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� :. ,' - - — . <br /> . , -�' <br /> 6� . <br /> � ��� <br /> D��U ���O�D ��a �Uo � 4�"'-,. <br /> --...__ -_:.._, . e_._.,_._,.C��-=�XTt3P'P$BA7f77.ET7'"CO:,�F'ra'n�a'ri0,I,aTfio�jr¢p�ng anZt�ovinTj��`i�pp�e:c:Tfma z�� _ _-.,__, _ ---_ __..__- -_--_, _ ._ _ _ _--_-_ -r __- ----- —__._ -- - - - ---- = ---.- -- :--_ <br /> ___ _ �.:-_- _.—'="—�- --. :.—__-:,. �_,�_�__:,�.. ---_-:-. _ -___ _ __ ..� �._ � _ <br /> __ -_ -- <br /> --=— --- --_--- -�=- --- <br /> ---.,. ._ _ ,_. �_. _ -:: _- — <br /> _...--.—_ : __ :.__ . —° __ __----___ <br /> �� <br /> FROJI�T 1 hereby certify that this instrufnerzt was e�ztered on, Numerica.l <br /> ___ hzdex arLd led or record this.______14____________da o � <br /> ---- ---- -- -------- -- ---- --- --__ -- - _ - ___ � f � f-----April------------- � <br /> , <br /> ✓I. D., 19_13_--- , at- --- __ -�---_o'clock,- -P.-.M. � <br /> ' -------__C_,E,.Lyrkke, `� _�idowe�3 - _ _ _-------, Warranty � <br /> �� � � Deed. � I, <br /> TO ��G�%?�� <br /> - ---- -�-- - --- ------ ---- -------- - � <br /> ------------ -- <br /> � � � � � � Re�ist of I)eeds, � <br /> -- ---- ------Edt�i�_J..Davis- - - --- - - --- - <br /> ��- ---- - -- -- - - - - - - -_- -------------- ------ I <br /> I' ' -- ------- ----- --- - -- - - ----- - - -._ __ Deputr�. <br /> -- -- - --- —_ _ -- __ _ ---------- j <br /> -- --- - -- ( <br /> �.n�o� ��� �er� � � e�e xe�e�t�: i <br /> p � � <br /> ��� 1 <br /> ���t--- �_:E:�,ylske, --a ��i�l,o�er_,- _ - -- - _ _- - - ------- _ _ - ------ ----- - - -- - - ----- - - - <br /> - - --- - - -- <br /> � <br /> ---------- ----- - -- --- ---- -- - ------ - --- ------ � <br /> - ---- -- - - - -- --- - - ---- - - - ---- ------------ - ------------ -- - <br /> - -- - ----------- -------- --- <br /> f <br /> � � ' o the Count o _ �all _ccPZ� Stc�te o'' N81�T�$_ka.__ ___Grarztor_______.__ ira eonsideratiora ` <br /> f �✓ f - - - - - i -- - _ - - -- -- -- - --- - - - - -- - ' � <br /> ofthe sum, of--------Three_-�ho'us�nd_Three_Hun3re3- &--no �---_ ---_---_---- - ------ ---- ---- - -----, __DOr,L.�R,�, i <br /> i <br /> in ha,n.d paid, d,o----,bz� CR�l��'T, I3�gR(��ll.�", SEI L, .I�A''D CC��N'VEY'z�-rzto--._---�4P_�11_�a.D�R�-$---------------------------------,--- ---------------- i <br /> --------- -- - - ----- -- -- - --- - -- -- -- ---- _- ---- ---------- -- - -- _-- -- ----- ------------------------ - ---------------------------- ----- - --- ---- - � <br /> I <br /> of t�e Couftty of- - - Hall - ----crnd State of- - Ne1J_T_38ka_- - ---- - - _ - - - ,Gra,�r,tee,------, the followi-n� 1 <br /> - <br /> , described pT•emises, situa,ted in, t.h,e County of___ ______ H_all _ .._ . _._____crnd tiState of.N'e,br��ka, to rvit: � <br /> ----- - - -- I <br /> i <br /> ', ------._..�,_�'�----�T�ber.._N�ne---(-�-�.---in-.B��.�k.__Nunzber.---�'we�t.y__Four----C2-��--.-in._Russe�--�Gheeler'.s__Ad.r�.it_ion-to---- ------._--- � <br /> '» �--,- N.ebras - as.- s_uru_e. _esi plat.t.�d__.and__x.a�_Qrd.�......- .. ---- --- �- --------------- ----- -----�--- --- -- ��---- -- -------.. i <br /> �, Y- ,---� <br /> i <br /> ! - -- ----- - - --------�------------------�-- -- -- - - ------ ------ - -- ---- -- ---- � <br /> _ - - -- -- - - - - --- --------- - ----- - - - --- --- ---- --�-��- -�--- - - -- - ---- - <br /> � <br /> ----------- - -- -- -- - -- - - ---- --- --�- - ----.................- -------------.....----------------------- - -- - --- ---- - ....---- -�-- - - ------- - - -- --- -------�----------------------------------------� '� <br /> I <br /> ---�. ---- - - - - - -----....-------------- -- - ---- -� -----�- --- -- - -- - --- ------- ---- ------- -- -------� --- --- ------------•- <br /> �- •- --�- �- ------ - --- - --------��----•..----_--------- ------ �-- -- ------ � <br /> ----- -- - ---------- -------- -----� -------------------- I <br /> ------- ----- ------- - - -- -- - ----- --- - -- <br /> - -- -- - - - - - - --- ---- -- -- - - ---- - - �--------------------- -- - -----------------�----- -----------•---------------- - � <br /> To�etyaer with-all the terzemerats, heredi,tamerzts, ar�d a��purterr,arz-ces thereurato be7orz�ira�, and ald the Estate, l�i�Tzt, Titl•e,Intcrest,Do�<�c.r, � <br /> � Curtesy,Claim arzd DemarLd whatsoeuer of the,said GrarLtor_____,ar�d�f eithPr�of t,henz, of, ifa, or to the sam,e, or any�a�t �J�ereo�. � <br /> , <br /> . � � �0 �CZ�1C AI�� t0 �OY� the above-described prerra�ises, 7vitTz t.he appurterzarzces, unt,o the said�rantee_______arzd to_____Y1i$_______ l�eirs � <br /> artd assi�ns forever. .E�nd_______I________herebz�coverzarzt_______wit,h the scr,id Gra,rLtee________that_______I_____________-__ h,oZd_________said prem,ises by�ood and I <br /> perfect title; that__________�___________________h,cz._V_@_�ood ri�sht artd laavfzt-1 authorit7� to sell an,d conver� the same; that the�are fre,e ared elear of all liens i <br /> � <br /> and incumbranees whatsoever-------- ------ -- - - -- - - -- ------ -- - -- - -- -------- - -- --- -- ------- ---------- - ------ ------------------------- ------------------------ � <br /> --- --- ------ ----- ----- -- ---- ------ - - -- -- -- - - _ -- - - -- - -- -- -- -- - --- - --- - -- - ------ � <br /> __ __ _. -_..__ _. -- - -- - - - - - . - - --- --- -- _-- - ----- -- - ----- ----- - ---- - � <br /> I <br /> ' .ELrad-_____________________Z______. __ ____________ _________ ____ covenant_______to warrarzt cznd deferad the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever- - - - -- -- -- ----- - - - -- <br /> ------- ------ --- - ---- - --- -- - ---- � <br /> - - - --- - <br /> - -- - -- -- - -- � <br /> --- ---- - ------- - -_ ---- <br /> - - __ <br /> - -- <br /> - <br /> Dated the__ 14th__ i <br /> -daJ �}� _.. --- - -✓1. D.,1913.-- • I <br /> , <br /> u�'zT�v'ESS ---�_._E.I,ykke---- -- ------ - - - ' <br /> -- - -- --- -- ; <br /> � <br /> � � � <br /> --- --_ _ --L.__R�Brininger ------- - -- -- ---_. _ -- -------- ------- -- -------- -- ----- ------ -- -- ---- --- ------- -- � <br /> -- ---------- - -- _ -- - - - - - -- - -._ ---_ - <br /> ------------ --------- ----- ------- - ----- - j <br /> ST.SfTE OF NEBP,f1SK�1, <br />� �� ss. � � <br /> ' -------------------------���------------County, Or� this-- -- _3.�_�h -..._--- ---da�J �f---------A�r��---------- -- ----------.R. D., 19_��-- , before me, � <br /> the unclersi�ned, a dV'otary Public----------------------------rvithirz and for said County,Persor�ally came.----------- _ ---------------------_. -------------_._------- � <br /> � <br /> -------- -- _.__ - - _ --- - - -�_._�,�X��------------------ ---------------------------------- -- -------- ---------- - _-- ------ - --- ----- ----- � <br /> I <br /> ' -- - - __--- - -- - ---- ---- ---- ---- -___ . ------- ---- ------ --- - ---------- --- ----- � <br /> ' t,o m.e personally known to be the ide,n,tical person._________7vhose n,czrn,e___ ___ ___ ___ _ ._�B____.___.___ _uJjixed to the above j <br /> i <br /> , � <br /> �SEAL� �nstrument as�rantor___,___, and_______________h_8___________severallz�acknowled�ed the sarrze to be____h�8________voluntar�/ � <br /> czct and deed for the purpose ther�eirz cx�;�;•essed, i <br /> I.NW'ITJVESSTVHERF.OF,Ih�zvehereunto subscribed my name arcd afj'ixe.d my ofj'icial seal at______________.__.__ ; <br /> { <br /> ' .___rx�nd__�_�_l��l�___Ne�x_.____ ____________.o» th,e ��atc l�st �zbove written. �` <br /> ; I <br /> -- -�,�R_.�ri�n�.r_iger - --------- ----------- - - ! <br /> �''otarz� Public, i <br /> � <br /> .My eomm,ission expires---------. --��TGh_._1-6!'---1914----_ _--------------------------,�---------• I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> ,. � <br />