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<br /> Curtesr�,Claim and De,man,d whatsoever of t;h,e said r�°ccntor$___,crrr,d of eithe,r of t,hen�, of, in,, or to th.e same, or any part, there,of. ;
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<br /> and assi�ns forever. ,EIrLd___w_8________hereb�coveiiant._._____with the said Grantee______that___._______W___@_____________ h,old__________said premises by sood ancl i
<br /> I
<br /> perfect title; that___________Il{t_Q___._________hcz_Y&sood risht an,d latvfttil c�ut,horr.tr� to sell a.nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lien-s i
<br /> andincumbranees whatsoever-------- --- --- - ---- - --- ----- ------ - -- --- --------- -- -- ---- ---- ---------- ------- ----------------------- ------------------------ i
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<br /> �lnd_____________WQ____________ __ ____________ _ .________ _______ coverUan,t______to warrant an,d defend the said premises a�air�st the lawful claims of all person,s �
<br /> z�hom.so�ver- - -exc-�p�--suba e�t to--tax�s__:f_or---1�12_.__and---�hereaf_�ar_._..--- ---------------- ------ ---------- -- - - --- ----- --- --- ;
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<br /> ' Dated the---s_sYSn'�_6enth - ----- -daz� ot _.�a�-- - -__ - -- -- _�. D., t91�-----.. I
<br /> W7T.1V'ESS ----R.8.-L111L------
<br /> �
<br /> -------- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- --- �
<br /> i �
<br /> ----Anna_�.I�ull---- - ----- - -- - --- --- -- --- --- �
<br /> -- - -- -- - Ja�naa--E.-Iai11---------- ---- -- - . --- �
<br /> -- ---------------- - ------ -- -- - ------ - - - -- �
<br /> �
<br /> ST�TE OF ✓1�'EBR�SK�, � i
<br /> -- �ss. �
<br />' _H311------County, Orn this__SBVeTlte871th-----day of----T,!i$�----------------------------------------_,g. D., 19_12. - , before me, i
<br /> -------------------- i
<br /> the uradersi�ned, a JV'otary Publie---------...--------------._------wit6ci,rz arzd for said Cour�ty, Persorzally eame--------------------_----------- - -- ------------------ ----- I
<br /> I
<br /> ------R._R._Lul�. -�n�- Ann�.__M_R�u�.�,,-----hu�.b�x�d---a,.n.d_.t�_i�e.----- -- - --- ------------ - --------- -------- ----- ------ �
<br /> - -- ----- --- --------- --------- - -------- - ----- --- - - -- �
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<br /> t,o me personallz� knowr� to be the ider�tical person_8________zvhose narrLe__g_ax$--------- -------------------�zff'ixed to the above i
<br /> (SEAL) instrument as�rantor.8__._, and._______�hfl�T_______.__ _ _severally�zcknowled�P,d the same t,o be____th6�r__..voluntary �
<br /> i
<br /> act and deed for the purpose ther�ei�z e�;��resscrl. E
<br /> INW7TNESSTd�'HERFOF,Ihavehereur�to su,bscribed mz� name arzd afrixed my ofy'icial seal at_______.______________ !
<br /> ' _________rrana__Islan�___i�ebr. .____.____on the dat,e l�zst �zbove avritter�. i
<br /> _--- - - ------------------�?a_E._I�ill------------------ - - �
<br /> ' .Notary Public. �
<br /> .My eommi,ssion expires._---- - -- -- - --- - -- - -- ------��-Y----16-th- -- --- --79_13------•
<br />