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� �� . � <br /> �... DC�C�C� ���O�D �oo ��o <br /> ; <br /> __ _ , _ _ _ <br />_ _ _ ._ �_ �� � _ _ _ __ _ <br /> G��O—KI.OPP cE BAR`lLL'+TT CD.,PrtinEing,Lithopraphing and CaumEy SuppCies;Omaha. °. " _ <br />_ ___.__ ._ _.. ._ _ _ _ - ,-- - -, <br /> FR0�1�1 I herebz� certify tha,t this instrurnerat was entered on ✓V'umerical <br /> Index and fi,led for record this-----------�-�-----------day of-----_gp.�_�.�---------------- <br /> �R'. D., 19.1.�------, at-- - -_ -_ _1�..�0 -- -- -----o'clock----1�..M. <br /> ------C_har_�e3r_D_.�hipl-e3r- -�--wif e -- -- Warranty . . <br /> TO Deed. �/ � <br /> � <br /> ------ - --- --------- - - - - ------ ------------- -------- - <br /> Re�ister Pe,eds, <br /> -------- ---- J_�h�---F_.Rickest---- - - ----- -- ---------- . <br /> ��--------- ---- - --- ----- --- - - ---- --- -- ------ \-------�-- ---- <br /> eputy. <br /> .------------------ --- <br /> - -_ __ _-_ ____- ---- --- --------- <br /> __- -- �--- - -_ ___ _ _ — --- ---- <br /> _-- __ _ _ __ --- <br />� �— --------- --- -- --- -- -- <br />, �.�.o�n �.�� �enc �p ��je�e �re�e�ct�: <br />' ����----- --Cha__rley �.�_h__ipley _an_d__.Laverne Shipley-- ----- -- --- ------- --------------- - ----- ------• ---- - -�------ <br />' hushand and wif e <br /> of the CountJ °f------------��c211.-------------cr.f3�7 ��tcctc: of----llt'3br.&81ff.1------------------------------------------.-, ----------Grarctof�-S--------, in consideratiora <br />' of the Sum o}----------Tv��elve._�undxes�-�-��0�14�---- --- ------------------- ----- --- - --- ---------------- - ---- ---------------- ---- ---- ---------DOLL.�RS, <br />, in hand paid, do_---------------_-laerebz� GR�4JV'T, B�RG�!IIN', SEL_L, �I�N'D C.ONVEY'itinto-_-__-__-___--�O�lY�_-�±',�R�Ck@T'�___--_----_-_------__ <br /> ------------------- ------ - -- - - ----------- --- --------- ----------------- ---- ----- -- - � -- ---- ----------------------------------- - ---------------------------- --- ------------ <br /> --- --- -- --- <br /> of the Count�J�f-------�d�.l -- --- - - _----and,State of--- N@�ra_Skc� - ----- - --- -------- - - - _.. - -- -----,Grar�tee,.-------, th.e followin� <br /> described premises, situated ifz thecG"ount,y o/'____ ___H�1,7._____ _______________________.______..___._____arz,d State of JV'ebred�ka, to wit: <br /> ------Lot_...Ten..._�.1�_��k._.N_ine - �J.�- Q.f _A!a.�l_i�h.!_�_..Adcl_��_�.�n---t.Q__._th.e_..�.�t_y_..�f_..Gra�d--�sland,_N_�k�x�_�.k.a---- -- <br /> - ..._as- susue 1.atteci --a�d r-ecaraed-.-- --- ---- -- �- ------ ----- -.- ----- -....... ........ .................... .......-- -...--------�-------------.....----...- --...--- -- <br /> Y�; P <br /> ----- ---- ----- --------- ---- -- - - - ---- - -- --- <br /> -------- ..................�------- -�-----...-----------_ �_- <br /> ------...__.. -�-- ----- -._ ---- -- --- -- - - - --- ----- -----�-- -- ---- --�- ---- - ------ <br /> �- �---------------------------��-- -- --- --- --- ------- ------- ---------�---------------- ------------------ - <br /> - ----------�-- --- ------- ---- - <br /> -- ---- -- --- --- -- -- - - - --- --------------- ----- --- <br /> --- ------ ----- ----------- - -- --- - -- - - -- - - - --- - -- - - - - -- - - -- -------- ----- -- - -------- - <br /> To�ether with cell the tenements, hereditarnerzts, arzd appurtenccnees thereunto belorz�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dou;er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__�,__,arzd of either of them, of, irL, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> I �0 �d�IC AIY� t0 �OYb the above-described�remises, with the appacrtenances, u�zto the said�raratee..______and to.______�1�6_____.____ heirs <br /> and assi�nsforever. .,4nd_____�e__hereb�covenant_______witlz the said Grarctee____,___that___________._____�S+YB___.____.__ hold____________said premises by�ood and <br /> I perfect tztle; that_________R'8______ haYe__�ood risht and dawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free ared clear of all liens <br /> andincumbrances whatsoever------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- -------------------------------------- ----- <br />' �lnd__________________Y18____________._________ __.----_--_--_ __ covenant.______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever---------- - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------------- ------ - ----- ------------------ - <br /> ------------------------ - --- -- -- - --- - ---- ------ - - ----- -- ------- ----- - -- ----- ---- -- ------------------ -- --------- ----------------- --------------------------- <br /> Dated the_--------16th .------------------da� of�- - -- - A1�r_il-- -- --- -- -._�1. D.,19-13------• <br /> u�zT.NESS -----Ch�r_l.�y__I�_.Shipl��'----- --- ------ -------- -- <br /> ---L_,_�_.B�_i�.ingar_---------------------- - - ----L�ysrne---Shi�l�'�-------- --- ------------�-------- ` <br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR.ISK�, <br /> ss. <br /> ---------------����------------Cortinty, On this-------1&�h.----------------da�J �f--------Apr31--------------------------------✓�. D., 19--13- - , before me; <br /> the urcdersi�ned, a Notary Public_______________________________avithin and for said County, persorcally came______._.__________________, _. . <br /> ---------Qharl�y D_._Shi��l-�-Y----and__S�a.�rerna---Sh-iP1eY--------------------------- -----------------�-------- ------------ -- ------ <br /> -- ------ --------- - -- ---- ---------------- ---- -------- ------------ -- -------- ----------------------------- -�---------------------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person.s_.___.__whose n,ame___�___8T_8________________--_____afJExed to the above <br /> ���L� instrument as �Srantor_�____, and_______th�Y____________ ___._ ._severally aeknowled�ed the same to be.__��e�7'_____voluratarJ <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein ex��ressed. <br /> LN'WITNESST%!�'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my ofJicial seal at_____________._._.___ <br /> ___s�ct71�,__I_�IAX_��____.�T6�k?�`a�k3______.___on the date last above written. <br /> � ------------------------------------L.R,Br inin�er--------- - <br /> �'otary Public. <br /> .My commission expires----- ---- --------- -- -- ---- -----��i�TGh--��-"---- ------_19_14-----• <br />