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.� �4-l��_r . <br /> D��D ��C�Oo �D �oo ��o <br />! _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ __ __ _ _ _ _ <br />_ ._ . TuGo�U-KLOPP Rc BARTLETT CO.,Prinlinq,Lithographing and County Suppties;Orna)ea. � � � �.` .,_ ^` �' —��_��q <br /> FRO.M I herebz� certif� tha.t this in,strum,erLt was entered orz Num,erical <br /> Index and filed f'or record this_________��_______.__day of______ApY_��._____________ <br /> �1. D., 19_1�--- -, at-- - _ ._ . _ _9.45 -- -------o'clock- ---p►-•--,M• <br /> -- -------,J.4hri--A7.l�n.__and_t�if e--. --._----,Warranty <br /> Z,� � Deed. <br /> --- - -- ------ -- <br /> ---- - - - -------------- <br /> Re�ister f Peeds, <br /> -- ----- ------- �'_�_�_dex i�_k_�',G_�.ark - --- -- --- <br /> B✓----- -- ------ --- -- -- - ----------------- -------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�o�n ��Y �e� �p ��je�e �re�et�t�: <br /> ����----- --v�a, J_Qhn--Allan and__Fannie--L�.Allan,--his__�_i�a--- _ --- ----------------- ---------- ----- ------------- -- -�-------------------- - ---- <br /> H311 NE3br3Sk3 _ _____ _ __ ______ _____Grantor_8___.__ in consideration, <br /> of the CountJ ��- -- -- - - -- - ---c�tt,c�? �S't<at c� of - --------- ------- -- -------- , <br /> of the sum of_----------SSVflri._h_Uri3�sd f_lf�3t_-0�_ -1�1Q---------- ------------------------ -------- ------------------ ----- -------------------- ---- -�-- ---------DOLLd1ftS, <br /> in hand paid, do----- ---------hereby GR.FIJV'T, B.F1RG.g .N, SEI,L, �.N'D C.ONVEY'ar,rzto-------�'_�eS��_x_�Gk__�.�_�i_�.�.5�---------------------------- --------------- <br /> ------------------- ---------- ---- -- ---- ----- - ---- ----.. ----- ---- --- ----------- ---------- --- - - ---- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- - -- ---- ------------- -- -- <br /> j <br /> of the Count�J of---------- -�all- - ----and State of---- - -- - -1�I�kl.T_3Sk-3 --- -- ---- - ----------- ------- ---,, the fol.lowir�� <br /> Idescribed premises, situated in the County of'_._____ ___HSll_ ________._______.____________________.__and State of JV'ebr,y�ka, to wit: <br /> -------I�n�---Ten.._.(1Q�----in.-Elac-k-.Four-teen---.�14-)_--af--Chaxles-_�asmer�.s.--Ac3cl,itinn---t.o....the---C-i.t�r---o-f--r-r-and--Island, <br /> --- ----=`"�.k�,�ad,----glat�ted__.and--s.ec_ar.ded-•------ -------------- - ---------------� -- ---- -- ......:.....-------------------- --.:.--------....---------- ------�----- ----- <br />' ---- - - - ------------ - - -- --._..__. ---- ----- ------...-------.__..__------------ --------------------- -----------------��- �- --- --------------- - ----....__..---- --- --- - -- -------....---------------�--- ------�-----�-------�--- <br />'�I - - --- - - - ---- -�- - ----- - ------ - --------------- - ----- ----...........-�---.....------------------------ -- --------------------- --- -�-----------------------------�--- <br /> .----- ----�- -� -------...-- - --- ---- ---... -- --- <br /> -- -- -- - -- ------- ----- - -- - ------ --------------- - - ---- - - -- ----- - --- - <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditafnents, and ap�urtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estc�te,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dozver, <br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoever of tdie said Crantor�'f_____,arr,a3e�zt3�r�e�m, of, in, or to �he same, or any part thereof. <br /> �D �d�1Q AI�� t0 �OY� the above-described pre3nises, with the appurtenaa2ces, unto the said�rantee._______and to______Yl�fl______-_._ heirs <br /> I�'�, and assi�ns forever. ✓Ind.____�FT_6____herebz�covenant_______with the said Grarztee________that______________{�_@..____________, hold__________said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that__________�!8____________ha__Y_Q_�'ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever------BX�QZ��----�h-@---�aX66__�l_1_�rQO�--f-C?-x--��'1�--y_��T_---�9_�?--��i�--S_€��t_6x--�_3R$83----kY_h�Ch---�}l4'�--------- <br /> ----._r r��t�s---assum�s--an�- agrsae--t o-PaY. ..- - --- - __ -- -------- - - - - - - ------ ------------------------------ ----- -------- <br /> --- - -- --- -- -- -- ----- - - - --- - ------- - ------ -- -- -- - ---- --- -- ----- ----------- -------------------- ----- ----------- - ------- ------------------ -� <br />'' �nd.______.___________ ___�b'_@__.____._________________________ covenant________to warrant and deferLd the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br />' whomsoever---BXC 8pt- as t o 83i3-t�Y e8-r- ----------------------------•---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- --- ---------- - <br /> ------------------------ --- ---- -- - -- --- .- -- - - -- - ------ � ---- - - --- ----------- ------------------- --------------------- ---- ---- ---------- ----------- - <br /> Dated the-------2-��-�---------------------- ----day of-._Apxll --- ._--- ----- ----�. D.,19_.�.�_---• <br /> WzT�ESS ------t7_c�hri__Allan-------------------- <br />' ---- - -------------------- <br /> ------------- - ----- - --------;'�-�-�Al�_�n------------------- --- ------Eanni$---L.A]1an- ---------------- -- <br />, ST�TE OF NEBR.gSK�d, <br />' ss. <br /> -------•---��3�----------------Courcty, On this------------ ---_���-h----daJ o}--------AI7�r11-------------------------------------�l1. D., 19_��-- -- , before me, <br /> the un,dersi�sned, a Notary Publie---------------------------------within,�xnd for said Countz�, personally eame--------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> --------- J_ohn. _A11an__�.nd_F_a.nni�---L-�.A�llan,_---hia__wif_e------------ ---�---- - ---------------- -- -------------------------------- <br /> Lo me personally known to be the ider�tical person___B.._._.whose r�ame__fl___aT_8-----------------------.afJixed to the above <br /> (SEAL� instrument as�rantor___�__, ar�d___.____th_�y__________________severally acknowled�ed the sarrae to be_____thQ�r____voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose the�ein e�E�ressed. <br /> LN'W'ITNF.SSWHEREOF,Zhavehereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my of�"ieial seal at________________________ <br /> Gr_and--Island,_____in__��i�L__c_o_unt�tr_on, the date last above tvritten. <br /> --- -----------------I,_��_.�Allan------------------- <br /> ✓V'otarz�Public. <br /> ✓bly eommission expires--------- -- --- - - -- ---- ---------S-e1�t '--�4'�--- - -- -----191�------• <br />