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<br /> ���� D�C�D ����OC�D �oo ���
<br />— _ .. . ,���0—KZ.OPP�c�BAR�7 FTT�CO:,Printinq,Litfi,oRraphting and Co��nt?i Suppties:nmaAa. ' . .�. . ...: _ _. .__ --_= .� ,-` -.. . .. . . _ .. . . .- ..
<br />- . .a _ _ _ ,_.., .._ _,_ . ,__ . , __... _ __.. �.__,__._ � � _�_.__#_�._..�_.._� _.__._...�
<br /> FROJi2 I hereby certifz� that this instrument was entered orz ,Numerical
<br /> Index a�zd fi,led for record this-------�-�-------------daJ af------1�.�-��--------------- �
<br /> � �1. D., 19- 1-�J-----, at-----__ --- -- _�.Q,�3Q-- - ----o'elock----A._J12.
<br /> ------ �eor�;e_�':Carx--c�-wi�e -- -- - - --- �Warranty -
<br /> TO i Deed. '
<br /> - ------.._.----- --- ,. - - _=------- ----------- -
<br /> Re�ister Deeds,
<br /> ------C ordelia---Qui�ne.�t-:- -- ---- ---- --�---
<br /> B✓---------- ------ -------- ----------- - --- ------------------------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �.�.o� �.X� �e� �p �C�je�e �re�e�.t�:
<br /> ����---- - -- r�Qrge �►.�_arr and--Hannah--J_.-E,Car-rr hual�and-and.--uui�a. ----- -- - ---------------------------------------- - - --
<br /> of the County °f--- --- -- --Hall----------- - arrz� St<rt� of- -------- ------ ---N6bT3SI{3----- ------ --------Gras2tor--�------, in considerat.iorr-
<br /> of the sum of-----------9n�--Dczllar_-&----o�hex___valuabla--c_flns_i�_sr�.�_ions-----------------------------------------------------------------------��x
<br />'I in hand paid, do_____..__.__.___.herebz� GR.FINT, B.gRG.F1I.N, SEL.L, .lIND COJV'VEY'urato,__C Ord 81�3__�UllinBt'�________________________________________________.
<br /> I of the Count�9 0}�-------- xAll. ---- - - - -.a.nd State of_--- Neb��6k�.- --- ---- - - -- ---- ----- - - -- - ------,Grcrn,te.e------, th,e followira�
<br /> deseribed premises, situated irr tlae Coacntz���f_,___ ._.______�3�.�_ ________________________ ._______an-d, State of✓V'ebre�kcc, to wit:
<br />' _ Lot Five 45)_ in BZock_Eleven__(11)__of__The Bonnie__�rae___Add_it_ion. t_o__rrand___Is_land,.___.Nebr�ska_________.____
<br /> --------------�-------- --- -�- - - ------�- - -
<br /> - --as. surve.�r.e€lf.....p1a�t� -and--rec-arde�-.- - - - ..... .,...... --- -- ........- � -- -- -- � ------ ------�--�------ -----_...... ---------
<br /> - ---.. . ----... - --
<br /> -- - -- - - ---- - - ---- --- - ----------------- -- -- -- ------------------------ ------- - - --- - -- - -- - -- ---- - - ------------.._--------------------.....---�------------....- ------------- --
<br /> ._..------------ ---- --- - - - - - -- -..
<br /> - - -- -------�--------
<br /> ---------------------------�-------------------�--- -- _--�-- -._
<br /> ...... .........-- ------------------.._...--- -----------------------------�--------------
<br />, --------- - ----- ------ - ----- - -------.. .- . .
<br /> ------ ---- -------- ------- - ...- ---- - -- --- - - - --- ------- -- - - - ---..._�- -------�-- - - ----.............. -�---- ----- ----�
<br /> -- -�------ -�--------------- -------� -- -- �- � ------ -------------------------
<br /> - - ----- - --------------
<br /> - -- - - -- - ---- --- - - ---- ----------- . - -- - - -- ----- --- - -- - - ------------------------------- ---------�--------------------------..._....
<br /> Tosether with all the �enefrzerzts, �zereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dower,
<br /> Curtesz�,Clairrz and Demand whatsoer�er of the said, Gi•antor•_&..__,uree���e�re�iv�rrc, of,in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �O �d�1C AYY� t0 �0�� the aUove-described premises,with the appurtenanr,es, unto the said�rantee______and to______Y18.�_______.____ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. ✓�nd____��t8�__herebz�covenant_______with the said Grantee_____.that________.______��2B3t____.__ hold___________said premises b��ood and
<br />, perfect title; that___�h@y______.__________ha_Y8_�ood ri�sht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens
<br /> and ineumbrarcees whatsoever------------------------------------------------
<br /> -------------------------------------------- ---- --- -------- -- --- - - -- -- --...- --- -- - - ---- -- - ---- -- - - --- - --------------------- ------------------------------ ---- --------
<br />'' -- - - - -- - --- ----- ---- ------- - -- - ----- - --- -- --- -- - -----
<br /> ---------- ---------- --------------------- -- --- ------------------ -------------
<br /> I ,gnd__________th�Y.____,______________________________________ covenant__._____to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever------- - -- --- - - - ---- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the--- -----14th-- ---------------- ----da�J �/�-- �lpr�l-- ---- -- ---✓�. D., 19---��----•
<br /> W7TNESS ------�-�OrgB---�,._�_���----- ----- --------------------- -- ----
<br /> -------- - -- ----i,._G.All�n----------�---------------- ----- -- ----
<br /> -----H��nah--�',._E.�a_xx--- ----------------------------- --
<br /> ST�1 TE OF NEBR�SK�,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> -----------------H31I-----------County, Orz this-----------14_�$-------- ------�a�J of----------A�2T11-----------------------------.g. D., 19_�'___. , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a NotaTy Public---------------------------------withir�cznd fo�° said County, persor�ally eame-------------------------------------------.------------.-------
<br /> ---------- -�'eorg e__�9��_�r_�`__�nd---��x�.�t---�._�,_�a,�x---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical persorz8__._____whose name__�__arB____________-__________c�f�"ixed to the above
<br /> �S�AL� instrument as �rarctorS_____, and_______.____t_h8�__________.____severally acknowledged the same to be____thH3r_____voluntary
<br /> act arzd deed for the purpose thereiyz expressed.
<br /> I�Y'W7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af/'ixed my ofJicial seal at______________._________
<br /> �°�+';1 .
<br /> �irs�Xld__SS_1_3ri�,1_1II___8_a�,Cl__�QU.T1�_y:___on the date last above written.
<br /> L.�.Al lan
<br /> --- -------------------------------------------------------� - ----
<br /> V'otarr�Public.
<br /> �Vly eommissior� expires.---- - -- ----- --- -- ----- ---- --- - ���?t -�4---- -- --1916------•
<br />