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D., 19-1*'�-----, at- - - - -- -9 --------o'elock,----A._.M. <br /> ------�liz.a�?e_th--A.Pdarsh--�- �u�banci- - -- Warranty <br /> TO Deed. <br /> ---------------------�/'���. - ---------------- <br /> Re�ister of eeds, <br /> --------- -----�ill iam_�?.Marsh_Jr�---------------- <br /> B�------- ---------- -- -- --- --- ---- --- -- --------------� -------- <br /> Deput�. <br /> ��ob� ��� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�: <br /> ����--------Elizabe�-h---A.M_arah___and .�V_i.1lia.m- H,Marsh,---Sr__.,___w.if e--and_husband�----------------------_-------------------------- <br /> cr�tcl ,titcr,te o ----------�I��r��Sa--------------------- - ------------Grantor-�-----, in consideration <br /> of the Count�J �f----- - - Fi311 -- - - f -- -- - --- - - <br /> of the sum of--------$_ev_er�__Th4u8and - <r'-7QDQ_.-�Q --- - ------ -- --------------------------- -- - - - -- -- --- --------- ----- <br /> ---------- --------.DOLL,RRS, <br /> an hand paid, do---.__.---------lt,ereby GRd4NT, B.gRG.F1I�1�, SEI,.L, �.N'D C,�'D.NVFY'r�,r�Lo-----�V_11118YYi__�I.P,�BT$h--.Tr-�--------------------- -------- <br /> -----and b'tate o -----�e��3$_k3----- - - ---- ------ -- ---- -- - ------ - , the ollowin <br /> of the County of-----------�-I311------__----- - }' ---,Gran,tee-------- f �S <br /> described premises, situated in the County of'________._________.H�11__________,_____ ___,_______arLd State of��'ebr�p�Cka, to wit: <br /> __...�h_�___Eas_�___h�lf_._.�E_,.�_)...of__the___North.__East_,_Quart_er____(I�'.E_.µ)___of._u.ec_t_ion_.,t3ne..__(1,�_�.____of__Townehip___N_ine_______ <br /> ._....(.�_)__..N.o.r-�h,-----Uf...Rang.e,_.N_ine- - ���J ._�.�st.--o� th-e s.ixth -P-•�•-- .�.�...�?a1-1--�.Q.u�?.t.X� ---���.�r.�s:��,-- -�o�!t.�ini�g-------- -- <br /> -- -�'l�h-�3t--.t$Q�--ACr.sSy--iilQx-8-4T-- �_��15__..�.C�o��.���--to._..the--�_QVernn��n�._.�u�y�.y,�------------- -------- ------------------ <br /> ..- ----- <br /> ------------------- ---- - - --- ----- ----- -- - ----- ---- - - ---- ---- --- ----- --�----�- - --------�-----�----------- ------ -�-----......_-- - �-- --. _. ------� -----------.......__.....-------------------�-� --------.... <br /> ------- --- --- ---- ---------- - - - --- -----.....----- - ------------------ -------- ----------�----._...--- ----�----� -- -- ----------�--�------------�- ----�--- --- - ---------------------------------------...------------ <br /> -- ------- - ------ - - --- ---- ----- --- ------ - --- - --- -- -- - - . ...- -------- <br /> To�etlzer with all the tenements, hereditume32ts, and ap�u�ten,ances thereunto belorc�in�s, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Ii2terest,Dower; <br /> Curtesy,Claim arzd Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_8___,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �D �A�1C Al�� t0 �A�b the above-described pren2ises, with the appurterzances, unto the said�rarztee_._____arLd to_______h�6___________ heirs <br /> arzd assi�nsforever. �nd____4V__�______hereby covenant________zvith the said Grarztee_____.._.that_.___W�______________________ hold_________.__said premises by�ood c�nd <br /> perfect title; that.__________V_Y_8_____________ha___Y_Q�ood ri�ht and Zawfael authoritz� to sell and convez� the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> and incumbTanees whatsoever.---------------- ------- ---------------------------- ------ -- ----------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------ - ----- ------------ - -- - -----...- -- ---- ----- -- --- - <br /> - -- - ---------- ------ - <br /> ----- ------------------- -- <br /> ------------ ------ --- --- <br /> �lnd______.________________Y�(@______.___--_____ _-------_-___--- covenant________to warrarzt ar�d deferzd the said premises a�ainst the lawfuZ elaims of all persons <br /> whomsoever------- ----- -- -_ _ -. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- -- ---------- -------------------- <br />''I Dated the----- ----'4-'��1-- ------ ----------------da�J ��-- -�T_�nti�ry--- - - - -- - _ _ -- -✓�. D.,1913------• <br /> W7TNESS El izabeth A.ItdB�Sh <br /> ---------------------- ---------------------------------------------- --- �----- <br /> F ----�U_i.����__H:�a��2�,--5-�-�---------------- ---�------- -- <br /> -- - -----H_�E_._Ennk------------------------------ -- - ---- �- <br /> 4 ST.1 TE OF NEBR.1 SK�L, - <br />� �ss. <br /> -----------------���Z----------Cour�ty, � on this----------4th-------------da� �f----------January------------- ------------,�. D., 19_13_ ._ , before me, <br /> the undersi�sned, a Notary Publie--------------------------------within and for said CouratJ, Aersonally came------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> _��_i_�ab et Y:--A.b�ar sh__antl__�!i 11 iam__H t�6ar�h,----S r_x__w i fe---anc�-=h_us band------------------------------ <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_B________whose rcarne______a,r-e--_.----_-----__------_--__afjixed to the above <br /> irzstTUment as�rantor.�____, and__________��Q�_____________.__severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be_____�Yl@_�I___voluntary <br /> ��EAj,� act arcd deed for the purpose therecn expressed. <br /> IdV'W'IT.N'ESSWH�REOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afjExed my of�'icial seal at__________.____________ <br /> _____________DQni�har�___N_ebraska--_---____on the date Zast above written. <br /> -----------------------.H�E.��?.�ik------------ ------------ <br /> Notarr�Public. <br /> JI2y commission expires------- -- - ------- ----- - �P�-=-----�-�---------------19_13------• <br /> � <br />