<br /> � � � �
<br /> � �- D��D ��C�O[�D �oo �0�
<br />_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _� _ _ _
<br /> uGd�O�-KLOF'P&$t1R7'L'�ETT CO.,Yri7cling,Lillanpraphiieg¢nd County Sup7�lies;bmaha. � � �i� . . . _ �� �� �.�
<br /> . FRO�ll I hereby certify that this ir�strument was entered on Numerical
<br /> Index and fil,ed for record this___________2�________day of.___.__,��lr�.�________.___
<br /> --------Isaa�--NQw�_on--S_en�ene�r-��_-w_if� _- -- �. �., t�13------, at--- - --------__-- ---11 ------------o°cao�i<;----A_._�t.
<br /> �Warranty
<br /> TO Deed. �/'��'iiI/� -�---- - - -
<br /> -- ---- - --- ------
<br /> Re�ister of Peeds,
<br /> I_�.a_J.._�'ulton - - -- - ----
<br /> ��- ----- - --- - - - ---- - - - - - - -- --------------- -------- -
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �.�o� �.�Y �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t� :
<br /> . . ,------- ------------ -- -- -
<br /> ���t-------w-�,---�s_aae___N_e�rton _�_ens.er�ey- -and _E3l.th__�_.�_ensen�-Y-,--husbar.d_and-wr_if_e
<br /> of the Countz� of.�c11.1--------------- ----------a,��-cl Statc of--.--------AI�bra,S-kc�.---------------- ----------------------�------------Grantor•g--------, in eonsideratiorz
<br />'�I of th� sum of-------- - Eour---Th_o_usand--and- no/lIIQ ---------------------------- - ------ - --- ---�------ ------------------------------- ---------- --------DOLL.�RS,
<br /> in hand paid, do------------------h,ereby GR�NT, B�1RG�II✓V', SELL, �1.ND CO�'T�EY'rcnta-----------�dS_.�_.�_'li�.�flII------------------------------------- --------------
<br /> -------------------- ---- ----- - ----- --- - - - - --------- -------------------------------- -- ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
<br /> ---and State o ----- --- - - ----AIB_bsr�.�k1----- - ---- -
<br /> of the County of-------------�I�11------- _------ - f ------------_---,Grar�,tee-------, the followin�
<br /> ' __arzd. State o Nebr��ka, to wi.t:
<br /> described premises, satr,�ated in the GYourztJ o>�-- ---_--.------- ._.___ ___H31-1---------------------------- f
<br /> ---5���_s...T�n_..-�1-Q-�,...__Elever�.---(11-)----and--T�$lvs---�12-)----in--Bl.o�k---�ig..._(-6-)--..in_.Br.et-t---and...�I.ohns_o.n!_a.._��i:�itian----.-
<br /> �----t.o-.�h�.._Vil.�.ag_e_..�.f_.�V.Q_od--R ivexr--N_e.bx.as_ka-•- - -- -- ----- ------ --�--- -- .......--- ----- -....-- --- - ------- ----------------------�--------------------- �- -----....
<br /> ---- - - - - ------- ---- - - -------� --- ----- -�--- -- ----------------- --- -�-- --.._- -- ---- ._. -- - -- --- ------ - -----___....-----------..._..---�----------..--------------------- - ----------�
<br /> --__ ----- - -�------------- -- --- - -- - -- ------- ----------- ------�--�---------------- -------------------�-�- ---- -�--------�---- ------ ----�----- ----- ---� - ----- ------------------------- ------------------�-
<br /> --------------- ---�--------- - -- -- - --- -- - - -- --- - ---- - - --- . � - - ----.. . -------. ...
<br /> To�ether with alG the tenements, hereditam-ents, and appurtenarcces ther•eunto belon�i�i�s, and all t.he Esta,te, Ki�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�er�,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoez�er of the sa•id Grantor_€i___,e�x�e�rf'�,$t,Te,e�-of-�ke�w, of, irz, or to the same, or anz�part thereof.
<br /> �0 �d�1C AIY� t0 �OY� the above-deseribed prernises, with the appurtenances, unto the said grantee______.arcd to___.__h_6�.,_._______ heirs
<br /> and assi�res forever. .Elnd_____W @_____.__hereb�covenant______zvith the said Grantee______that______�1t_p_____________________ hold_.,_________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that._______�Y_�Q.____..______.____ha�1T_6__,sood ri�ht and luzvful authorit;y to sell and conve� the same; that they are free and clear of all lier�s
<br /> andincumbrances whatsoever--------------- ---- - ------- --- ----------------- ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
<br />�'I --- -- - -- -- - - - ---- - _. ----- - - - ----- -- -- - -- --- ---- -- - ----------- --------------------
<br /> ✓1nd____._______________�6________________________ _________.__ _. covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persorzs
<br /> whomsoever-------- - - - - _ -- _ - -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ---------- --- --------------- - -
<br /> --------------------- - -- ---- - - -
<br /> - ----- - --- - -_ - -- ---- -�----------- --- -- --- ------------- - -- -------------------------- - ------------------ -- ---
<br /> Dated the--------.�_��h- ---------------------d��J �f�-- - --gPr-i1--- ----- - -- - - -----�1. D.,19�.�------•
<br /> u�'zT.NESS -----Zsa�c_,_�I�v�t_Qn_Sens_�ns-�r------------ --
<br /> f ----E.cii.�h---A_._S ens_ene_
<br /> ---------------,�d_,_L.ipra�n�-------------------------------- - -- ---- - Y-------------- ------------------ - -
<br /> E ST.gTE OF NEBR.gSKl1,
<br />, ss.
<br /> ---------I�al 1-------------------County, On this------------��-�h--------------daJ o�------------A�-l�--------------------------------.1. D., 19_1'�_._. , before me,
<br /> the urzdersi�rzed, a Notary PubZic__._____________________________within and for said County, persorzally came_____ ._________.______________�___.__
<br /> ---,------I�a��_--�Is�=�_t_Qn�_S_ens_ene�---an�__Edith_ A..S.e.r�s_ens_y_--�---huaband--and-�uif e-------------------------
<br /> to me personally krtown to be the identical person_�.__._____whose name___S__8S_8_________._______.___uf�"'ixed to the above
<br /> tS�L� instrument as�rantor.$.__., and.______._theY_.______________severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be.._t??_@l�_______voluratary
<br /> aet and deed for the purpose therein expressecl.
<br /> INW7TNESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj"ixed my ofjicir�b seal at_________________________
<br /> �Vood River, Neb�-&3-kej----3.�G1---f33i.d--�1�-LU���ts--------------orz the date last above written.
<br /> - ------ ---------------------�V._L._S�rague-------------- -----
<br /> Notar�Public.
<br /> 'Nlz� commission expires-------- -- ---- ----- - ---- --.��fa,r_Ch_?_7_J_1�18---------- ----- ,��-----------•
<br />