit�____..__hereby covenant______with the said Grantee_______.that.___________Y,?B.________________ hold___________said premises bz��ood and
<br /> perfect title; that__._________W.@_,__________hat��:_sood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and eonve� the same; that they are free ar�d elear of all liens
<br /> and incumbrar�ces whatsoever-------------------- --- ----------------------------------- --- --------------------------
<br /> ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------
<br /> ------------------------------------------- - ---�--- --- --------- -- --- -- ---- - ------- --- - - ---- - --- ----- -- --------------------------------- - -------------- ------ ------
<br /> - -- - - -- - -- - -- - ---- ------ - -- --- - - - ------ -------- - ------ -- - ---- -- ------------- ---------------------- ------ -- ------------------------------------------
<br /> �lnd___________.___________w@_____________________ ______________ covenant____.__to warrarct and defend the said prernises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever-------- . --_ - - ----------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ------------------- --------------- ------ -------------------------------- ---------- ----
<br /> ------------------------ - -- -- -- - --- - -- - -- -- - - ------ - --- -- -- - - --- -------- ------- ------------------ ----- -----------------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the--------------16t---------------------daJ �l�- - -�'�cl�---- --- -- ---------- -- -.,4. D.,19----13---•
<br /> W7TNESS __._.__I,ouisa__Lamm___
<br /> ---- ---- ------- ------------------- -
<br />� ---- -----�- - ---------5�_..R:Bx_�x��ng�r_----- --------- - -------H�nr�r -L�mm------------- ------ --
<br />� ST.1TE OF NEBR�ISK�1,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ------- ----------------��11------------County, On this----- -- ----------lg-�----------da�J o�----•-------�aY---------------�-------------------✓1. D., 19__13_ _. , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public_______.___________________.______within aazd for said County, personally came.____.__________________________________.__________ __
<br /> --------------LQU�.�a-�a�m_ �nd.__��xlxy_..La�n------ ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personall�known to be the iderctical persor8______.___whose raameS___S�_f3________________ ________u�ed to the above
<br /> �SEAL� instrument as�rantor__B___, and______thBY_,________________seve�°allz�acknowled�ed the same to be____��l_�_].r______voluntarz�
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therei�z ex�r�ressed.
<br /> INW7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afjzxed my of}ieial seal at__________._____._______
<br /> _______�_T_�I�d___I�_1_a21�____Nqbr__:__ ________________orz the date last above written.
<br /> - ----------------- ------------L.R.Br in_inger----------- -
<br /> Notarz�Public.
<br /> .My commi,ssion expires--------- - - - - - - ---------�Ia2�-71--1.6'�h------ -----19_14-----•
<br />