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<br /> o the Count o --- H�1�. ---- ---- -----a,nd State,o _N8bra6k�---- ---- -------- -------- ___ ----------,Gra,rz-te� ------, th,e fot�o�uin� � <br /> }� �J � - -- - f---- <br /> , deseribed prefnises, sitrtiuted in th,e Corcnty o/'.__ H$11_ _____� b'tate of.N'e�irsaka, to wit: I <br /> . --- ---- - - ---- , <br /> I <br /> ' .I.flt�s_...S.i..g----(�.6.)_,__..S.a�e.n----(�.7.�,--.-Ei�h�._-(�8-)----and .riine.---(�.) in. 81ac.k.._Siz----(.o.)..._in...Br.e.t.t_..and-..I.ohns_on.'..s.... ---.---.--- ; <br /> ..A.ddit.i�n �o...the Yi.11.a�e_._of_.�P_fl_ad--Ri_�res,- --l��- ---- ----------- --......-- - - _..._ - - -- - ---- ---------------- ----------------�---- - ----------- ---- 1 <br /> ; -- - --- ----- ----�---- ---- ----�- -�-- -- - -- - - - -- - -- -- - -------------------- --- ---- ------- --- ----- - - -- - --- I <br /> ; <br /> - -------------- _ --------- - -- - - - -- -�- - ---- --- --...- ---�---- -----�------------------------------ --------- --- - - - ..._...- --- - ��- - ------- -- -- ---- - ------�----------------------------------- � <br /> i <br /> ... ......... ... - - -- - ---- - - - -------� --- - - -- - ------ --- ---- -- - -- ---- � ------ - �- --- ---....-- �--��- �---� ---- - •----- -- - ---- ---- ----- --- --- -- --- ----------- -------------�- -�-- �. <br /> � <br /> - ----- ----------- ------ ------ --- ----- --- - -- -�------- --- --------�--------�------- �------ --------- ----- -- -- - - -- -- - -- ------ -- --- - - -- -------------- --- -----�------ ----------- ------- ! <br /> -�-----...----�-- - - .....- --......- -- ------ -- --- - -- ----- -- ---- -�- --�- � --- --- - ---- ----- ----- -- - ------ ------- ------ ----�- ...- -----�---- -� --- ... -- --- -- -----------------------..... � <br /> � <br /> -- ------- - - -- --- - -- --- - --- -- - -- -- ---_._- ---- -- - -- - - --- - - ------- --- - - ------- - ------- - -- - - --....------- ---- -----------------... -------- - � <br /> 2''o�ether with all tyze terLemertts, her•editarrtc�fzts, and appar,rterzcriaces tyzereuyato beloz7�irt�, aytd all #he F,stat,e, Ri�ht, Title,Irtterest,, no���Pr, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Derrzar�,d whatsoe,ver of the sai,d rr•arator_B_____,crirrlr����rrt-, of, i�a, or to the sarne, or ar��y part ther�of. <br /> � <br /> �0 �A�1Q AlY� t0 �0�� the above-de,scribed �nrerrzises, witTi,the ax��urtenan,ces, rtirato the said ¢rarztee______arzd to _____h�f3________-__ heirs � <br /> _ i <br /> and assi�ns forever. ./Irzd______W_B______�zereby covenarzt________7vi,th the said Grar�tee._______that,_____�!H__________________ hold_________said prenzises bt��ood ancl � <br /> perfect title; that_________�Y_@________________h,a_v_@_�ood risht arzd lawful ar�thorit;y to sel,l and corzvey the same; that the� are free and clear of ctll liens � <br /> i <br /> and incumbranees whatsoever,-------------------------._.------------------------- I <br /> - ----- -- --- -- - -- -------- ---------- ------- ------------------------ -------------------------- <br /> - - -- -_ - -- -- - , <br /> --- --- --- - --- - - .. - ---- <br /> --- -- --- -- -- - - - ------ --- ------ I <br /> i <br /> �nd__________________________Yft_S.._______.__________ ________________ covertant______�o warrarzt and defend the said premises aSainst the lawful claims of all person,s j <br /> s <br /> : whomsoever --- - __ __ - - I <br /> --- ---- ------ - __ - _ - --- - -- _ . <br /> - __ _ _ - --- � <br /> -- - - - --- -- - - _ _ <br /> - - -- ------ -- - <br /> Dated the--- -2�t�. - -------- --da� of-- -_�p�ll - -- -- __ _�. D.,19_--�-�'�----• i <br /> WTT.NESS -------�_�AA.�_._I�IHI��ton_�ensaneY------------------------------ � <br /> , i <br /> -- _ - - -- _�''-._I�.Sp�agua ---------- - ---- ---- -- - <br /> -----��li_�h--,�_,_S�n�.sn-ey_ - ---- - -------- ------- -- <br /> � - ----- --- -------- - - - - ---- -- - ------ - � <br /> --------- - - - - - -- ---- --- - - - --- � <br /> � - -- -------- --- --- ----- - -- ---- --- - <br /> ST.gTE OF ✓V'EBR.,4SK�4, I <br /> �ss. � <br /> ----------------------------��.��----------County, Orz this----- -- _ �0_'��1-------�aJ �f----A�?��.�-------------- --- --------- -�. D., 19-�.-�- -. , before m,e, I <br /> the uri,�ersi�raed, a✓l�'otary Public----------- -------- -------------wi,thin and for said County, personally came------------------------------- .----- ----------------------------- C <br /> , <br /> ----------_Is_aac--Nav�t_o_n__�ens_sna�r--and_F.�li�h__A_.�.sns_ane�rr___hu�k�and_$n.d._�rifa---------------------- � <br /> � <br /> --- --- ___- ----- - ---- ----- ---- --- ! <br /> to me personall;� known to be the ide,ntical persorz�_________zuhose name_H___3r8-_-____---_-__-- __af)ixed to the above � <br /> (S EAL} � <br /> instrument as �rantor_s____, and____�h83t___________ .Severally acknowled�ed the sarree to be_____t����_____voluntary <br /> � ac�az2d deed for the purpose thereirz expressed. � <br /> INW7T.N'ESSWH�REOF,Ihavehereurcto subseribed my name and af)ixed my ofJ�ieia•1 seal at__________._____ _____ 1 <br /> ; <br /> �VOOC} R�y@r�____AIHbr,__�,ri__$�].�__�_Q_tarit_'Xi_____.on th,e date last above writte�c. ± <br /> --- - �_�L_._��r_ague.- ----- ------------------ - - ( <br /> � ..A�otar�Publiv. � <br /> � � <br /> ✓lly eommission expires------ -- ---- -- -- - -.�f3TCt1--27.- ---- 19_�.�------• i <br /> _ - <br /> � <br /> f <br />